Browse by Item with Physical Location
Dasar Islamisasi kerajaan Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah (APU) di negeri Kelantan 1990-1995 / Mohd Zulkifli Zakaria and Fauzilah Salleh.
[Student Project]
Kawasan bebas cukai: penilaian menyeluruh di Kawasan Bebas Cukai Pengkalan Kubor, Kelantan Darul Naim / Amran Daud ... [et al.].
[Student Project]
Korelasi diantara tahap pencapaian akademik dengan pendapatan ibubapa / Jusoh Yacob, Mohd. Zaki Zakaria and Nik Badrul Alam Nik Abdul Majid.
[Research Reports]
Perkembangan dan prospek Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta (IPTS) di Negeri Kelantan / Ab Fatah Ab Hamid and Che Zulkifli Ab Rahman.
[Student Project]
Pembangunan tanah rancangan (RPT Sungai Pas) masalah cabaran dan prospek masa hadapan / Ismail Awang ... [et al.].
[Student Project]
Projek kilang padi peranan dan masalah kajian kes di Pertubuhan Peladang Kangkong / Nural Ashikin Hamzah, Suryani Ismail and Zainul Adnan Mohd Rafek.
[Student Project]
November 1996
Peranan institusi pondok dalam pendidikan masyarakat kajian di Pondok Pasir Tumboh, Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Norizam@Nor Risham Ismail … [et al.].
[Student Project]
May 1997
Kebudayaan dan kesenian Kelantan profil, polemik dan masa depan / Che Kamaruddin Che Bebakar ...[et al.].
[Student Project]
Industri perhotelan di Kota Bharu: prospek, cabaran dan kesan / Che Gayah Jaafar … [et al.].
[Student Project]
March 1998
Orang Asli: pemodenan, masalah dan cabaran di Kelantan: kajian kes di Rancangan Pengumpulan Semula Kuala Betis, Gua Musang, Kelantan / Muhammad Saiful Zaman Mansor … [et al.].
[Student Project]
October 1998
Projek Kemasin Semerak (PERKASA): peranan dan sumbangan dalam pembangunan sosio ekonomi penduduk setempat / Hj Hashim Ismail ...[et al.].
[Student Project]
The effects of inflation and interest rate on the stock market / Marlina Muris.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The impact of exchange rate and interest rate on Foreign Direct Investment / Siti Fazila Shahaini.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
March 1999
Kelemahan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris peringkat UPSR di kalangan murid-murid luar bandar kawasan Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah (PPD) Pasir Mas, Tumpat: kajian dan penyelesaian / Wan Mohd Farid Wan Yusof ... [et al.].
[Student Project]
April 1999
Maahad Tahfiz Al-Quran (MTAO), Pulai Chondong ke arah pembentukan generasi Al-Quran satu kajian menyeluruh / Che Azman Che Yaacob … [et al.].
[Student Project]
Awareness, willingness and readiness of SMI companies in Kuala Lumpur on the importance of using intranet and extranet solutions in their business / Maizul Deraman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Demand of housing among the civil servants in Tanah Merah and Machang / Zamzurina Zainudin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Dissatisfaction of Telekom customers towards billing problems (Pahang Timur Region) / Khairol Amin Mohd Tahir.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Factors influencing smartpay card sales to corporate customers with specific reference to card services department at Petronas Dagangan Berhad / Salmiyah Hasan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Research on the effectiveness of RMK advertisement in promoting their products/ services: from the perspectives of advertisers / Ruhaila Mohamed.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Student's awareness of and interest in learning information technology / Arizan Yusoff.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The acceptance of Total Quality Management (TQM): a case study in ITEM Industrial Engineering Sdn. Bhd, Selangor / Siti Fatimah Che Rouse.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The awareness of IT among the Malay entrepreneurs in Kota Bharu / Zaleha Ahamad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The convergence of futures and cash prices at maturity: experience of KLSE Composite Index Futures and KLIBOR Futures / Nazleen Ismail.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The customers awareness and satisfaction to the salary deduction scheme by Lembaga Tabung Haji / Kamaruzaman Saleh.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The market potential of Isuzu Rodeo pickup in Malaysian automotive industry / Salmi Mohd Isa.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A research on customer satisfaction towards Hotel Ansar services / Masliza Mohd Nasir.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The study on listeners satisfaction towards the segments offered by Radio Malaysia Kelantan / Sarimah Ramli.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on service quality at Registry of Company (ROC) Office, Kota Bharu in conjunction with its corporatization / Yusnita Mohd Noon.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the potential customer's awareness towards tour package offered by Perpel Travel and Tours Sdn. Bhd. Kota Bharu Branch / Kamilah Baharuddin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
April 2000
Analysis on the acceptance of company secretary by the companies that operate in the area of Kuala Lumpur City Centre / Ainulradhiah Mohd Radhi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Customers satisfaction towards Avon products in Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang / Rusmiza Mohd Adzmi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Study on Bumiko promotional activities: Bumiko Sdn Bhd Jalan Simpang Tiga, Kuching / Arenawati Sehat Omar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Telekom Malaysia Berhad a study on customer satisfaction through door to door sales activity / Zuraini Ismail.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Telekom Malaysia Berhad: the study on customers satisfaction through door to door sales activity / Mohd Khairul Ismail.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
An analysis of the performance of construction companies listed on The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) using financial ratio analysis / Masliza Mahibudin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The effectiveness of promotional strategy done by Tabung Haji Bandar Jengka / Azlina Daharudin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The involvement of entrepreneurs in MARA training scheme: a case study at Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Roziah Azami.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The significance study of Ar Rahn's operations towards their customer's needs: a case on Kota Bharu's outlet / Mohd Azmi Yahya.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The study of customer complaints on Kancil services / Faizal Hamid.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on customer evaluation of the attributes towards Pioneer Sun-Mix Concrete Sdn. Bhd. Ready-Mix Concrete in Northern Region Specifically Penang / Adnan Hassan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on customer preference towards cellular services offered by Telekom Malaysia and its subsidiaries in Ipoh Central town / Hisham Azlin Zainun.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
22 September 2000
A comparative study on performance of Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Bhd before and after economic crisis from the year of 1996 to end of 2000 / Khairun Suriana Nasir.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
October 2000
Customers' loyalty towards Telekom Malaysia Berhad Services / Hafiz Mohd Adham.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A research on the appropriate advertising media for Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Sdn Bhd (STMSB) in developing public awareness on its products / Noor Fzlinda Fabeil.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The study of customer satisfaction on Wisma Embun Sdn Bhd services among the tenants of Wisma Abrar International / Saadatul Hayati Mohamed.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the relationship between capital structure and financial performance of insurance companies in Malaysia / Noor Roslina Abu Bakar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Cincin dan pertunangan / Aini Hassan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Denim kajian dan faktor-faktor perkembangannya dalam stail pemakaian / Norhafiza Mohd.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Faktor-faktor kemerosotan penggunaan kain limar di kalangan masyarakat Melayu / Haslina Hashim.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemakaian cincin di kalangan lelaki / Rizal Aswadi Ismail.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Kajian penerimaan motif burung pada batik blok / Harziana Ghazali.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Kajian perbandingan penggunaan tembaga dan perak dalam penghasilan pasu bunga (Vase) / Mohamad Faisal Othman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Kaligrafi dalam mempengaruhi seramik di Malaysia / Hartini Abdul Ghani.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Kecenderungan penggunaan barangan cenderahati daripada perak di kalangan masyarakat Kelantan / Zuraida Yusof.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Motif-motif pada kepala songket (samping) / Mohd Alfaizul Yahaya.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
‘Naga' dalam kehidupan / Azliah Idiris.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Nilai estetika dalam kesenian songket Malaysia / Che Azni Azira Che Omar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Pemakaian kain batik sarong di kalangan remaja perempuan Kelantan masa kini / Mahd Badrul Sam Ibrahim.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Pemilihan dan cara pemakaian kain tudung di kalangan wanita bekerjaya / Haslina Elias.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Pemilihan motif kartun pada pakaian kanak-kanak di kalangan ibubapa / Ayu Mawarni Hashim.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Pemilihan warna pakaian dikalangan wanita pantai timur / Norafiza Jusoh.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Pengaplikasian motif kartun pada kerongsang untuk penggunaan kanak-kanak / Norafzan Shafii.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Pengaplikasian motif orkid pada batik di Kelantan / Tg. Nurhasifah Tg. Abdullah.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Pengaplikasian motif tradisional pada cincin lelaki tinjauan di Pantai Timur / Mazuin Mustafa.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Pengaplikasian watak kartun tempatan di dalam seni cetakan tekstil / Roseliza Ellyani Abdul Rahman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Penggunaan batik dalam masyarakat / Che Ku Afizul Che Ku Aziz.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Penggunaan keris dahulu dan sekarang: satu perbandingan / Roziati Hamzah.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Penggunaan motif pucuk rebung pada batik sarung dan songket / Sarinha Elizabeth Zulkifli.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Penggunaan motif sulur bayung sebagai perhiasan pada kraf tradisi / Suryia @ Suraya Mohammad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Penghasilan anyaman daun pandan dan mengkuang: kurang generasi pelapis / Muhammad Rizuan Omar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Perkembangan arca logam di Malaysia aplikasi teknik kimpalan / Wan Din Wan Muhammad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Perkembangan songket di Kelantan / Mohd Sabri Zakaria.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Persepsi masyarakat bandar dan luar bandar terhadap motif dan rekacorak fauna pada langsir / Musrizal Mat Isa.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Satu tinjauan berkenaan rekabentuk tali jam perak wanita / Mohaiza Nazra Mohamad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Sejauh manakah keberkesanan teknik canting dan ICATS dalam penghasilan batik lukis / Arsad Ibrahim.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Senjata tradisional melayu Kelantan / Mohd Sharulizan Md Zain.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Teknik tuangan tembaga secara penghapusan lilin di Kampung Ladang Terengganu / Ahmad Sabri Mohamed.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Teko cina: dekorasi dan motif yang terdapat padanya / Mohd Izani Zainal.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Unsur- unsur mistik dalam persembahan tarian kuda kepang / Sarah Rohaida Abd Rahman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The comparative study between Islamic pawnshop (Ar-Rahnu) and its conventional counterpart: a case study in Kota Bharu Kelantan / Mazura Mohamed.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A comparative study on tier-1 finance companies performance in Malaysia: a case study on Malayan Banking Berhad, Public Bank Berhad, Arab-Malaysian Merchant Bank Berhad and Hong Leong Bank Berhad / Mohd Faisul Daud.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The user's of arabesque motif in batik's producing in Kelantan / Zairul 'Aznira Zakaria.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
18 March 2001
Faktor-faktor yang tidak menggalakkan imej-imej haiwan sebenar dalam seni corak batik di Kelantan / Zaihedah Zainol.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Rekacorak dan penggunaan songket di Kelantan / Intan Shafinaz Mohamad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
27 March 2001
A study on the concept, operations and benefits of islamic credit card as compared to conventional credit card offered by Arab-Malaysian Bank Berhad / Zalini Mohd Idris.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
April 2001
An analysis of the financial performance of construction companies listed on main board on Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) by using Financial Ratio Analysis / Noriza Mohd Saad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The time series analysis on overdraft, base lending rates and consumer price index from year 1997 to 2000 / Norhayati Che Ab Rahman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
12 April 2001
Kesenian hulu keris Tajong / Nadirah Mohd Amin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
17 April 2001
Hidupan laut sebagai motif dan reka corak dalam senireka tekstil di Malaysía / Rosnorsyuhaila Rosli.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
7 July 2001
Penggunaan cincin perak bermotif bunga ketumbit dan pucuk kacang di kalangan remaja / Hafizul Moideen.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
11 July 2001
Penggunaan motif seni ukir kayu di dalam industri batik di Kelantan / Noor Adzdaliana Mohamed Zawawi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
5 September 2001
The impact of interest rates and inflation towards the shares prices of property sector / Mohd Zailani Zakaria.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
15 September 2001
Economic recovery: the Malaysian experience / Azilla Abu Bakar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
16 September 2001
Syiling Malaysia dahulu dan masa kini / Mohd Hisham Salleh.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
19 September 2001
Perkembangan industri tembaga di Terengganu / Tajudin Yasin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
22 September 2001
Penerimaan masyarakat melayu ke atas motif kerongsang / Elsa Majmiza Murad Khan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on performance of Second Board KLSE listed companies using financial ratio analysis / Zurina Abdul Kadir.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
October 2001
Pemakaian barang kemas perak rekabentuk tradisioanal di kalangan remaja perempuan / Zariati Ab.llah.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Penghasilan songket, kepenggunaan dan sambutannya dari generasi muda: satu kajiselidik / Muhammad Muslim Darusa.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
7 October 2001
Ukiran bentuk cincin melambangkan imej kepada pemakai / Azizan Muhamad Asyri.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
8 October 2001
Penggunaan rekabentuk jenis estetik dalam barangan tembaga di Pantai Timur / Zuraine Yusoff @ Daud.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
18 October 2001
Pengaplikasian motif - motif tradisional dan moden pada barangan kemas perak / Fidrouz Nasaruddin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
November 2001
Seni pembuatan keris berpamor / Mohamad Nursiham Shamsuddin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
18 November 2001
Logam perak dan aktiviti penggunaanya di Kampung Morak, Kelantan / Abd. Rizal Shahmin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
29 November 2001
Kemasyhuran pertukangan perak di Kelantan / Mohd Nor Irwan Maihadi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Kesan pendapatan ke atas kadar perceraian di kalangan masyarakat Melayu di Kelantan / Masnah Mohd Zain … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
A study of foreign direct investment: the impact on electrical & electronic products, wood & wood products, transport equipment and food manufacturing / Umi Azwani Abdul Rahman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
March 2002
The impact of the interest rate changes on the performance of automobile sector in Malaysia / Mohamed Zaidi Mat Zain.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the Danaharta strategies in resolving the non-performing loans problem / Wan Asma Hanim Wan Mustapha.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
9 March 2002
A comparative study between market performance and Unit Trust Performance: a case study on ASN & ASN 2 Unit Trust Fund / Md Khairu Amin Ismail.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
26 March 2002
Price / earnings ratio as a measure of stock prices: consumer product sector on Main Board / Nurlian Ezdiani Abdullah.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
27 March 2002
Optimization of mix of returns / Siti Afzan Che Ali.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
28 March 2002
World Trade Center (WTC) attack: its impact to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) and Malaysia Foreign Exchange (FOREX) market / Muhamad Nazri Abdul Rahman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on PNB's Performance (ASB Division) before and after financial crisis from year 1996 until year 2000 / Norazlina Ripain.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the relationship of interest rates and inflation rates fluctuation with on performance of RHB bond fund: special study on Rashid Hussain Berhad (RHB) / Zamzuri Hasan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
1 April 2002
A study on the impact of annual budget speeches towards the Movement of Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange indices / Haiyu Syahida Zakaria.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Faktor-faktor yang menyumbang ke arah kecemerlangan akademik mahasiswa-mahasiswi UiTMCK: suatu kajian mengenai kepuasan pelanggan terhadap mutu perkhidmatan dan kemudahan asas / Mohamad Safri Ya, Saripah Abdul Latif and Prof. Madya Zainudin Awang.
[Research Reports]
Kajian sikap minda rakyat Kelantan: tinjauan dari aspek politik dan agama / Zulkarnain Yusof … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Security market investment and decision making in buying shares: a case study on Kelantanese investors / Rogayah Mohd Rali.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Stock market investment and the influential factors in investment decision making: a study on Kelantanese investors / Zainudin Awang, Nik Maheran Nik Muhammad and Mohamad Safri Ya.
[Research Reports]
The effects of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia loan on micro-enterprise: a case study on Machang district, Kelantan / Salbiah Abdul Rahman.
[Research Reports]
Current attitudes of teachers towards professional development (a case study in Kelantan) / Ng Siew Foen, Norhaini Mat Lajis and Mohd Zahari Yusoff.
[Research Reports]
Economic impact of tourism in the coastal areas of Kelantan / Maimunah Sulaiman, Nafisah Safii and Abdullah Sudin Abdul Rahman.
[Research Reports]
Empirical study on the usage of cash flow statement as a tool to predict company financial distress / Shariful Amran Abd Rahman and Ruslaina Yusoff.
[Research Reports]
Kajian mengenai ciri-ciri pelaku dan mangsa jenayah sumbang mahram di Malaysia / Maheran Zakaria, Tengku Adida Tengku Zainal Mulok and Wan Murshida Wan Hashim.
[Research Reports]
Kajian sikap pengundi atas pagar: tinjauan terhadap pengundi di negeri Kelantan / Zulkarnain Yusoff … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Kajian tahap kesedaran penggunaan teknologi komputer dikalangan pengusaha-pengusaha batik di Kelantan / Danuri Sakijan, Mohd Sabri Mohamad and Hamdan Lias.
[Research Reports]
The comparative study between Islamic pawnshop (Ar Rahn) and the conventional pawnshop in Kelantan regarding their system, concept of operation and the acceptance among muslim customers / Zainudin Awang and Mohamad Safri Ya.
[Research Reports]
The impact of image on customer satisfaction and loyalty in healthcare industry: a comparison study between the public and private hospitals in Kelantan / Zainudin Awang and Zaihan Othman @ Usman.
[Research Reports]
The impact of image on customer satisfaction and loyalty in healthcare industry: a comparison study between the public and private hospitals in Kelantan / Zainudin Awang and Zaihan Othman @ Usman.
[Research Reports]
A study to determine factors that contributes to academic stress among students and their reactions towards the stressors / Saripah Abdul Latif, Razana Juhaida Johari and Zaihan Usman@Othman.
[Research Reports]
Customers' preferences towards Islamic banking: a study in Kelantan / Wan Jasmini Wan Ngah @ W. Yahya.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Demographic factors and awareness of the salaried individual taxpayers on the self-assessment system of taxation: a study in manufacturing companies at Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Tuan Zainun Tuan Mat, Dr. Noraini Mohamad and Siti Haliza Asat.
[Research Reports]
Domestic aviation: the influencing factors that contribute to the consumer preference towards Malaysia Airlines "a study on KBR-KUL vv SECTOR" / Normala Che Omar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Effectiveness of Reader's Digest worksheets in improving reading skills: a case study on MUET taking students / Wan Zumusni Wan Mustapha, Norhaiyati Abd. Muin and Wan Aida Wan Hasan.
[Research Reports]
Investment benefits of cross sectors diversification on two boards of Bursa Malaysia / Surianor Kamaralzaman, Mohd Jais Atan and Ahmad Bukhari Mohd Yasin.
[Research Reports]
Kualiti pengurusan kolej kediaman Universiti Teknologi MARA Kampus Kelantan: satu kajian triangulasi / Wan Fauzi Wan Mamat, Tuan Mohd Rosli Tuan Hassan and Saripah Abdul Latif.
[Research Reports]
Measuring the level of customer satisfaction towards the service offered by RHB Bank Kota Bharu / Rohaya Razali.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Oral communication skill in English: a comparative study on final semester Bachelor of Accountancy and Bachelor of Business Administration students of UiTM Machang, Kelantan / Wan Muzlaina Wan Mustafa, Razana Juhaida Johari and Norazida Mohamed.
[Research Reports]
Pendidikan bahasa Cina di kalangan pelajar Melayu: satu kajian kes di negeri Kelantan / Heng Buai Chin, Neo Kian Sen and Chia Oai Peng.
[Research Reports]
Profil kemiskinan di negeri Kelantan / Prof. Madya Dr. Abdullah Sudin Abd. Rahman … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Service quality and customer satisfaction in the environment of higher education: a study on the public and private university students in Malaysia / Zainudin Awang, Rustam Shaari and Meer Zhar Farouk Amir Razli.
[Research Reports]
Sikap para pelajar luar negara terhadap dasar-dasar kerajaan / Zulkarnain Yusoff and Muhammad Shukri Salleh.
[Research Reports]
Students' perception of the contribution of UiTM Kelantan activities in preparing for quality graduates / Tuan Mohd Rosli Tuan Hassan, Dr Asry Yusoff and Cheam Chai Li.
[Research Reports]
The effectiveness of promotional strategy: a case study of TM Net Sdn. Bhd. Kota Bharu / Nor Izzati A. Malek @ Abdul Malek.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between stock market and major macroeconomic variables: a case of three Pacific Rim countries / Maziatun Adawiah Mohd Zaabar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between the price of natural rubber with exchange rate, production and export / Muhammed Fakruzi Mat Arifin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on factors that affected sales of property companies (housing development) listed at main board in Malaysian exchange / Che Mohd Hasli Che Hassan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the changes of GDP, BOP and Forex that effects FDI during recession (1998-2004) Kelantan / Azreen Abdul Aziz.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the factors affecting the export of Malaysian natural rubber / Safinah Ibrahim.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the marketing practices adopted by small and medium enterprises of automotive industry in Malaysia / Hazliza Haron and Ina Murni Hashim.
[Research Reports]
A study on the relationship between dividend per share announced (DPS) with the share prices listed in the property sectors at the KLSE main board before, during and after economic crisis / Zanariah Mamat.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the relationship between forex rate, timber export and production volume of timber with prices performance of Malaysia timber / Azlan Said.
[Research Reports]
A study on the relationship between inflation rate, interest rate, population and value of prize offered to the sales of Sijil Simpanan Premium (SSP) at Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN), (1980-2004) / Maheran Abdul Ghani.
[Student Project]
A study on the relationship between money supply (M3), gross national product (GNP), treasury bills (T-Bills), and consumer price index (CPI) towards Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) / Azwardi Che Ab. Ghani.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
March 2005
A study on the relationships between production, export, stock level and soybean oil price towards price fluctuations of Malaysian Crude Palm Oil / Wan Mohd Hazimin Wan Mohd Fauzi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
May 2005
Privatisation of municipal solid waste management in Malaysia / Zainudin Awang, Safri Ya and Wan Zumusni Wan Mustapha.
[Research Reports]
November 2005
Exchange rate changes and consumer index sector: the case of unpegging and ITS influence on The Bursa Malaysia / Azma Haili S.Baharuddin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Kepelbagaian ragam hias wau tradisional / Fara Diba Liana Naser.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on performance of listed commercial banks: relationship between stock return of Banks and Base Lending Rate (BLR) / Mohd Hafizul Ridzuan Abdul.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the relationship between dividend yield, trading volume and price earning ratio with stock price / Siti Zaleha Zainudin. (2005) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
A study on the relationship between interest rate (BLR), population and gross domestic product towards Proton car sales in Malaysia / Jamilah Hussin @ Jaafar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the relationship of the macroeconomic variabless towards the price performance of Malaysian cocoa bean / Hasniza Ishak.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Eksplorasi kayu jambu laut & polyflor sebagai medium alternatif dalam proses pengkaryaan seni cetak timbul / Ahmad Noor Rashidi Mohd Salleh.
[Research Reports]
Errors in simple tenses: a comparison of language performance between school and UiTM Kelantan students / Suryani Awang, Wan Aida Wan Hassan and Wan Nazihah Wan Mohamed.
[Research Reports]
Kajian kecenderungan minat kerja sendiri di kalangan pelajar-pelajar Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan / Nik Abdullah Zawawi Che Mat and Md. Sabri Mohamad.
[Research Reports]
Kajian sosio-ekonomi KADA / Mohamad Safri Ya, Asry Yusoff and Wan Zakiyatussariroh Wan Husin.
[Research Reports]
Profil perceraian pasangan Islam di Kelantan bagi tahun 2000 hingga 2004 / Zulkarnain Yusoff, Wan Fauzi Wan Mamat and Mohd Noor Awang Kechik.
[Research Reports]
The causes of inflation in Asian developing countries : The case of Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and India / Fadhli Azizi Yusof.
[Student Project]
The effect debt, equity on cost of capital among consumer sector, trading sector, and finance sector during economic crisis and after economic crisis / Siti Norsuriani Ab Rahman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The impact of changing the language medium for mathematics subject on rural secondary school students: a case study in Kelantan / Neo Kian Sen, Moniza Abdullah and Jusoh Yacob.
[Research Reports]
The stock return in reaction of inflation and interest rate in new millennium on Kuala Lumpur stock exchange (KLSE) / Siti Norhapizah Salman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the effect of macroeconomic volatility towards local stock market performance: a case of Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) / Rohana Abdullah.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the impact of Ar-Rahn loan on the socioeconomic of the microentrepreneurs in Kota Bharu / Hasnida Mat Nor.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the relationship between Malaysia’s crude palm oil price and its productions, stock and demand on different economic situation / Raja Mohamad Shahrimi Raja Ibrahim.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the relationship between factors and the extent of poverty in Hulu Sat and Temangan, Machang, Kelantan / Siti Rohaya Yusoff.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
April 2006
A study on the spending pattern of consumer on their disposable income: a case study of UiTM Kelantan / Salmawatti Mohd Sharif. (2006) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
5 April 2006
The effect of rubber prices on income and spending pattern among rubber tapper: A case study of rubber tappers in Kuala Krai, Kelantan / Yusnani Mohd Yusoff. (2006) [Student Project] (Submitted)
Kajian keberkesanan penggunaan perisian aplikasi multimedia untuk mata pelajaran Matematik tingkatan dua: kes kajian di sekolah-sekolah menengah di daerah Machang Kelantan / Masitah Ahmad … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Pencapaian graduan ijazah sarjana muda (kepujian) pentadbiran perniagaan UiTM Kelantan dalam pasaran pekerjaan: graduan 2000 dan 2001 / Wan Hasni Wan Hasan, Marhaini Hassan and Anidzan Ariffin.
[Research Reports]
The extent of scanning behavior of Malaysian decision-makers: study on upper level executives / Nik Maheran Nik Mohamed and Fadilah Yahya.
[Research Reports]
A needs analysis and module development of online English language training program for UiTM lecturers / Wan Zumusni Wan Mustapha and Fatimah Zuhaira Mohamed Yusoff Fauzi.
[Research Reports]
Analisis kehidupan penghuni warga emas di Rumah Seri Kenangan, Kemumin, Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan / PM. Zulkarnain Yusoff ... [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Customer intention of using business advisory service: a case study of SME Bank / Nurul Asyikin Mohd Nordin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Customer intention towards Celcom broadband subscription: a study in Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Julaina Baistaman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Environmental disclosure & financial performance: an empirical study of Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore / Shariful Amran Abd. Rahman … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Factors influencing adoption of personal computer among household at Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Siti Norba'ayah Daud.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Kajian mengenai sejauh mana penerimaan masyarakat Kelantan terhadap pementasan seni wayang kulit sebagai suatu bentuk hiburan / Prof Madya Moniza Abdullah, Rozana Raoh and Wan Salwana Wan Sulaiman.
[Research Reports]
Mengesan pendekatan pengajaran konseptual dan prosedural yang digunakan oleh pensyarah fakulti TMSK UiTM Kelantan / Wan Norliza Wan Bakar … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Penggunaan komputer melalui proses pengkaryaan tekstil dalam menghasilkan karya seni cetakan tekstil kontemporari / Mazlan Mustapha and Wan Soliana Wan Md Zain.
[Research Reports]
Pengurusan zakat dan peranannya dalam membasmi kemiskinan di Kelantan / Zulkarnain Yusoff, Wan Fauzi Wan Mamat and Muhammad Shukri Salleh.
[Research Reports]
The factors influencing corporate customer's acceptance of high speed broadband by Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Kota Bharu Kelantan / Nur Azureen Abd Hadi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on SMES propensity in choosing business advisory services: a case in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia / Mohd Zainuri Muhammad … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
A study on the factors that influence visitor's perception towards Jerejak Resort & Spa at Penang / Nor Azilakusma Wati Mamat.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Rekabentuk perlandskapan rumah orang Melayu kontemporari di Desa Wawasan / Nur Huzeima Mohd Hussain and Suriati Ahmad.
[Research Reports]
February 2009
A study on customer behavior towards buying perfume and fragrance: a case study among government servant in Kota Bharu / Hatinah Abu Bakar... [].
[Research Reports]
Decision making behavior of Malaysian investors: the influential factor / Nurazleena Ismail and Prof Madya Dr Nik Maheran Nik Muhammad.
[Research Reports]
Developing complaint and feedback management system (sistem pengurusan aduan dan maklumbalas) / Nur Shaliza Sapiai... [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Influence of shopping orientation and store image on patronage of furniture store / Yasmin Hassan, Nik Maheran Nik Muhammad and Hatinah Abu Bakar.
[Research Reports]
MyBrain15: implementation success for knowledge economy: the influential factors / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nik Maheran Nik Muhammad ... [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Total factor productivity (TFP) within Malaysian companies / Prof. Dr. Suzana Sulaiman, Prof. Dr. Normah Omar and Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Kamal Abdul Rahman.
[Research Reports]
An exploration study of weaving technique in jewellery making / Rozita Shamsuddin and Raja Norazila Raja Mohd Yusof.
[Research Reports]
The relationship between bumiputera's furniture entreprenuers' market orientation and their business performance: a case in Kelantan / Mazlina Mamat, Hadhifah Fadhlina Ismail and Tuan Mohd Rosli Tuan Hassan.
[Research Reports]
A study on happiness index among government employees: a case study in Kota Bharu / Nadi@Latif Bacho ... [et al.].
[Research Reports]
29 October 2010
Karektor dan elemen ruang persekitaran rumah melayu tradisi di Kelantan / Mohd Nasuruddin Hasbullah, Dr. Siti Norlizaiha Harun and Azira Ibrahim.
[Research Reports]
Accounting students' choice of academic program: a theory of reasoned action model / Wan Noor Asmuniwan Fauzi, Siti Jeslyn Hasan and Maheran Zakaria.
[Research Reports]
Analysis of factors influence loan default among borrowers at Agro Bank Seremban / Roslaili Razelan.
[Student Project]
Analyzing the business advisory role in enhancing the growth of SME's in Malaysia: a preliminary study of the east coast / Mohd Zainuri Muhammad, Yeop Hussin Bidin and Julaina Baistaman.
[Research Reports]
Bridging undergraduates with workplaces: development of statistical reasoning framework / Siti Aishah Sheikh Abdullah … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Effects of fluctuation oil price towards consumer / Siti Aishah Mohd Nordin.
[Student Project]
Factors influencing the marketability failure of local fruit produce: farmers and retailers perspective / Siti Maziah Ab Rahman, Wan Noor Hana Abd Aziz and Mohd Shukri Omar.
[Research Reports]
Identifying decision-making processes among Malay women entrepreneurs in a fishing area in Tok Bali, Pasir Puteh, Kelantan / Dr. Wan Zumusni Wan Mustapha, Associate Professor Norhaiyati Abd. Muin and Dr. Nik Maheran Nik Muhammad.
[Research Reports]
Importance of government expenditure, foreign direct investment and inflation rate towards economic growth / Dura Akilah Bidin.
[Student Project]
Islamic banking selection criteria among kelantanese in Kota Bharu / Farah Adilah Wan Zulkifli.
[Student Project]
Menjana kepakaran dalam seni anyaman mengkuang / Wan Norliza Wan Bakar … [et al].
[Research Reports]
Model simulasi arena untuk sistem giliran berbilang dengan pelayan berbilang di pusat pakar / Nazhatul Sahima Mohd Yusoff and Farahanie Fauzi.
[Research Reports]
Modelling Malaysian road accidents: an intervention analysis approach / Wan Fairos Wan Yaacob ... [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Predicting student’s GPA via educational data mining / Dr Wan Fairos Wan Yaacob … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
The factor that influence stock return in Malaysia / Mohd Hafizzuddin Zahari.
[Student Project]
The factors that influence waqf management in developing projects to reduce poverty in Kelantan / Siti Rawaida Mat Puad.
[Student Project]
The factors to the growth of mergers in Malaysia: whether legal control plays a role? / Putri Syaidatul Akma Mohd Adzmi and Ernie Melini Mohd Jamarudi.
[Research Reports]
The growth of islamic finance in Malaysia : The influential factors / Fatimah Zahra’ Mohd Hanafi.
[Student Project]
The readability of chairman's statement, current earnings and earnings persistence: a case of Malaysian companies / Siti Nabilah Mohd Shaari, Nurfarizan Mazhani Mahmud and Suryani Abdul Raman.
[Research Reports]
A research about the customer preferences towards malaysian national cars among the government servants at
Kota Darul Naim / Wan Anis Hasma Abu Bakar Sidik.
[Student Project]
January 2011
A Study on Factors Influencing the customers’ acceptance towards ArRahnu Scheme / Raja Syarifah Raja Yusoff.
[Student Project]
A study on the effect of internet marketing toward brand attitude and buying intention for Sukimi Lube / Mohd Syukri Mat Daud.
[Student Project]
February 2011
Hubungan antara pola komunikasi keluarga dan ketagihan internet dalam kalangan remaja / Zaridah Abdullah@Dollah, Roslan Lateh and Faizah Din.
[Research Reports]
15 August 2011
Reading habits and attitudes among students in secondary school : case study / Haslinda Husaini, Rafidah Abdul Aziz and Shahrom Tm Sulaiman.
[Research Reports]
December 2011
Asb investors’ perception toward perceived information security in internet banking / Mohammad Hasbi Mustopha.
[Student Project]
Acceptance towards halal hub among non muslim producers /Izza Nazura Mohamed Sofian.
[Student Project]
Behavior study of consumers' expenditure at Cybercafe / Mohd Fazmi Hussin.
[Student Project]
Deteminants of education debt among UiTM students in Campus Kota Bharu / Nur Aainaa Nabihah Aris.
[Student Project]
Factor influence halal fast food : case study on Radix Fried Chicken (RFC) at Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Norhasana Suzima Che Noh.
[Student Project]
Factors contribute to profitability of women entrepreneurs business in textile industry at Kota Bharu / Muhammad Hilmi Ahmad Shafien.
[Student Project]
Influence on organizational climate survey and organizational commitment case in Jakarta / Syukurriah Idrus and Prof. Dr. Fauziah Noordin.
[Research Reports]
Public perception towards government expenditure on prisoners : Case study in Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Nurul Izzatie Md Adnan.
[Student Project]
Tourism industry impact on Malaysia economic growth / Nor Aryna Erinie Arifin.
[Student Project]
The factors that inluence consumer determinations to purchase organic vegetables: Case study at TESCO Kota Bharu / Mohd Hafiz Ismail.
[Student Project]
The impact of economic factors on crime occurrences / Muhamad Azizi Yusoff.
[Student Project]
A study of determinants of Malaysia 's import from Japan / Zalina Mohd Nazir.
[Student Project]
A study on determination factors that influence export activity between Malaysia and GCC countries / Ernie Emira Othman.
[Student Project]
A study on the impact of China - US trade to Malaysia export volume in the United States /
Afifah Abd Wahid.
[Student Project]
January 2012
Consumer preferences to buy a house at Kota Bharu,Kelantan / Syarifah Hanis Syed Mohd.
[Student Project]
Customer selection criteria towards saving in Islamic banks at Tanah Merah / Munirah Mahshar.
[Student Project]
Employer's attitudes toward promotional activities done by socso / Rafiah Ahmad.
[Student Project]
Empowering customer awareness through social network: a case study of Sukimi Group / Sulaiman Ismail.
[Student Project]
Factors affecting micro credit performance among Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (Aim) women in Pasir Mas, Kelantan / Mohd Sazali Mohd Zain.
[Student Project]
Factors influence Al-Aqar KPJ real estate investment trust performance : The first islamic reit in the world / Hazrihasni Hamit@Abd Hamid.
[Student Project]
Study on Drivers Of Customer Loyalty In A Retail Store Industry : A Case Study of Parkson Kota Bharu Trade Centre / Wan Nurul Izah Wan Zainuddin.
[Student Project]
An analysis of financial performance of Liga Cempaka
Sdn Bhd: using financial ratio analysis, common size Analysis and Comparative Analysis / Nur Hazwani Hashim.
[Student Project]
A case study of the factors which influence the vary of gold price in Malaysia / Sarah Hani Abd Halil.
[Student Project]
The comparative study before and after the privatization of Agro Bank / Sakinah Abd Raffar.
[Student Project]
The effect for retail shop when hypermarket exists / Nur Aini Mamat.
[Student Project]
The factors affecting gold investment in Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Suharti Md Yusuff.
[Student Project]
The factors that influence customers preference of getting personal loan at Bank Rakyat : A study at Bank Rakyat, Pasir Mas Branch / Noor Nazihah A Rahman.
[Student Project]
The factors that influence the level of bankruptcy among credit card holders / Norhamizah Ahmad Rosli.
[Student Project]
The public acceptance towards the new financial poduct on the Koperasi Rakyat Kelantan Berhad (KRKB) / Nurasmin Abdullah.
[Student Project]
The study of customer preferences towards Ar-Rahnu in Bank Rakyat Gua Musang / Nur Farhana Zulkifli.
[Student Project]
A study of the factor that influence the awareness to pay zakat on income among employees in Besut / Nurul Aida Abdul Halim.
[Student Project]
A study on customer acceptance towards executive bus : A case of Nice in Kelantan / Wan Nor Hasnita Wan Hamid.
[Student Project]
A study on determinants of spending behavior among UMK staffs / Nur Hafiza Tengku Mohd Zahid.
[Student Project]
A study on factors that make people pay zakat / Nurjuani Ramli @ Rinih.
[Student Project]
A study on macroeconomic variables that affect manufacturing index stock prices in Malaysia / Norhisham Mohamed@Salleh.
[Student Project]
A study on the credit card selection criteria: Case in Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Syarifah Sapiai.
[Student Project]
A study on the factor of the perceived importance of credit card and its features towards credit card usage / Masnita Ab Wahab.
[Student Project]
June 2012
Awareness among zakat payer on zakat income in Kelantan / Hanisah Rahin.
[Student Project]
Differences in attitude of Malaysian people towards islamic banking acceptance / Mohd Izuandi Ismail.
[Student Project]
Employee’s perception towards women leadership: a case study at SOCSO Kelantan / Nur Intan Wan Din @ Yusoff.
[Student Project]
Factors influence workers for retirement planning / Wan Nur Hazirah Wan Yusoff.
[Student Project]
Factors that contribute to the acceptance of islamic banking among university student - A study case in Kota Bharu / Mohd Khainizam Mat Zin.
[Student Project]
Financial management practices for SMEs: cases among SMEs in Kelantan / Nik Ahmad Danial Nik Mohamad Fahmi.
[Student Project]
Islamic equity unit trust funds’ performance in Cimb Wealth Advisors Berhad risk and return analysis / Mohd. Faharizan Hassan.
[Student Project]
Public perception towards life insurance policy a case study in Kota Bharu Kelantan / Che Hazira Che Ab Ghani.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Sustainability pillars: could it be a tremendous factor on the success of Kuwait Finance House / Huziela Dzulkeple.
[Student Project]
The comparison performances of conventional unit trust funds versus islamic unit trust funds in Public Mutual: Risk-return trade off / Azimah Mat Pila @ Husin.
[Student Project]
The determinant of financial wellness among Kelantan workers / Siti Hajar Ayunni Mat Jusoh.
[Student Project]
The determinants of online banking adoption in Malaysia / Noridayu Hassan.
[Student Project]
The efficiency of tax revenue department collecting it’s tax revenue at the District & Land Office in Machang Kelantan / Rosliza Ismail.
[Student Project]
The impact of macroeconomic variables on Malaysia stock market / Halimah Ahbar.
[Student Project]
The performance of islamic banks versus conventional banks / Aeindatul Aeishah Daud.
[Student Project]
The performance of shariah compliance companies versus conventional companies / W.Nur Izzati W.Mohd Puzi.
[Student Project]
The relationship between gold price with oil price, interest rate, value of us dollar and central bank gold reserve / Natasha Hafiza Hussain.
[Student Project]
The relative efficiency of islamic mutual funds using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach: Case of CIMB bank in Malaysia / Akmal Mustafa.
[Student Project]
The study of perception on islamic banking by non-muslim customers / Tuan Nur Arini Tuan Ibrahim.
[Student Project]
A study on determinants of total deposits in Islamic banks in Malaysia / Nur Fatihah Mohd Nani @ Mustafa.
[Student Project]
A study on macroeconomic variables that influence Malaysian stock price / Nor Amira Mat Nawi.
[Student Project]
A study on relationship of dividends announcements during a bull and bear market / Asmarihan Ab Ghani.
[Student Project]
A study on the factors that cause IPT graduates deferred debts at Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Nur Shamimi Pauzi.
[Student Project]
A study on the impact fluctuation of oil price in Malaysia / Che Esah Che Dollah.
[Student Project]
A study on the retirement preferences among Kelantanese / Faten Bazlin Ramzi.
[Student Project]
July 2012
Determinant of housing prices in Malaysia / Nur Irma Wahyu Onn.
[Student Project]
Determinants of islamic credit card usage among Muslims in Kuala Lumpur / Azyan Syamimi Shalahuddin.
[Student Project]
Performance of construction company in Malaysia during recession market based on internal factors (financial) / Siti Nor Hayati Abdullah.
[Student Project]
SOCSO’s customer satisfaction towards employment injury insurance scheme in Kuantan / Nor Syamira Abdul Halim.
[Student Project]
Study on the factors influencing profit in cultivation of oil palm in Lembaga Kemajuan Perusahaan Pertanian (LKPP) Negeri Pahang / Adilah Shiful Annuar.
[Student Project]
A study of the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance : the case of Malaysia listed firms / Siti Nor Hidayu Mohamed Sukri.
[Student Project]
A study on customers’ satisfaction toward online shopping / Nor Azimah Mohd Razali.
[Student Project]
A study on investment in CIMB unit trust in Kota Bharu / Wan Hazwani Wan Rukni.
[Student Project]
A study on the factors that influence stock price index in Asian Market / Muhammad Qushairi Mazlan.
[Student Project]
December 2012
Consumer’s behavior towards credit card usage in Kota Bharu / Syarah Raidah Shazula.
[Student Project]
Customer attitude towards credit card practices study case in Kota Bharu Kelantan / Nadiah Abdul Aziz.
[Student Project]
Determinants of saving behaviour among employees in Kelantan / Nor Azira Abd Aziz.
[Student Project]
Intention of gold investment adoption among the Kelantanese in Kota Bharu / Nurusyifaa’ Hasnan.
[Student Project]
A case study on the factors that influence customers applying for Bank Rakyat’s 1aslah personal financing / Irwan Uzaini Mahamood.
[Student Project]
The factors influencing public intention to use Islamic personal loan / Salwani Ismail.
[Student Project]
A study of islamic real estate investment trusts in Malaysia : Performance analysis / Nur Syazana Abdul Aziz.
[Student Project]
Employability among labor force in Kota Bharu, Kelantan: A study at MARA Kota Bharu / Norintan Syazrina Nor Azman.
[Student Project]
Entrepreneurial intention among students case studies of UiTM Kota Bharu / Syahirah Amira Md Din.
[Student Project]
Eradicating of rural poverty in Malaysia / Noor Syazwani Nawawi.
[Student Project]
Estimating a consumption function for rice in Malaysia / Mohd Nor Hakimi Nordin.
[Student Project]
Factors that influence health awareness of people in Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Mohd Shahrul Hesyam Aziz.
[Student Project]
Learner autonomy among older adults: a vehicle for lifelong learning and life satisfaction / Ng Siew Foen, Razimi Zakaria and Mohd Baharim Mayidin.
[Research Reports]
Technical report: a study of Schrödinger equation - analytical and Numerov method / Nur Shairani Mohd Shohaimi.
[Student Project]
The effectiveness of the intensive learning kit for mat 037 on weak learner's performance in mathematics / Wan Norliza Wan Bakar … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
The prophet’s attitudes as a catalyst for the successfulness of small and medium enterprises among Bumiputeras’ in Kota Bharu / Nor Suriana Samsudin.
[Student Project]
The relationship between job stress and employee performance among lectures in Universiti Teknologi MARA, Machang Campus, Kelantan / Siti Liyana' Aqila Suboh.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between office ergonomics and employees' performance at Universiti Teknologi MARA Machang / Nurazlyana Tazah.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study of mathematical thoughts in the geometrical design of Bertam (wild Bornean sago) weaving / Wan Norliza Wan Bakar, Masnira Ramli and Fuziatul Norsyiha Ahmad Shukri.
[Research Reports]
January 2013
Comparative study on selected islamic equity unit trust funds in Malaysia: Risk and return analysis / Mohd Khairul Wafi Che Cob.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Customers’ acceptance towards Musharakah Mutanaqisah based financing product / Nik Natrah Nik Husin.
[Student Project]
Determinants of loan repayment among Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) borrowers in Kota Bharu / Nooreffazeni Mahadi.
[Student Project]
Factors that influence the unacceptable of Auto debit towards MPKB’S staffs / Nazatul Syima Mohd Aini.
[Student Project]
The determinants of bankruptcy among credit cardholders in Malaysia / Farehah Shaharud-Din.
[Student Project]
30 June 2013
The relationship between office automation system and employee's productivity in UiTM Machang Kelantan/ Noor Ayu Mohd Daud.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between office automation system and employees' productivity in Pejabat Tanah dan Jajahan Machang / Wan Norhaziati Wan Ibrahim.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Assessing readiness on blended learning among lecturers in UiTM Merbok / Nor Fatihah Roslan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Assessing readiness on blended learning among lecturers in Universiti Teknologi MARA (Perlis) / Nurul Anis Awang Ali.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Consumer attitude towards mobile phone advertising acceptance in Kota Bharu / Nik Intan Balqish Jailani.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Factors that influence employees work performance / Fatihah Norazami Abdullah.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Factors that influence employees work performance / Nur Haslinda Mohd Halim.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Factors that influence employees work performance / Siti Sarah Fatin Mohd Fauzee.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Factors that influence employees work performance at registry department, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP) / Siti Fairuz Hassan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Relationship between on-the-job training and work performance among academic staff in Faculty of Educational Studies at Universiti Putra Malaysia / Muhd Muzaffar lqbal Ismail.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Relationship between on-the-job training and work performance among academic staff in Universiti Teknologi MARA, Machang Campus, Kelantan / Muhammad Azim Shah Rusli.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Research between leadership styles towards employee motivation / Norliza Kadir.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Sharing practices and job satisfaction among employees at Majlis Perbandaran Kota Bharu Bandar Raya Islam (MPKB-BR) / Siti Khadijah Mat Sanishah.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Transkrip wawancara bersama Chef Dato Hj. Ismail bin Ahmad duta makanan dan selebriti chef Malaysia / Muhammad Husaini Abdul Rahman and Mohd Firdaus Razali.
[Oral History]
The determinants of employee's job performance at Politeknik Ungku Omar, Ipoh / Farah Syamimi Noordin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The determinants of employee's job performance: a research study at Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), Cyberjaya / Aqeelah Muhamad Shahal.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The determinants of employees job performance at Perbadanan Majukan Iktisad Negeri Terengganu / Hannah Hamizah Roslan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The effect of ethical orientation and moral intensity on future auditors' ethical judgment / Razana Juhaida Johari, Noraida Saidi and Wan Fairos Wan Yaacob.
[Research Reports]
The impact of office ergonomics on employee's productivity / Emy Nadwah Ahmad Fuad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The impact of office ergonomics on employee's productivity / Fatin Atiqah Mohd Faisal.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The impact of office ergonomics on employee's productivity / Nor Saidatul Habibah Md. Azemi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The impact of office ergonomics on employee's productivity at Malaysian Electronic Payment System Sdn Bhd (MEPS), Bangsar South, Kuala Lumpur / Zulaikha Fatimah Abd Rahman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Acts (OSHA) and employee's performance at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (Unisza) Gong Badak Campus, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia / Anis Zulaiha Ayub Zamri.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Acts (OSHA) towards employee's performance at Kumpulan Media Karangkraf / Nur Aliya Abdullah Tahmidi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Acts (OSHA) towards employee's performance at Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia (LPNM) Johor / Nabilah Rosli.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The influencing factor towards workplace safety: a research study at Malaysian Electronic Payment System Sdn Bhd (MEPS) / Nor Tasnim Syahera Rasak.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between computer literacy and employee performance at Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) / Noor Audy Yahya.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between computer literacy and employee performance at NXP Semiconductor Malaysia / Nurul Izzati Jamal.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between computer literacy towards employee performance at Pejabat Tanah dan Jajahan Tumpat (PTJT) / Farhaany Nawawi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between conflict and academic staffs performance at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Gong Badak / Wan Syuhada Wan Ibrahim.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between conflict and employee performance at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Gong Badak Campus / Noor Amirah Fasihah Ramly.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between conflict management styles and employee’s performance at Kolej Poly-Tech Mara (KPTM) Kota Bharu / Wan Nor Nazirah Wan Kamaruzaman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between conflicts and employee performance at Jabatan Belia dan Sukan Johor / Nurazela Ngadiman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between conflicts and employee performance at Tabung Haji Melaka / Shidah Jaapar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between cyber loafing and task performance at Lembaga Kenaf dan Tembakau Negara, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan / Siti Nor Anisah Abdul Rahman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between cyberloafing and task performance among employee at Government's Office in District of Jerantut, Pahang / Aminah Ishak.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between cyberloafing and task performance among employee at Jabatan Imigresen Negeri Johor / Saidah Suhaila Saharudin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between cyberloafing and task performance at Majlis Perbandaran Teluk Intan, Perak, Malaysia / Nurul Suhaida Mazlan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between e-commerce and customer satisfaction among government servant in Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Prai, Pulau Pinang / Muhamad Hafis Ramli.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between e-commerce and customer satisfaction at government sector in Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Kedah, Alor Setar, Kedah / Muhammad Farid Ikhwan Senu.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between e-commerce and customer satisfaction at government servant in Hospital Seberang Jaya, Pulau Pinang / Tengku Muhammad Izzuddin Tengku Izaham.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between ergonomics and work performance among staff at Permodalan Nasional Berhad / Noor Amira Ahmad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between ergonomics and work performance among staff at UiTM Merbok / Nor Hidayah Muhd Groth.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment among non-academic staff at Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Darulaman / Radiyatul Haslina Kamaruddin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between knowledge management practices and job satisfaction among nurses at Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim, Sungai Petani Kedah Darul Aman / Norsyahidatul Nadia Zainol.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between knowledge management practices and job satisfaction among staff nurses at Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Alor Star, Kedah Darul Aman / Asmar Ruhaida Omar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between knowledge sharing practices and job satisfaction among employee at TNB Kangar / Nor Yumni Yusoff.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between knowledge sharing practices and job satisfaction among employees at Apex Pharmacy Marketing sdn bhd Subang Jaya, Selangor / Norherma Mokhtar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between knowledge sharing practices and job satisfaction among employees at Konsortium E-Mutiara Berhad / Wan Nur Nadia Burdhan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between office environment and employee's performance at Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara, Northern Regional Campus (INTURA) in Sungai Petani, Kedah / Siti Zulaiha Mustafa.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between office environment and employee’s performance: case study at Tenaga Nasional Berhad Kuantan Pahang / Nor Athirah Mat Jaafar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between on-the-job training and work performance at MMC Oil and Gas Engineering Sdn Bhd (MMCOG) Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur / Siti Aisah Hashim.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between on-the-job training and work performance at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Gong Badak, Terengganu / Nurul Amilin Ahmad Aris.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between rewards and employee’s motivation among non-academic employees at Institute of Teacher Education Tuanku Bainun Campus / Nor Ain Azman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between service quality and customer loyalty at MS Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang / Wan Adli Wan Ahmad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between service quality and customer loyalty at Plexus Manufacturing Sdn.Bhd Penang / Nurfaznim Shuib.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between service quality and customer loyalty at UiTM Kelantan Campus / Muhammad Shahrul Azim Mhd Kamal.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction at Chancellery of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu / Norain Abd Wahid.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction at Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah at Kedah / Haizatul Nadia Rosli.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan / Wan Sarah Safinah Wan Omar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction at Renaissance Kota Bharu Hotel / Siti Nur Awanis Rahim.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction: an empirical investigation at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) / Nor Azwa Ab. Ghani.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between service quality and customers 's satisfaction at Pejabat Tanah Kuala Muda (PTKM) Kedah / Noor Hidayah Mohamad Tarmizi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between service quality and customers' satisfaction at Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Baling Sik Kedah / Nurul Anis Abas.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between services quality and customers satisfaction at Institut Amiduddin Baki (IAB) in Kedah / Najmi Nadhirah Rodzli.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship of leadership style towards employee motivation among employees at Jabatan Pertanian Negeri Kedah, Kedah Darul Aman / Nur Farhana Atiqah Abu Bakar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship of leadership styles towards employee’s motivation among employees at University Malaysia Perlis / Nur Azianty Azizan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study of the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment / Mastura Ahmad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the determinants of employees job performance at headquarter of Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) Serdang, Selangor / Nursyafinaz Mohd Zailani.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the implementation of Occupational Safety And Health Acts (OSHA) towards employee's performance at Silverstone Berhad, Perak / Nurul Hanani Ishak.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
March 2014
The relationship between service quality and customer loyalty at Automobile Association of Malaysia, Seremban / Norsuhana Ahmad Fuad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
30 June 2014
The relationship between reward and employee's motivation among employees in Advanced Materials Research Centre (AMREC), Sirim Berhad, Kulim, Kedah / Nurhazwani Izzati Mat Shah.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
July 2014
The influencing factors of accessibility, culture and trust of customer adoption on education management information system (EMIS): a study at PPD Pasir Puteh / Qurratu `Izzati Mohamad Nizami.
[Student Project]
1 July 2014
Relationship between office environment and employee’s performance: case study at Royal Malaysian Custom Department (JKDM) Rantau Panjang / Sharifah Farhana Syed Abdul Kadir.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
30 July 2014
The relationship between rewards and employees motivation among employees at Pejabat Tanah Dan Jajahan Machang / Nur Diana Natasya Che Khalid.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between rewords and employee's motivation among employees at Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Jitra, Kedah Darul Naim / Nur Zuraihan Mohd Zahir.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Application of shape elements with Kelantan state traditional instruments of rebab to the textile products / Muaiman Ridzuan Che Hamid.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Application of the motifs of cucuk sanggul on the product based on textile / Nur Ain Mohd Bajli.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Application of traditional pending motif from east coast on the batik design / Rosnani Ghazali.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
IMS 552: Information System Management. Group Assignment: Fly Venture Sdn Bhd / Nur Amira Salim … [et al.].
[Student Project]
IMS 552: Information System Management. Group Assignment: I-Kolej Information System / Mohamad Syahkir Mathlan … [et al.].
[Student Project]
IMS 552: Information System Management. Group Assignment: Information Systems in National Archive of Malaysia / Ahmad Fakhrullah Adli … [et al.].
[Student Project]
IMS 552: Information System Management. Group Assignment: Perpustakaan Hamdan Tahir (KOHA) / Muhammad Hazim Azahari … [et al.].
[Student Project]
Proposal report (MAT 530): the mathematical modelling of shallow water wave / Nik Nurfatinliyana Kamarudin, Nor Aniza Mohd Nasir and Nik Nur Izny Aqila Sapri.
[Student Project]
Towards improving the quality of local textiles: a comparison between manual and digital printing technology / Nur Haniza Abd Halim.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Unethical behavior affects employee performances at D'Hotel Seri Iskandar, Perak / Noraniza Mohamad Paisal.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The affect of relationship marketing towards customer loyalty: a case study of Usaha Jaya Marketing (UJM) Jerteh, Terengganu / Nurzety Adawiyah Muhamad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The impacts of organizational culture toward knowledge management at Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) Kota Bharu, Kelantan Darul Naim / Mohd Azizol Abdul Aziz.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between conflict management styles and employees performance at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) Kampus Kota / Asmira Aziz.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between job stress and job performance among the employees at Majlis Daerah Tanah Merah, Kelantan / Siti Norhafizah Zaini.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between job stress and job performance among the employees at Pejabat Tanah dan Jajahan in Kelantan / Mastura Mohamad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between job stress and job performance among the employees at Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Ruhiyatul Mukarramah Sa'ari.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between knowledge management approaches and job satisfaction among staff at Hospital Jeli, Kelantan / Nurul Anis Afiqah Mohd Zulkifli.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between knowledge management approaches and job satisfaction among staff at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan / Nurul Atirah Azmi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between knowledge management approaches and job satisfaction among the government servant at Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah, Kelantan / Faizatul Fariza Moh Pasuzi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between knowledge management approaches and job satisfaction in Pejabat Tanah Dan Jajahan Tanah Merah and Pejabat Tanah Dan Jajahan Pasir Mas / Atiela Amran.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between office environment and job satisfaction among employees at Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Melayu Kelantan (MAIK) / Faras Fauzi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between office environment and job satisfaction among employees at Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) Kota Bharu Kelantan / Maisarrah Aqlili Riana Mohamad Zaini.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between office environment and job satisfaction among office employees at Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan (SUK) / Nur Atikka Mohd Zaidin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between organizational culture and employee's performance at Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen, Kedah / Juliza Khalid.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between organizational culture and employee's performance at Kuantan Municipal Council, Pahang / Wahadatul Zur’ain Sa’aud.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between organizational culture and knowledge management among staff in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Bachok campus / Mohamad Asif Sahidi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between organizational culture knowledge management among staff at Universiti Malaysia, Terengganu / Ros Habiba Ramli.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between organizational culture with employee's performance at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Tembila Campus / Siti Natrah Ahyat.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between organizational power and job satisfaction among employees at Majlis Sukan Negara / Al Ardy Ally Abdul Rahim.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between quality of work life and organizational commitment among staff in Kaneka (Malaysia) sdn. bhd. Pahang / Mohamad Nazmie Zaim Abd Aziz.
[Student Project]
The relationship between reward system and employees performance / Nur Liyana Inani Rosli.
[Student Project]
The relationship between rewards system and employees' performance / Wan Nur Fakhira Wan Mohammad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between service quality and employee satisfaction at Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) / Nor Syuhada Makhtar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between service quality and employee satisfactions at Jabatan Kerja Raya / Siti Norsaidah Muhammad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between service quality and employees satisfaction at Permodalan Nasional Berhad / Siti Nurizdihar Hanapiah.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between styles conflict management and the level of employee's performance at Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) / Muhammad Hibatullah Kamarudin.
[Student Project]
The relationship between the organizational power and job satisfaction among the employees at PPD Pasir Puteh, PPD Machang and PPD Bachok / Nooronuha Che Lukman @ Sotar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between the quality of work life and organizational commitment among staff in Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah Manjung, Perak / Nur Fadhlin Sakina Roslan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship of organizational culture and employees performance at Universiti Teknologi MARA Terengganu / Khairunnisa Zainal Abidin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The study of relationship between office environment and job satisfaction among non-academic employees at University Malaysia Terengganu / Tuan Sharifah Ainsyatul Insyirah Tuan Shaifu Bhahri.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
January 2015
Determinants of satisfaction among customer in “MAMAK” restaurant near KLCC / Nurfatihah Mohamad Zulkifflee.
[Student Project]
Influencing factors of workplace safety a research study at Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur city centre Kuala Lumpur / Siti Nur Afina Mohamed Asseri.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The influencing factors that affect workplace safety in ibu pejabat Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia Negeri Kelantan / Jamilla Qhaireen Adling.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between quality of work life and organizational commitment among employees at Zun Utara Industry Sdn. Bhd / Mohd Firdaus Mohamad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between reward system and employee’s performance in Politeknik Kota Bharu / Nor Izian Izzaty.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between service quality and employee satisfaction among staff at Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) / Muhammad Dhiya'uddin Md Hassan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the effect of marketing mix elements towards performance of Celcom Axiata Berhad: a case study in Kota Bharu / Rabi’atul’adawiyah Mukhtar.
[Student Project]
7 January 2015
The study of unethical behavior affects employee performances at Jabatan Kastam Diraja , Malaysia / Aqmal Saranena Baharuddin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
11 January 2015
The relationship between organizational power and job saticfaction among employees at Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Pasir Mas, Kelantan / Nooralwani Zakaria.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between the organizational power with job satisfaction in civil defence organization Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Norainsyikin Zakaria.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
18 January 2015
Reward system and employee performance in Pejabat Tanah dan Jajahan in Kelantan / Safura Hilman.
[Student Project]
The relationship between job stress and job performance among the employees in school of medical science at USM Kubang Kerian, Kelantan / Razehah Md Rashid.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The study of unethical behavior affects employee performances in University Malaysia, Terengganu / Iznie Natasya Azmi.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
20 January 2015
Influencing factors of workplace safety a research study at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Kuala Terengganu / Rabiatul Adawiyah Alias.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between the quality of work life and organizational commitment among staff in Hospital Machang,Kelantan / Siti Nornadia Zulkarnain.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
30 January 2015
The study of relationship between unethical behavior and employee performances in Tenaga Nasional Berhad Pasir Mas / Shahera Abdul Razak.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
May 2015
Transkrip temubual bersama Tuan Mazalani Bin Abdul Muhaini mengenai penglibatan beliau dalam bidang pendidikan / Muhammad Qhairunnajmi Nam Nazmi and Muhammad Ruznizam Ruzuki.
[Oral History]
Transkrip wawancara bersama Encik Meera Mydin pengerusi Masjid Kapitan Keling “Sejarah Senibina" / Hazwan Fitri Harun and Muhamad Fauzan Mohamad Fadzil.
[Research Reports]
Transkrip wawancara bersama Mantan Sarjan Mejar Rejimen Askar Diraja Malaysia Haji Mohd Din Bin Sulaiman Askar Veteran / Nor Amiza Mat Akhir and Nor Atiqah Mohd Din.
[Student Project]
Transkrip wawancara bersama Puan Yasmin Binti Noorul Amin tersenarai sebagai 50 guru terbaik dunia / Muhammad Aiman Jamaluddin and Muhammad Hariz Mohd Rodzi.
[Oral History]
June 2015
Transkrip wawancara bersama Puan Marzuani Ardila binti Ariffin Ketua Puteri UMNO Negeri Kelantan / Norjihan Md Salleh and Yasmin Shukri.
[Student Project]
July 2015
Application of nature print on fabric / Nur Ide Amirah Zulkepli.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
December 2015
Determinant of foreign direct investment in Malaysia / Ahmad Bukhari Ab Rahim.
[Student Project]
Factors that contribute to life insurance as investment opportunities demands: A case study in Kuala Lumpur / Nur Fadilah Hassan.
[Student Project]
Relationship between job stress, motivation and reward and recognition with job performance: Estates Of Distribution Unit (UPP) / Nur Amalina Zulkefli.
[Student Project]
Application of comic style in textile design for soft furnishing product / Muhammad Azidi Abdul Aziz.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Assesment of job stress related factors on job performance among nurses in private hospital in Kelantan: A case study in KPJ Perdana and Kota Bharu Medical Centre / Aliah Natasha Affindi and Nur Syahirah Zulkipli.
[Student Project]
Technical report: Logistic Growth Model for growth patterns of rabbits / Nor Hasliza Sabri, Nur Azira Azman and Nur Hazwani Abu Bakar.
[Student Project]
Technical report: a study of the SIR model for spread of dengue fever disease / Nur Farah Amirah Mohd Azizan, Nur Amirah Othman and Nor Suliha Buqia Mohd Salleh.
[Student Project]
Technical report: an application of graph theory in place a sensor at traffic light / Nur Shamimi Saleh Huddin, Nurul Nadiah Abd Ghani and Wan Nur Hafawati Wan Hassan.
[Student Project]
Technical report: an interface of magic square in mathematics / Muhammad Kasyful Baqi Mohd Zaid and Muhammad Amir Amjad Mohd Rosle.
[Student Project]
Technical report: analysis of SIR measles model using Euler's method / Nur Aimi Abdul Aziz, Nurul Amirah Yusof and Nor Farahiyah Rosly.
[Student Project]
Technical report: analysis of percentage vehicles using lagrange interpolating method / Nurul Ain Nordin, Norfatin Mohamad and Zurdia Atirah Mastika Zaini.
[Student Project]
Technical report: application of differential transformation method to the SIR math model of the spread of dengue fever / Muhammad Al-Azim Mazlan, Mohd Ramdan Harun and Muhammad Faeez Mohd Noor.
[Student Project]
Technical report: approximate solution of linear and nonlinear Volterra integral equation singularly perturbed problems using Differential Transform Method (DTM) / Amar Mohd Hakim.
[Student Project]
Technical report: approximating the length of California Halibut (Paralichthys Californicus) using Euler's and second order Runge-Kutta methods / Ili Suhaili Mohd Saman, Nur Shazlina Mohamad Shahril and Nabilah Nazurah Anuar.
[Student Project]
Technical report: bookstore selection by using Fuzzy TOPSIS / Riza Hazmahanim Johari, Nur Farahanim Mohd Fadzir and Nur Hidayah Zulkifli.
[Student Project]
Technical report: calculating the predictive population growth of Oreochromis Niloticus using Logistic Growth Model and Ricker's Model / Nurul Aliya Mohd Najib, Nur Humaira Musa and Azian Shahira Mohd Salim.
[Student Project]
Technical report: chromaticity of 6-bridge graph θ(3,3,3,b,c,c) / Madihah Azmi, Emy Norfariha Mustapha and Asmaa' Amalina Harun.
[Student Project]
Technical report: comparing method in double pendulum / Siti Noor Aliah Nordin and Nor Amira Abdul Rahiim.
[Student Project]
Technical report: d' Alembert formula for wave equation / Farhana Jamil and Radin Ummu Hidayah Radin A. Kadir.
[Student Project]
Technical report: determine the relative efficiency of faculties by using data envelopment analysis / Nur Amirah Ashaari, Nur Syahirah Mohmd Yusoff and Nurul Shamila Mansor.
[Student Project]
Technical report: evaluation of the relative efficiency of gas stations by data envelopment analysis / Nor Amidatul Nadia Bakeri, Noor Shahiera Ruslan and Noor Aimi Asyikin Mohamad Zaini.
[Student Project]
Technical report: genetic algorithm for vehicle routing problem / Mohammad Izwan Jamaluddin and Muhamad Syahmie Adeeb Mohd Shukri.
[Student Project]
Technical report: heat transfer effect on MHD boundary layer flow over a non-linear shrinking sheet / Mohd Syafiqul Syamil Mohd Sofian, Mohd Hakimi Itam and Muhd Faezie Mohd Sabry.
[Student Project]
Technical report: mathematical modeling of jaundice using numerical differential method (Euler Method) / Ku Nur Zulaikha Ku Mahmud, Maizurah Mohammad and Hanun Nasuha Lop Ahmad.
[Student Project]
Technical report: mathematical modelling of Burger's equation applied in traffic flow / Shahirah Zulkifli, Nur Ilham Zainuddin and Siti Nurlina Syamimi Md Rosly.
[Student Project]
Technical report: mathematical modelling of the spread of Hepatitis C Virus being transmitted and recoverable / Azim Azrini Ishak, Nurul Farehah Mohd Husain and Sharifah Ahda Shuhada' Syed Muhd Ghazali.
[Student Project]
Technical report: mathematical models of stingless bee populations / Nornabila Roszuan and Siti Nor Raihan Azahari.
[Student Project]
Technical report: maximum sustainable yield of squid population by using Gordon-Schaefer model a case study in Malaysia / Hazwani Ahmad Dahari, Jamilah Md Zain and Noor Shahirah Jamaluddin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: modelling of chlorine residual for drinking water using parallel first order model / Nurul Afiqah Ahmad Nasrul, Farah Hanan Muhammad Hilmi and Tengku Syafiqah Tengku Mohamed Kamalludin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: modelling of ostrich eggs using cubic hermite curve / Fatin Nadiah Hamdan, Nur Afiqah Meor Ahmad and Nurul A'qilah Mohd Hariri.
[Student Project]
Technical report: modelling of quail eggs using Cubic Bezier Curve / Wan Nur Asiah Wan Rasdi, Nur Rasyidah Mohamad Arif and Ummu Huzaimah Hasnaa Makhodir.
[Student Project]
Technical report: modelling student's performance evaluation using fuzzy logic approach / Nur Farah Atirah Baharudin, Nurain Afiqah Khumruzaman and Nur Nabihah Ahmad Aminurddin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: numerical estimation of enlightenment phase of cracker during baking / Nur Fatihah Shahman, Nurul Najwa Mokhtar and Siti Nur Ainsyah Ghani.
[Student Project]
Technical report: predicting chlorine residuals in water distribution system case study in Penang / Ilya Syakirah Mohamad Sidik, Nik Nuraziemah Ahmad Husni and Syahmin Adiba Abdullah.
[Student Project]
Technical report: prediction of population in Malaysia by using numerical methods / Anis Syazriena Abdul Manaf, Nur Najihah Md Ali and Nurul Asyiqin Mohd Husin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: shade balls as method of evaporation suppression in dam / Khufiyah Hubbani Khairul Anwar, Nur Shakirah Mohd Zulkeffli and Nurul Syahirah Hashim.
[Student Project]
Technical report: simulated annealing for vehicle routing problem / Amy Nasuha Johan and Nurul Shahira Jamaludin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: solutions of Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation / Faizatul Asyekin Yusri, Rusya Iryanti Yahaya and Nurhidayah Mat Ramli.
[Student Project]
Technical report: solving the SIRC model of the Influenza A by using Forth Order Runge Kutta method / Azida Shaharuddin, Nurul Aisyah Haja Muhaiadin and Suhaifaniza Fasya Saiful Anuar.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the bungee jump gravitational potential energy at work by using Hooke's law / Siti Nur Zubaidah Shuib, Suhair Sery Tajudin and Syafikah Samsudin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the chromatic uniqueness of a family of 6-bridge graphs θ(3,3,3,3,b,c) / Wan Noor Ain Wan Ahmad Saidi, Nurul Syafika Muhammad and Fakhira Juhari.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the comparison between exponential growth and logistic growth model for Malaysia’s population / Hazura Akmal Muda, Hernidayati Sugiono and Julaikha Liyana Ali.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the comparison between the exponential growth model and hyperbolic growth model by using Indonesia population / Dayang Hasmera Emylia Mohd Zaki, Noor Shalifa Shaharudin and Nor Amira Amizan.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the estimation of the tumor growth rate and the equation solution of the mathematics model / Akma Azreena Ahmad Kamal, Nur Yasmin Abdullah and Siti Nurul Natasha Khairil Huslaini.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the harvesting of Red Tilapia by using logistic growth model / Aliff Rhuzainie Mohd Ghani, Muhammad Irfan Ahmad and Mohammad 'Irfan Ismail.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the maximum horizontal length of ballistic projectile during volcanic eruption / Noor Maizatul Nazuha Mohamad, Syahirah Afiqah Mohd Taufik and Wan Nurelisha Aqia Wan Zaini.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the study of growth rate of mangrove by comparing between Blackman’s equation and the real GDP unadjusted year-on-year quarterly growth formula / Naqiuddin Fadlysham, Mohammad Hafiz Mansor and Tengku Zul Safwan Tengku Izham.
[Student Project]
Transkrip wawancara bersama Encik Mohamed@Mohd Daud bin Yusoff pertukangan perak / Mohamad Habibullah Nurulhuda and Muhammad Azmawi Barhanudin.
[Oral History]
Understanding the motivational factors influencing volunteerism in Kelantan 2014 flood disaster / Dr. Ruslaina Yusoff … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
The contributing factors of teamwork towards organizational performance at Supplier Quality Department Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn. Bhd. / Arni Shuhada Sukridin. (2016) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
The factors that influenced the sustainability of revisit intention to Kelantan / Wan Mohd Syafiq W Mohamad Radzi, Tuan Andi Ilham Tuan Nordin and Syed Abdul Qadir Iqbal Syed Hassan Basari.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The synchronization of mathematical thinking and creativity in the performing art of Mak Yong / Wan Norliza Binti Wan Bakar … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
January 2016
Determinants of Islamic banks’ profitability performance in Malaysia : a panel data econometric analysis / Mohamad Nabil Ruslan.
[Student Project]
Incorporating batik fabric in pendant design inspired by Malay Pendant (Dokoh) / Fatin Nurulhuda Rosley. (2016) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
Key factors of Malaysian Ringgit volatility / Ahmad Nasa’ie Ismail.
[Student Project]
Macroeconomic Determinants Housing Price In Malaysia / Muhamad Sabrizal Mahti.
[Student Project]
Modelling count data : an application to a breast cancer data in Malaysia / Siti Afiqah Muhamad Jamil.
Industrial Training.
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Statistics, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The impact of Goods and Services Tax (GST) on economic performance of ASEAN countries / Muhamad Hafizuddin Nawawi.
[Student Project]
The obligatory of limit kifayah in Selangor / Hanin Nabilah Hammidon.
[Student Project]
A study on pulmonary tuberculosis treatment success among adults treated in Kelantan / Siti Nor Ain Azmi.
[Student Project]
February 2016
A study of the significant influence between macroeconomic variables and economic growth in Malaysia / Mohd Syamirul Amier Ibrahim.
[Student Project]
June 2016
Academic dishonesty (plagiarism): The factor that determine the plagiarism among university’s student / Rosmawati Saa’ri.
[Student Project]
Determinants of gold price trend using econometric modeling / Ahmad Haziq Azmi, Noor Syamimi Muhamad Azlan and Nursyafarah Amalina Roslan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Effects of planned behavior on whistleblowing intention: evidence from Malaysian's Police Department / Siti Noor Azmawaty Abd Razak, Prof Madya Dr Maheran Zakaria and Wan Nurul Basirah Wan Mohamad Noor.
[Research Reports]
Gabion wall installation at Kg Tok Kaya riverbanks / Nur Aina Lylia Husa. (2017) [Student Project] (Unpublished)
IMR 664: Electronic Record Keeping. Group assignment: Gundam Malaysia / Mohd Aqil Afnan Derahman and Muhammad Fawwaz Fida iy Mohd Fauzi.
[Student Project]
IMR664: Electronic Recordkeeping. Group assignment Elken Sdn Bhd / Noor Izzati Madeli and Engku Shamimie Syahira Engku Kamaruddin.
[Student Project]
Kajian fisibiliti Pasar Tani Kekal (PTK) Kuala Krai, Kelantan / Dr. Tuan Mohd Rosli Tuan Hassan ... [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Linking between intellectual capital and SME performance mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation / Nur Atiqah Zakiyyah Ramlee and Dr. Hatinah Abu Bakar.
[Research Reports]
Modelling association factors of the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) disease activity / Afiqah Roshidi, Khairunnisa Athirah Kamarudin and Nur Fatin Jaafar.
[Student Project]
Student knowledge, appreciation and awareness on current islamic issues and shitte ideology and its relationship towards academic achievement / Raja Haniza Soffia Raja Hussin, Saripah Najuwa T.A Rahman and Ummi Nadhirah Firus.
[Student Project]
Technical report: Euler Lagrange Equation for the unmanned hovercraft / Nor Syahirah Mazeli, Nurfarahin Suzairy and Amira Awatif Ismail.
[Student Project]
Technical report: a Fuzzy AHP approach for selection of best student: a case study in UiTM Kelantan / Nur Syahira Muhammad Apandi, Nur Izzah Akmal Azmi and Nik Fathihah Haji Abu Hassan.
[Student Project]
Technical report: a mathematical model of a suspension bridge / Noor Zuliha Ismail, Nur Asilah Nordin and Syafiqah Suhaimi.
[Student Project]
Technical report: a stage-based population of wild turkey based on Leslie Model / Mohammad Zulkhairol Shamsuddin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: a study of heat distribution for optimal design shape of brownie's pan / Nor Shamsiah Hassan Bakri, Puteri Intan Asyura Zulkifly and Nur Ain Amirah Azman.
[Student Project]
Technical report: a study of heat transfer in double and triple window pane: a case study in Turkey / Nurallya Syuhada Abdul Malik.
[Student Project]
Technical report: an application of sir model in the outbreaks of Ebola / Nur' Adnin Syaza Abd Wahab.
[Student Project]
Technical report: analysing the effects of the parameters in dynamical model in the spread of HIV / Muhammad Fahmi Ghazalli.
[Student Project]
Technical report: analytical solution for one-dimensional advection-dispersion of the pollution in the river / Nur Hidayahtulaini Salleh.
[Student Project]
Technical report: approximate solution of linear homogeneous singular perturbation problem of second order ordinary differential equation using Differential Transform Method (DTM) / Nurzawani Mohamad Zamri.
[Student Project]
Technical report: classification of groups of order 16 / Nur Nabihah Mohd Saber, Syafieza Saidin and Nur Zahira Mohamed Zahir.
[Student Project]
Technical report: computing unemployment rates under parallel data / Muhammad Naqiuddin Nasaruddin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: controlling total energy and potential saving cost of water use in shower head using mathematical equation / Nirwana Mat Dawod.
[Student Project]
Technical report: detection of heart disease using Fuzzy Logic / Nur Shafeeza Azman, Nur Izzatul Balqis Rohaimin and Nurulain Nabilah Nor Azman.
[Student Project]
Technical report: determine the best online shopping website using Fuzzy TOPSIS approach / Nurhaifa Izzaty Azira Mohd Noor, Nur Amira Shahida Md Faisal and Nur Syafiqa Sharidi.
[Student Project]
Technical report: determining the best ratio of dose per application for radiotherapy treatment by using Gompertz model / Norhashila Hashim, Nur Fartina Rezali and Rasyidah Ahmad.
[Student Project]
Technical report: determining the local stability an analysis of microcephaly induced by Zika virus (ZIKV) / Wan Nur Aliaa Wan Mohd Nor and Liyana Qadirah Ab Kadir.
[Student Project]
Technical report: electricity produced from citrus fruits / Siti Nur Aqilah Tazu Azha, Siti Nur Atikah Ilia Ramlan and Raudhah Mazni Adnan.
[Student Project]
Technical report: finite difference method for solving one dimensional of shallow water equation / Farah Nabilah Samsudin, Nurul Fathiha Zakaria and Nur Atikah Nadhirah Maidin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: genetic algorithm for solving capacitated vehicle routing problem / Mohd Faris Mohd Zaki and Muhammad Ammar Zulqornain Abdul Rashid.
[Student Project]
Technical report: mathematical analysis of crash sensor using spring mass model / Siti Khalijah Ab Ghani, Nor Hidayu Kamaruzaman and Noor Izzati Fatin Muhammad Azif.
[Student Project]
Technical report: mathematical modeling for HIV and AIDS spread in Malaysia / Aina Sorfina Yurika Ismadi and Puteri Nurfatin Shazreen Mohamad Zahir.
[Student Project]
Technical report: mathematical modelling for detecting diabetes / Nurul Hawanis Saharin, Safiah Nadirah Abdul Halim and Nur Miza Syaheera Ghazali.
[Student Project]
Technical report: mathematical modelling of Segregation Model Density on traffic flow / Nur Aznain Rosmadi, Siti Nur Ayuni Nawi and Zuriani Abd Halim.
[Student Project]
Technical report: mathematical modelling of brain tumour growth / Amalina Rafli.
[Student Project]
Technical report: mathematical modelling of fish and predator based on logistic and Von Bertalanffy growth models / Wan Natasha Wan Hussin, Siti Noor Fatihah Mohd Yusoff and Nurul Anisa Ain Mustafa Kamal.
[Student Project]
Technical report: mathematical modelling of magnetic carrier particle trajectories in blood vessel of patients with cancer / Siti Nor Fatihah Mukhtar.
[Student Project]
Technical report: mathematical modelling of splicing system of DNA molecules using permutation group / Nurul Syifa' Izhar.
[Student Project]
Technical report: mathematical modelling on the control of measles by vaccination in Malaysia / Siti Fathiah Amanina Ishak, Siti Noor Intanbaizura Mohd Aripin and Siti Sarah Fahana Kamaruddin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: modelling of blood flow in human by using Windkessel Model / Nurul Nadiah Mohammad and Amira Fairuz Adnan.
[Student Project]
Technical report: modelling of stage-based distribution for Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta Caretta) by Lefkovitch Matrix / Khairun Faraha Ahmad Salim, Najah Nadhira Dorohid and Raja Nur Syaidatul Raja Brahim.
[Student Project]
Technical report: modelling of the Rubik’s cube's solution using group theory / Umil Nadiah Nor Hilal.
[Student Project]
Technical report: numerical estimation of three basic components of HIV model using 4th order Runge Kutta method / Nurnajwa Nisharrudin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: numerical solution of blood flow in tapered overlapping stenosed artery with body acceleration / Fatin Nazihah Helmi, Nor Syafiqah Abu Bakar and Nur Ain Hazira Mohd Nor.
[Student Project]
Technical report: numerical solution of heat distribution in convective oven by using alternating direction implicit method / Nurhanani Saari, Khairunnisa' Khairul Anwar and Nur Khairunnisa Akhirruddin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: numerical solution of linear reaction-diffusion processes on fixed domain: criteria for colonization / Nur Zuhaily Zulkefly, Hasanatuz Zawanah Md Rafie and Siti Aisyah Shamsul.
[Student Project]
Technical report: numerical solution of predator-prey model between fox and rabbit by using Euler Method and Fourth Order Runge-Kutta method / Aina Safina Nordin, Fityah Hazimah Noorzali and Nurul Nurfatiah Halim.
[Student Project]
Technical report: numerical solutions of Riccati equations using Adam-Bashforth and Adam-Moulton methods / Mohamad Nazri Mohamad Khata, Nur Habibah Radzali and Mohamad Aliff Afifuddin Hilmy.
[Student Project]
Technical report: solving a brain tumor growth equation by applying Adomian Decomposition Method / Alyaa Alway, Nadila Mohamad and Zamzuziliana Ismail @ Abdullah.
[Student Project]
Technical report: solving heat equation by Lie algebra / Nur Adilla Rosezali, Syazana Noorshirwan and Norsyuhada Ruhani@Mohd Rosli.
[Student Project]
Technical report: solving linear and nonlinear ordinary differential equations using variational iteration method / Nurul Fatihah Mohamad Ariffin, Siti Aisyah Afifah Azman and Siti Mariam Sarudin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: solving position on earth by pseudorange equation / Nor Nafisah Izzati Sharifuddin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: solving two dimensional explicit heat conduction equation by using finite difference method / Aimi Zafirah Mat Nawi, Fatin Munirah Azizul and Maryam Nadhrah Mohamad Tarmizi.
[Student Project]
Technical report: student selection model using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) / Muhamad Zuhaibudin Sidek, Mohamad Asrul Alimin Mohd Kamil and Nur Madiha Mohd Ramzi.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the analysis of space efficiency and heat distribution in brownies pans / Suhailah Mohamed, Muhammad Hazim Mohd Abd Rahim and Salihuddin Sidek.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the application of Fuzzy TOPSIS method for selection of courier services in Malaysia / Dewi Balqis Muhammad Arabi, Khairunnasuha Abdul Razak and Norul Fazira Ahmad Rasli.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the approximation solution of linear Black-Scholes equation by numerical method / Nur Alleysa Md Isa, Fatin Shakirah Leman and Nurhidayah Yahya.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the derivation and conversion of dimensional to nondimensional of mass balance equation and discretization using the explicit finite difference method / Intan Diyana Munir, Nur Nadzirah Sulaiman and Yang Nur Amalina Mohd Saad.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the discharges calculation of flood routing in an open channel / Nurul Amanina Supar, Nur Atiqah Khamis and Hamidah Kamarudin.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the numerical solutions for Inviscid Burgers equation using Lax Method and Method of Lines / Siti Sarah Amirah Mohd Safiri.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the performance test of implicit backward differentiation formula on Robertson’s chemical reaction model / Najihah Md Nasib.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the relative efficiency measurement of electricity distribution companies using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA): a case study in ASEAN countries / Nurul Afini Suhaimi and Nurul Ainun Syafiah Mohd Asri.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the study of H5N1 based on SIR Model / Nurul Najihah Zubir, Nur Adibah Azmi and Nor Deena Mohd Isa.
[Student Project]
Technical report: the study of parachute problem / Nur Syairah Wahab, Nursyirah Zaim Zaini and Nik Haseriani Nik Hassan.
[Student Project]
Transkrip temubual bersama Ramli bin Mohamad kisah kematian Tok Janggut / Syed Mohamad Firdaus Sayed Hamid and Wan Mohd Syahrul Akmal Wan Suden.
[Oral History]
Ultra-short pulses generation using a carbon nanotubes saturable absorber / Dr. Amri Ab Rahman, PM. Dr. Mohd Nasir Ismail and Ahmad Bukhari Mohd Yasin.
[Research Reports]
The effect of higher order thinking skill(HOTS) implementation in mathematics towards stress among secondary school students : A case study in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato' Ahmad Maher (SMKDAM) and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Melor (SMKM) / Munirah Muhamad, Wan Najiha Wan Mat Din and Nurul Syuhadaa Mohd Alawi.
[Student Project]
The relationship between empowerment and employee performance at Pasdec Holdings Berhad Kuantan, Pahang / Nurul Hidayah Abdullah. (2017) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
The relationship between empowerment and employee performance at Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin (PTSS), Ulu Pauh, Perlis / Suraika Zai. (2017) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
The relationship between knowledge management practices and staff performance in Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan (SUKNS) / Intan Nurdiani Nordin. (2017) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
The relationship between total quality management and firm performance at Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Melayu Perak (MAIPk), Ipoh, Perak / Norsiha Abdul Hanid. (2017) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
The relationship between total quality management and firm performance at Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Selangor, Shah Alam , Selangor Darul Ehsan / Nurul Hazirah Zainol. (2017) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
A study on the impact of flood towards student learning environment at UiTM Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Muhammad Arif Mohd Sidi, Nik Najmil Hafizin Ab Rahim and Wan Nur Anis Wan Din.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study on the perception and awareness towards attitude of parents on children vaccination / Azila Ahmad , Farah Amanina Ahmad Fozee and Umi Nadia Ahmad Rafaie.
[Student Project]
January 2017
The relationship between empowerment and employee performance at Pasdec Holdings Berhad / Nurul Hidayah Abdullah. (2017) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
July 2017
The relationship between social media and employees’ performance at Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Jerantut, Pahang / Noor Ata Sha Amira Morat. (2017) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
A study on the factors that influence organizational performance in Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia, Kedah / Muhammad Zarif Jasni. (2017) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
October 2017
Linking between intellectual capital and SME performance mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation / Nur Atiqah Zakiyyah Ramlee and Dr Hatinah Abu Bakar.
[Research Reports]
Assessment of students’ feedback for online courses of Institute of Neo Education (iNED) / Dr Syerina Azlin Md Nasir, Dr Wan Fairos Wan Yaacob and Nurazleena Ismail.
[Research Reports]
Communicative competence: an analysis of the occurrence of politeness strategies and repetitions in L2 oral interactions / Dr Suryani Awang, Wan Nuur Fazliza Wan Zakaria and Siti Shazlin Razak.
[Research Reports]
Enhancing creativity and innovation in technoprenership education / Nor Haryanti Md Nor … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Factors associated to hotspot of dengue / Nor Farisha Mohamad Krishnan, Nur Azera Ahmad and Nur Shahirah Dollah.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Instrumen glosari sebagai kaedah penambahbaikan dalam pembelajaran pemikiran dan tamadun Islam di kalangan pelajar semester 2 UiTM Kelantan / Nor Asmira Jusoh … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Kajian kes ke atas penilaian tilawah Al-Quran secara interaktif / Siti Fatimah Tasir … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Mentoring approach in learning fundamentals of Islamic banking / Zanirah Mustafa @ Busu … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Mobile application for accounting introductory course / Dr Marziana Madah Marzuki ... [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Preference of skincare product among female student in UiTM Cawangan Kelantan / Wan Nurul Syamimi Yahya@Wan Hassan, Fatin Nur Athirah Puteh and Farah Nasuha Hisam.
[Student Project]
Prevention level of children sexual abuse among parents, a case study on IPTA staff in Kota Bharu / Abdul Ariff Hussain, Mohamad Amirul Aimi Mat Yusoff and Nurul Farzana Abu Bakar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Student's awareness towards factor affecting oral cancer in UiTM Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Awanis Anwar, Noor Afifah Ahmad and Wan Haszuliyanty Afieka Wan Zulkifly.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Student's satisfaction towards the implementation of Week Without Wall (WWW) / Siti Nur Afirah Ab Manaf, Syazwani Azyan Mat Awi and Siti Nurain Che Hassan.
[Student Project]
Technical report: analyzing, predicting and controlling the Ebola disease by using SEIR model / Nurfatihah Asmadie and Nur Arina Shaifull Bahari.
[Student Project]
Technical report: character table of symmetric group S₃ using permutation module / Ain Natasha Mohd Zaini and Mariam Jamilah R.Azmi.
[Student Project]
Technical report: generating arabesque design of Masjid Nabawi sliding dome by a computer software / Tariq Ziad Abdul Razak, Tahmida Abdul Manaf and Nur Fatin Nabila Saupi.
[Student Project]
Technical report: modelling of chlorine decay rates based on initial chlorine and reactant concentrations in the water distribution system / Nur Syahira Ahmad, Nurul Ezawana Mohamad Tosrin and Farah Amanina Normahadi.
[Student Project]
Technical report: numerical solution of 2-D Maxwell’s Equation using finite difference time domain / Muhd Nur Aliyuddin Abd Samad, Muhammad Faris Ahmad Fadli and Hasan Al Bashri Sarip.
[Student Project]
Technical report: numerical solution of nonlocal partial differential equation using Bernstein polynomial method / Anis Farhanah Mohd Padang and Nurhazirah Mohd Puzi.
[Student Project]
Technical report: numerical-analytical algorithm for constructing the envelope of the point mass trajectories in midair / Umi Yasmin Norhani.
[Student Project]
Technical report: prediction for progression of river blindness by using SIR model / Siti Khadijah Hamiri and Donna Ak Langgar.
[Student Project]
Technical report: solving Biharmonic equation of linear analysis of thin plates by using Finite Difference Method / Nurul Husna Sulaiman and Haziera Mohd Termizi.
[Student Project]
Technical report: solving nonlinear equation by using Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM) / Nur Saadah Mohtar and Syarifah Nur Ainina Said Abdul Karim.
[Student Project]
Theory of planned behaviour and determinants for cash waqf intention / Ruslaina Yusoff, Shariful Amran Abd Rahman and Wan Nazihah Wan Mohamed.
[Research Reports]
Transkrip wawancara bersama Encik Wong Nye Hua pemilik produk makanan roti titab / Muhammad Nazir Abdul Aziz and Nur Aliahsafiyah Atikah Mat Noor.
[Oral History]
UiTM English language lecturers’ perceptions on the usage of mobile technology devices in teaching practices / Wan Nazihah Wan Mohamed, Zurina Ismail and Muhammad Saiful Anuar Yusoff.
[Research Reports]
Using free web hosting services to design community websites for novice web designer / Farah Ahlami Mansor … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
The factors influence travel intention among students UiTM Kota Bharu / Normarliana Faranadia Ismail, Nur Fatinah Sazlin Mohamad Zuki and Siti Nur Aishah Adnan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
January 2018
The relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and employees performance at Malpro Industri Sdn. Bhd. in Selangor / Nor Fazillah Mohd Jefri Sukumar. (2018) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
10 January 2018
Industrial Training Report: Perpustakaan Tengku Anis UiTM Kelantan / Siti Aishah Hashim.
Industrial Training.
Perpustakaan Tengku Anis, UiTM Cawangan Kelantan.
15 June 2018
Industrial Training Report: Perpustakaan Tengku Anis UiTM Kelantan / Nik Nurul Azyani Zakaria.
Industrial Training.
Perpustakaan Tengku Anis, UiTM Cawangan Kelantan.
30 June 2018
Industrial Training Report: Perpustakaan Tengku Anis UiTM Kelantan / Noor Natasha Nabilah Mohamad Aziz.
Industrial Training.
Perpustakaan Tengku Anis, UiTM Cawangan Kelantan.
November 2018
Transkrip wawancara bersama Puan Nur Izawaty Binti Mustafa Majlis Daerah Machang, Kelantan / Maizatul Noratisa Mat Nasir and Muhamad Alif Zhafri Md Azman.
[Oral History]
December 2018
Industrial training report: Perpustakaan Tengku Anis UiTM Kelantan / Nur Fatin Ezzati Ruzlan.
Industrial Training.
Perpustakaan Tengku Anis, UiTM Cawangan Kelantan.
Awareness of purchasing skin care products: a case study among students in UiTM Kota Bharu / Hafizah Harun, Norerney Sazfizza Saifuzzaman and Nurul Arina Nabilah Zaharudin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Breakfast consumption among students in UiTM Cawangan Kelantan / Anis Athirah Abdul Rahim…[et al.].
[Student Project]
Career development, compensation, job security, workplace environment and employee loyalty at Syarikat Air Darul Aman (SADA) / Khairul Asraf Ghazali. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
Career development, compensation, job security, workplace environment and employee loyalty in Isuzu Hicom (M) Sdn Bhd / Wan Muhammad Iqmal Fazri Wan Juahari. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Career development, compensation, job security, workplace environment and employee loyalty in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) / Muhammad Ameer Shafiq Awang@Ali. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
Contribution of innovation in agriculture sector towards Malaysia economy / Naziana Mat Nawi.
[Student Project]
Fostering the usage of flipped classroom: student engagement, student content interaction and student motivation / Yusrina Hayati Nik Muhammad Naziman … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Mathematical concepts in mengkuang weaving motifs / Wan Norliza Wan Bakar … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Study on Niosh model of job stress: Relationship between role demands, management styles, interpersonal relationship and stress at Pos Logistics Berhad / Nurul Ain Anisha Abdul Hadi. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
Study on niosh model of job stress: Relationship between role demands, management styles, interpersonal relationship and stress at Pos Logistics Berhad / Nur Elia Nasuha Ahmad. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
The influencing factors of accessibility, culture and trust of customer adoption on education management information system (EMIS): a study at PPD Pasir Puteh / Qurratu `Izzati Mohamad Nizami.
[Student Project]
The relationship between acceptance of mobile technology and perceived work perfomance improvement among employees at Pejabat Daerah Dan Tanah Hilir Perak / Nur Hidayah Jamahuri. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between acceptance of mobile technology and perceived work performance improvement among employees at Mycron Steel Crc Sdn Bhd / Mimie Shahila Asmat. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
The relationship between integrity and job performance among employee at Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang, Pahang Darul Makmur / Nur Fatehah Arshad. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
The relationship between integrity and job performance at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Putrajaya / Aida Asykin Abdullah. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
The relationship between intergrity and job performance among employees at Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KPDNHEP), Putrajaya / Nurul Salwaliza Roslee. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
The relationship between work environment and employees’ job satisfaction at Menara Telekom Melaka / Fatimah Rahil Mohd Nazir. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between work environment and employees’ job satisfaction at Institut Latihan Perindustrian Kuantan (ILP KUANTAN) / Nurul Jannah Abd Aziz. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
A study of knowledge on Islamophobia / Nur Atiqah Che Ali, Nurul Farisha Fazri and Nur Samihah Aziz.
[Student Project]
18 November 2019
Business Plan : LA Inspiracion / Nur Athirah Osman ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
December 2019
Blueprint : Centipede Shoe Rack / Muhammad Hafiz Azizan ...[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Blueprint : SaSaa Sdn. Bhd. Multisuction Pump / Nur Ainaa Shafinie Mat Zahir ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Blueprint: Bike Bro's Basket Sdn. Bhd. / Noor Aiman Abdul Majid ...[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Cloud Travel Sdn. Bhd. / Wan Nur Nalisa Burdhan ...[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Naqist Hair Beauty and SPA / Wan Noradzwa Wan Molid Fauzi … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Technology Entrepreneurship : Clate-ZY / Ainin Sofiya Rusfahizan ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
The relationship between acceptance of mobile technology and perceived work performance improvement among employee at Majlis Perbandaran Muar, Johor / Nur Fatin Shafiqah Norsuhaliza. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
The relationship between acceptance of mobile technology and perceived work performance improvement among employees at AIMS-Global Holding Sdn. Bhd / Nurul Atiqah Mohd Basar. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The relationship between acceptance of mobile technology and perceived work performance improvement among employees at Ranhill Saj (Syarikat Air Johor) Sdn. Bhd / Nurul Amanina Ab Ghafar. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
The relationship between integrity and job performance at Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) Banda Kaba Melaka / Siti Amirah Hasan. (2019) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
1 December 2019
Case Study : Social Media Portfolio / Nur Maryam Mohd Azhar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
4 December 2019
Case Study : Social Media Portfolio / Nor Liyana Mat Nasir.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Social Media Portfolio / Nur Syarafina Mohammad Saifuzzaman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Social Media Portfolio / Nurul Farhana Mohammad Suhaimi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
10 December 2019
Technology Entrepreneurship : Comb Sprayer / Ameerah Mansor ...[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
12 December 2019
Amaze Co. Company : Portable Toaster Knife / Khairul Najwaa Kamarazman ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Blueprint : HANS Sdn. Bhd. “Pineapple Fertilizer Tool” / Hasma Basyirah Bakar ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
New product development : Friclo Partition / Mursyidah Mohd Muhaimin ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
16 December 2019
Blueprint : EZNow (Counterless) / Muhammad Hazwan Hariz Mohd Shupian ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Blueprint: Aiskrim Malaysia Knotter / Adibah Nazri ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
18 December 2019
Business Plan : A & A Travel & Tours / Siti Nooriza Abdul Aziz ...[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : EZ Laundry / Nur Ain Najiha Mohd Nazri ...[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : SHHAA Wedding Planner / Nurhuda Khairil Annuar ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Yours Maid Laundry / Aineen Sofea Mat Ariffin ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
19 December 2019
Blueprint : Lovetics Enterprise “Tropicae Miracle” / Akmal Hakim Adanan ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Malayan Chicken Rice / Amirah Awang ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
AberGlide Backpack Enterprise / Wan Nur Amira Balqis Wan Razali. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Acrophobia / Nur Ayuni Farisha Nor Wadi, Nor Syazwani Abdul Aziz and Naja Helwa Mat Nor.
[Student Project]
Awareness of cybercrime among students in UiTM Cawangan Kelantan Campus Machang / Muhamad Ali Iqbal Hisham…[et al.].
[Student Project]
Awareness of side effect of beauty and slim pills / Nor Al Izzati Mohd Albukhari, Nur Intan Sharmiela Mohd Azmi and Nur Afrina Ahmad Burhan.
[Student Project]
Blueprint (BP) Crusades Enterprises
Technology: Entrepreneurship (ENT600) / Nur Ain Samsudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Blueprint DMM Enterprise / Dianne Michell Masuning.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Blueprint Report K.A.S Sdn.Bhd : Infrared Timer Gas Stove / Mohamad Shafeeq Kamal Azman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Model Canvas: Airbag Phone Case / Muhamad Akmal Abdullah Zawawi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Model Canvas: Batik Frame Clip / Syaidatul Norifa Mohd Badrul.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Model Canvas: Bling Tracker / Muhammad Nur Aidil Ariff Muhamad Yusuf.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Model Canvas: Canting Heat Pen / Nur Syakirah Shaharani. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas: Ceiling Fan Cleaner / Nursyafreena Rosli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Model Canvas: Easy Peasy Tool / Nur Humaira Suhaimi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Model Canvas: Hello Meow Enterprise / Syaidatul Umairah Solehah Abas. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas: Nobrella / Intan Najihah Mohamad Napiah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Model Canvas: Odor Absorbent Dustbin / Nur Fakhriah Aziela Abu Sepian. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas: Raffia Cutter 2 in 1 / Nur Namirah Mohd Zaki.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Model Canvas: Seri Pena Enterprise / Siti Nor Faqihah Haslubis. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas: Shrink Swift / Siti Nurhanis Izzati Awang Nordin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas: Smart Bottle / Nurul Ashyikin Ramli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Model Canvas: Thelima Printing / Nurul Anis Hafiza Mohamad. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Bussiness Model Canvas: Budu Pump Booster / Diyana Abd Hamid.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Bussiness Model Canvas: Glow In The Dark Marker Pen (GoGlow) / Wan Mohd Zawir Wan Mokhtar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Bussiness Model Canvas: Portable Watering Tools / Ain Amalina Kamarulanuar. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case study: Mak Siti Products (M) Sdn. Bhd / Hazirah Hakimah Kamaludin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Deepblue Partners Easy Hot Water / Nur Adiba Lyana Rosli. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Easy Track Enterprise / Nuraqiah Hashim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
“Fizz Enjoyable Sdn Bhd ” Blueprint Report / Zulhafizah Afra Zulkefli. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
High- Tech Solar Scarecrow / Siti Aziemah Ibrahim.
[Student Project]
Passion in food and cooking among students / Naurah Nasuha Mohd Nazri, Nur Hamizah Syazwani Mat and Anis Syahida Wan Mohd Hamidi.
[Student Project]
Student's perspective of politics / Muhammad Shodiiqurrohman Ahmad, Fauziah Ismail and Nur Syahirah Mohd Rodzi.
[Student Project]
Survey on student's motivation in studying / Najwa Iman Nazari, Nur Najjah Mohamad Ramli and Noor Aqilah Hanie Asri.
[Student Project]
Technology Blueprint :
Outdoor Clothes Hanger With Sensor/ Nur Diini Afiqah Khairudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Technology Blueprint Hi-Tech Advanced Machines Sdn. Bhd / Nurul Fatihah Idris.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Technology Blueprint Smart Fish Pond Monitoring and Inspection Device / Wan Nur Afifah Wan Anwar. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Technology Entrepreneurship (ENT600): Technology -based on Idea Blueprint: Magnetic Secure Pin Sensor / Sharifah Nor Faaiz Ibaa Syed Mohd Judah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Technology-based Business Idea Blueprint Report IZ-LAMIC Enterprise Digital Prayer Mat / Fatin Nadzirah Izzatie Azman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
WM Sensation Sdn. Bhd / Wan Mursyidah Wan Azrie.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
millooW Sdn. Bhd : Portable Baby Bottle Warmer Technology Entrepreneurship (ENT600): Blueprint / Wan Amidatul Hafizah Wan Abdullah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
The relationship between physical work environment and employees’ work performance at Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad, Temerloh / Nur Syahiera Mohamed Yusof. (2020) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
The relationship between physical work environment and employees’ work performance at Digi Store Danga Bay Johor Bahru / Ahmad Nur Aiman Othman. (2020) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
The relationship between work environment and employees job satisfaction of non-academic staff at Universiti Teknologi Mara Cawangan Kelantan Kampus Machang (UiTM) / Maria Muhammad Nasir. (2020) Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan.
A study on perception towards statistics field among Diploma Statistics students / Muhammad Emir Fakhry Abdul Manan, Nur Izzatul Azyyati Suhaimi and Safwani Lahak.
[Student Project]
23 April 2020
Afiat Oil Company Sdn Bhd / Mirza Aiman Mohd Hadi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Anglomoc Milk / Wan Mohamad Faishal Wan Mohd Fauzi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Beryl’s Chocolate / Nur Fazreenie Amalinie Mohd Fadri @ Mohd Badri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Brownie.Bros / Siti Nur Aisyah Md Arif.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Christy Ng Shoes / Nurhuda Huraiyah Abd Rashid.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Dynar Lekor / Nurul Syuhada Suhairi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
D’Laksa / Nur Ainul Syazwanie Azim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Food and Drinks Company / Muhamad Afeeq Azamuden Mohd Solah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Food and Service Products Company / Ahmad Kusyaryman Kamaruddin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Jimmy Choo / Nur Syahira Ain Abdul Halim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Local Handmade / Ahmad Aiman Ahmad Tarmizi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Nurraysa Beauty Skincare / Nur Atirah Abdullah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Redline Solution (Computer and Service ) / Muhamad Arif Abdullah Suhaimi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Sports Service / Muhammad Farhan Mansor.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Tealive / Nihlah Al-Qudsiyyah Nawi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Zety Roses Resources / Nik Muhammad Fitri Arif Zakaria.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
June 2020
Business Model Canvas : AFZ Enterprise / Afiqah Anati Abd Aziz. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Automatic Dishwasher / Samihah Mohamad Yusoff. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Brava / Muhamad Danial Hairudin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Budu Filter Container / Nabila Husna Mohamad Rodzi. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Ez Tools Company / Azwa Suzailin Ahmad Sunazneen. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Fabric Fingers Protection / Nur Najihah Izyan Abdul Rahman. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Business Model Canvas : Handy Food Dehydrator / Iqbal Ali Mohd Azman. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Hyper Grabber / Mohamed Zuheel Zaid. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Merella / Maisarah Abdul Rashid. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Miracle Secret / Mohd Pawiro Santono Othman. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Business Model Canvas : Popiah Roller Machine / Fathin Afifah Zainal Abidin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : The Spices Packaging / Siti Mudzalifa Anuar. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Vaclower D312 / Luqman Afiq Mohd Adnan. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
13 June 2020
Business Model Canvas: Stingless Bee Honey / Nur Faizah Roslan. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
14 June 2020
Business Model Canvas : Smart Dustbin / Mohammad Muaz Nordin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
15 June 2020
Business Model Canvas : THATmug / Farisa Dania Mat Zahid. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas: Car Top Brush / Nur Umairah Tumiran. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
16 June 2020
Business Model Canvas : Smart Compose Machine / Fatin Nur Azreena Mohd Fauzi. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas: Smart Ceiling Cleaner / Nabihah Ismadi. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Bussiness Model Canvas: Coconut Flesh Remover / Siti Nur Auni Husna Shikh Mohd Noor. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
17 June 2020
Business Model Canvas: Value Proposition / Nur Ain Mardiah Che Apandi. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Bussiness Model Canvas: Electric Coconut Scraper Machine / Norhafizah Ab Jalil. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
18 June 2020
Business Model Canvas: Dwi-Functional Canopy / Nur Deana Aqila Deen Bakry. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Bussiness Model Canvas: Drying Rack Pulley System / Siti Nabilah Ruslin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
21 June 2020
Business Model Canvas : ‘Dryon Machine’ / Nor Syafiqah Azwani Rosly. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
25 June 2020
Business Model Canvas : Smart Trolley / Syazlina Akmar Amran. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
26 June 2020
Technology blueprint: Kytty litter box / Nik Nur Afriza Yunan…[et al.]. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
27 June 2020
Business Model Canvas : Hoverboard “S” / Muhammad Rozaimie Rosli. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
28 June 2020
Business Model Canvas : CartSmarter Enterprise Sdn Bhd / Amirah Syahirah Sukran. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : PortaPS / Mohamad Iqram Ab Nasir. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
30 June 2020
Business Model Canvas : Auto Vision (AV) Optical Centre / Anis Nur Izzati Syaffrizal.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Model Canvas : Easy Hot Water / Nur Adiba Lyana Rosli. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Fly away portable fly repellent / Norfarhana Balqis Husin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Going Green Circle / Nur Adawiyah Batrisyia Mustafa. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Intelligent Windows / Noor Alia Yamin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : TF Luggage / Nor Alia Shahira Anas. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Fly away portable fly repellent / Norfarhana Balqis Husin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
July 2020
Blueprint : Aqua Enterprise “Smart Aquarium” / Nurul Athirah Anuar. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Book Page Self-Holder / Azim Azri Zairus Effendi. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Burger Sauce Spreader / Hazman Abu Yazid. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Dorora Sdn Bhd “Rotatable Shoe Rack” / Nur Amirah Yusop. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Easy Sdn Bhd “Space-Saving Plastic Bag Storage Box” / Nurul Anies Suraya Young Rockie. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Blueprint : FilWay (Filter Away) Self-Sifting Litter Filter / Nur Aunie Izzati Mailin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Green Hiking Nature Jacket / Hadi Zami Hasnor. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Hammer Magnetic Gloves / Khairil Aiman Faris Salim. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Happy Sdn. Bhd. “Self-Therapy Hair Comb”/ Nur Baizura Abdullah. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : JJ Sdn. Bhd. “Smart Drainage Filter” / Nurul Ain Najihah Rozainal. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : LavQuisto ENTERPRISE / Nur Ain Natasya Ab Rauf. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : LiQEN Sdn Bhd “Corrector Pen” / Nur Adila Mat Izal. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Blueprint : NH Enterprise “FoldIroning Board”/ Nazliatul Haiza Noordin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Pzg Spare Part Enterprise “Magic Pocket” / Muhammad Hafizzullah Juha Seman. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Blueprint : SaSaa Sdn. Bhd “Multisuction Pump” / Norazuani Ilena Iliani Amran. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Smile Perfume Enterprise “Bunjut Shoe Deodorizer “/ Noor Syameera ‘Aina Abdullah. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Blueprint : TROCh “Foldable Trolley And Chair” / A’isyatul Humaira’ Halim. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Blueprint technology: Automatic Dishwasher / Samihah Mohamad Yusoff… [et al.]. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Burger Sauce Spreader / Hazman Abu Yazid. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Business Model Canvas : Calm Glove / Nurul Afzan Abdullah. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Easy Sdn Bhd / Nurul Anies Suraya Young Rockie. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : FilWay (Filter Away) Self-Sifting Litter Filter / Nur Aunie Izzati Mailin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Measuring Set with Scale / Afifah Allias. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : AIMA Development Sdn. Bhd. / Nurul Ain Najihah Rozainal. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Case Study : Air Terjun Laundry / Nazliatul Haiza Noordin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Case Study : Air Terjun Laundry / Nurul Anies Suraya Young Rockie. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Air Terjun Laundry / Nurul Athirah Anuar. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Arrouha Sports & Outdoors / Nur Amirah Yusop. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Eco-Shop / Muhammad Najib Mohd Fadzli. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Flex Fisioterapi / Ahmad Nur’alif Mohamad Nadzir. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : KZ Aneka Kerepek Enterprise / Hadi Zami Hasnor. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Case Study : Kedai Roti Heykal / Afifah Allias. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : MYR Construction Sdn Bhd / A’isyatul Humaira’ Halim. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Case Study : MYR Construction Sdn. Bhd / Noor Syameera ‘Aina Abdullah. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Mykori Dessert Cafe / Norazuani Ilena Iliani Amran. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Case Study : Myr Construction Sdn.Bhd. / Nur Baizura Abdullah. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Oh My Cake (OMC) / Nur Ain Natasya Ab Rauf. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : One More Rep Gymnasium / Khairil Aiman Faris Salim. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Case Study : Uniform Gallery Bangi / Nur Adilla Mat Izal. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Case Study : Z&Z Niaga Sdn.Bhd (Processing and Food Suppliers) / Nur Aunie Izzati Mailin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
1 July 2020
Blueprint : Adjustable Fruit Opener / Ahmad Nur’alif Mohamad Nadzir. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Flip Top Stand / Muhammad Zuhair Zakaria. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Prism Spectacle / Muhammad Najib Mohd Fadzli. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Flip Top Stand / Muhammad Zuhair Zakaria. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : D’Niz Patin Oriee / Muhammad Zuhair Zakaria. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Case Study : My Cake House / ‘Ameely Zulaikha Md Zakuan. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Rosmin Pet Shop / Azim Azri Zairus Effendi. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
2 July 2020
Business Model Canvas : Ample Power Company / Noor Amira Zaharlim. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
9 July 2020
Blueprint : Aminin.Sdn.Bhd “Cover Fan” / Wan Nurul Fathihah Wan Ahmad Fekri. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Blueprint : Autism Traffic Light Play / Amirah Fatini Berahim @ Ab Rahman. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Blueprint : Creaturenation Enterprise (Easy-Peasy Applicator For Shaving Cream Can) / Ainun Najiha Ridzuan. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : DuSe LADDER / Amirah Hazwani Roslin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Easy Future Sdn. Bhd. “Safe Corner Book” / Siti Sakinah Zuhari. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Eclipse Health Center “Therapeutic Sleeping Pillow” / Nur Azreen Faizul Azran. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Ecorack Enterprise (Pallet-Rack For Fertilizer) / Siti Sarah Mohd Sabri. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Go Coconut Enterprise “Scooconut” / ‘Ameely Zulaikha Md Zakuan. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Blueprint : Honeycomb Bench Rack / Fatihah Khairani Sabri. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : SNOW Sdn. Bhd “Calm Glove” / Nurul Afzan Abdullah. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Smart Marker Pen / Shahirah Ibrahim. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Business Model Canvas : Autism Traffic Light Play / Amirah Fatini Berahim @ Ab Rahman. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Business Model Canvas : Creaturenation Enterprise (Easy-Peasy Applicator for Shaving Cream Can) / Ainun Najiha Ridzuan. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : ASC Ecogreen Company / Siti Sarah Mohd Sabri. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Air Terjun Laundry / Ainun Najiha Ridzuan. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Case Study : Bakeology Mart Company / Nurul Farahain Junaidi. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Bayu Bumi Enterprise / Fatihah Khairani Sabri. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Faizal Motor Work / Amirah Fatini Berahim @ Ab Rahman. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Frenz Pet House and Shop / Ainin Sorfina Afizan. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Frenz Pet House and Shop / Hazman Abu Yazid. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Frenz Pet House and Shop / Nur Azreen Faizul Azran. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Frenz Pet House and Shop / Nurul Afzan Abdullah. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Case Study : Frenz Pet House and Shop / Shahirah Ibrahim. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : Hafza Trading Clothes And Textiles Business / Amirah Hazwani Roslin. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : In Berkat Enterprise Food and Beverages / Wan Nurul Fathihah Wan Ahmad Fekri. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Case Study : KHM Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. (Mamart Food ) / Marhaini Zamri. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Case Study : MYR Construction Sdn. Bhd / Muhammad Hafizzullah Juha Seman. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Case Study : Mieraezad Bundle Enterprise / Siti Sakinah Zuhari. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Technology blueprint: Budu Dispenser / Nik Nur Syazreen Nik Rohaimi…[et al.]. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
11 July 2020
Blueprint : Shine Enterpise “3 Tier Nozzle Rack” / Nurul Farahain Junaidi. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
15 July 2020
Blueprint : Haura Medic Healthcare "Back Pillow" / Ainin Sorfina Afizan. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Blueprint : Mawar Enterprise Sdn. Bhd "Measuring Sets With Scale" / Afifah Allias. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Technology Entrepreneurship: Ingenious.Ly Sdn. Bhd. / Nur Liana Mohd Rashid… [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
16 July 2020
Blueprint : Tilted Desk / Marhaini Zamri. (2020) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
November 2020
Ambrosia Bakery / Fatin Amirah Torji.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Bara Bayu Enterprise / Nabilah Atiqa Jamaludin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Cherry Yunny Delight / Nur Aqilah Baser.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Corner Kick Café / Muhammad Hisyam Ismail.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Fazerra Beauty House Saloon and Spa / Rusydina Aqilah Muhammad Rashdan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Gundam Gang / Muhammad Syazril Samson Anuar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Haji Zainol Food Industries Sdn. Bhd / Nurul Natasha Abdul Haris.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : IADZ Enterprise / Nurul Atikah Muhamad Daud.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Kedai Kek Cik Bunga / Nurul Aswani Mohd Azahar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Kekabe by Fendi Islam / Saufinaziha Mohd Hamdan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : M.E Asia Enterprise / Umi Munirah Ishak.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Mouthgasm HQ / Nur Nasehah Zanudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Mr Right Trading / Nur Suhaila Md Suffian.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : NIFA Biotech Industry Sdn. Bhd. / Mohammad Hafiz Amri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : NS Harmony Marketing "YESS Dadih Powder" / Suwaibah Afiqah Mohd Sukhairi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Noor Arfa Holdings Sdn Bhd / Alisa Azri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Pusat Memproses Kuih Asli / Amiirrur Rahim Ahmad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Rainbow Laundry Services / Umi Nadrah Abd Wahap.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Shahzin Bakery & Café / Nur Athirah Noorazam.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : The Keriaball Enterprise / Nurazida Asyiqin Abd Aziz.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Yie Enterprise “Restoran Kak Ti Pasar Lama MPKB” / Nurul Ain Shafiqah Mohd Sabri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case study : Bronis Sdn. Bhd. / Sharifah Ainul Syazwani Syed Azman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case study : Kaori Cha / Balqis Husna Jaffar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case study : Mr. Qayum Home / Wan Nur Irdiana Wan Jahari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case study : Perusahaan Roti Suria / Nurul Nazuha Mahmud.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ema Bridal House / Nur Farhana Ramlee.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Fashion Valet / Muhammad Bashri Bukhari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
KRZ Tyre & Services / Nur Amiera Shahierah Mohamad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
KUALE Surprise and Balloon / Nur Amelia Hayani Muhammad Faiz.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Sahzul Pasar Segar Enteprise / Muhammad Azamuddin Zulkornain.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Wood-Fired Oven Pizzeria / Muhammad Hakim Yusoff.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Zaicorp Industries Sdn. Bhd. / Wan Ahmad Afiq Wan Ab Aziz.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
16 November 2020
Case Study : Ayam Golek Abang Burn / Ahmad Azammudin Husaini.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : EZY Durian / Mohamad Haikal Hazny.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Edda Collection Sdn. Bhd. / Raudhah Ab. Rahman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Gading Aqua Company “Sole Proprietorship” / Nurul Salwa Salman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Jaman Tory Resepi / Mohd Faiz Fikri Mohammad Johar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Jazfar Collection / Nur Sarah Fazlia Saidon.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Jiwa Kopi & Bingsu / Nursyafika Syazani Akmar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Keropok Cap Pesawat / Nur Asyiqin Danisha Irami.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Keropok Lekor Mak Ngah Pak Ali / Siti Khairiah Mohd Zulkifly.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : RS Serunding Enterprise / Siti Noor Auni Mat Useng.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Siti Binti Dahlan Enterprise / Norhijrah Che Mohamed Nizam.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Zalynz Oven / Izyan Atasha Azman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Minibite Delights / Siti Nur Atirah Abdul Rahim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
19 November 2020
Anz Line Resources / Nur Hasmira Hashim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Aqmarithm Enterprise / Nur Hadirah Abdul Salam.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ayunny Bakery / Nur Nadirah Hanisah Kamaruddin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : NZ Kedai Kek & Roti / Nur Syuhada Shobir.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
K’la Pusat Kecatikan Rambut / Nor Ain Syamira Che Noor Shan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Mf Delicious Ice Cream Café / Nur Zafirah Auni Mohd Zamri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
20 November 2020
Afza Berkat Enterprise / Nik Nur Fadhilah Nik Mohd Fakhri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Creative Designs Studio Enterprise / Mohammad Azizul Mohd Noor.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Keropok Lekor Gong Serapat / Nurul Fatimah Suhaimi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Mayhem Fixed / Ummi ‘Aqilah Abu Hassan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Micro Tech Solutions Enterprise / Hazlifah Hamzah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Pisang Hut / Azlini Mahamood.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
SS Yamani Enterprise / Nazaratulnisha Puaat.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Saffiyya’s Rempeyek Enterprise / Nur Adreana Syahila Mohamad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Salsabila Bakery Shop / Daeng Kasturi Nazman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Yong Tau Foo & Oden Station / Nor Atikah Asmaa Aripen.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
21 November 2020
AWE.Outlet / Tengku Muhammad Haris Muqriz Tengku Hisham.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Aci Jaya Enterprise / Nuraiman Syahira Asraae.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Adib Tinted And Accessories / Nurul Ain Nabila Mohd Sabri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Adira’s Marketing / Siti Aishah Ismawadi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Aiszzy Electronics Enterprise / Nurhazirah Hanani Mohd Khalid.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Al Fath Empire Enterprise / Nur Aisha Mohd Yusoff.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Alan Pastel Venture / Muhammad Aiman Jusoh.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Anak Cekal Enterprise / Nur Aliah Nabihah Nazamira.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ariff Kasturi Enterprise / Nurul Hannani Qistina Husni.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ariffin Matang Enterprise / Afif Haikal Azahan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Awe Outlet / Tengku Muhammad Haris Muqriz Tengku Hisham.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Azahari Batik Enterprise / Wan Ahmad Rifqi Wan Mohd Nuri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Azreha Bb Multiniaga / Nurul Fara Wahida Juhari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Balqis Bakery / Nurul Nadiah Mohd Asri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Best Cendol Café / Nur Farazulaikha Hussin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Café Jiwa Kopi & Bingsu / Wan Natasha Wan Naziron.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
D&N Energy Enterprise / Nurul Jannatul Naimah Ibrahim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Darul Naim Printing / Halimatul Akmar Safarizuan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Delta Agropro Trading / Muhammad Khalis Mifzal Mohd Kamal.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Diniey Lover Enterprise / Nor Shuhada Rusli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ells Empire Ventures / Nor Hawanis Mat Kadim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Erat Empayar Sdn Bhd / Nur Amirah Minazi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
FNA Rich Trade / Nurfidatul Natasya Mohamad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ghibli Coffee / Amira Syakira Mohamad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Golden Network / Nuraida Syamimi Mohd Azuki.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Hello Café / Wan Nurain Mashitah Wan Deraman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ir Man Enterprise / Nur Azia Shazni Shaari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Kedai Kek Dan Roti Hajjah Noriah / Wan Nur Tihani Wan Mohamad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Keluarga Jaya Resources / Nor Afiqah Sudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Kico Baby Center / Nor Nadia Ramli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Krcs Shop / Nur Anisya Nawi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ku Anis Cake & Bakery / Nik Nurnina Anis Alya Nik Man.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ku Anis Cake and Bakery / Nabila Hanim Mohd Mohamadiah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Langgut Enterprise / Nor Ayuni Mohd Suhaimi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Manis By Idayu / Nurul Khalis Mohd Kamsol.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Matang Dagang Enterprise / Ahmad Muhaimi Mohd Arrifin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Medin Fragrance / Nur Asmazeera Che Ujang.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Moaq Empire / Muhammad Zul Hafiy Zulkifli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Murni Printing Enterprise / Nik Nurul Aqilah Wan Zain.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Nafissa Exclusive Hq / Nurul Ain Najihah Nordin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Nami K Food / Nurul Jannah Rusli Zahari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Nasir’s Roti Canai / Muhamad Haqimi Awang.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ndz Teluk Enterprise / Muhammad Hanif Mohd Razalli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Neda Zainal Empire / Nur Syafiqah Che Senu.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Nsa Beau Ventures / Nur Ain Nabila Mohd Nazri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Nur Najihah Solutions / Muhammad Syahir Ahmad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Nurfa Bakery & Cake House / Nur Nadia Azmi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Pak Tam’s Nasi Ayam / Nur Iman Athirah Mohd Asri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Perusahaan Bahulu Sedap / Nur Izzah Mohamad Nasir.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Popis by HanifMZ / Nurshaheera Fatiniafza Alias.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Project Outdoor / Aisyah Harun.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Radzi & Co. / Muhammad Amir Firdaus Zulkifle.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ricca Dinamic Venture / Sofea Qistina Zakaria.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Roti Canai Cikgu Restaurant / Noor Fatin Adiba Wandi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ruzi’s Food Enterprise / Syukrina Che Mat.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Serunding Habsah Harun / Amir Heiqal Mohd Rusli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Shegak / Aliah Wahidah Saharudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Smiling Orchid Bakery & Cake / Nik Nur Farahani Nasharudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Smiling Orchid Bakery And Cake / Nur Farah Izzati Nawi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Sri Teratai Cake House / Muhammad Rusydan Kamaruzaman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ss Global Beauty / Nur Fara Ain Mohd Hafizan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Suebella Boutique / Nur Syafiqah Atirah Abd.Rahim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Suzana’s Roti Canai / Norizzah Atirah Ahmad Syihabuddin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Sweet Garden Bakery / Ammar Zakuan Asbolfadzillah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Syofia Mazalan Resources / Aida Maisarah Zakaria.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Tedboy Bakery / Nur Amirah Makhtar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Tiey Beauty Rich / Afaf Afiah Ahmad Zulfaqar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
W.A.N.N Trading Corporation Sdn Bhd / Muhammad Fariz Muhammad Alias Teaw.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Walinong Sari Collection / Nurhana ‘Alyaa Johari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Werra Beauty / Nur Athilah Syahin Muhammd Mizi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
22 November 2020
Case Study : LY Bakery / Nurzarifah Syafawati Azizan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
26 November 2020
Case Study : Cleanhero (M) Sdn Bhd / Hanisah Norazam.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Hannan Medispa Jerteh / Nurul Syafiqah Shamsul Bahari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Outpost Uniform / Raidatul Auna Mohamad Asri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Pengusaha Keropok Tg. Shahrezal Enterprise / Nur Ikliel Badriah Hashim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Ramlah Salleh Serunding / Amalin Aisyah Mohd Nawawi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case study : Ber One Agro / Nor Syafiqah Zainol.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case study : Pengusaha Songkok Afiq Asyraf / Nurul Afifah Ariffin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case study : The Timberland Company / Ameerul Ariff Zulhakim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
27 November 2020
Case Study : Belacan Madu Enterprise Company / Fatin Afifah Huda Jafri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case study : Belacan Madu Enterprise / Nazifah Shahila Mohd Anuar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case study : PTIME Resources Company / Nur Aisyah Mohd Nadzir.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
28 November 2020
Case Study : Lieyana Biz Empire - Pizza Muslim By Atar / Fatin Nursuhada Ismail.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case study : Millenium SKP Sdn. Bhd. / Mohamad Asyraf Fahmi Yahya.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
29 November 2020
Case Study : Bella’licious Cake House / Wan Nurfarihan Wan Abd Raman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Mastuki Supplier Trading / Farah Hanisah Ibrahim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : ROZITA BINTI BAKAR Company / Siti Solehah Sairul Kamal Shah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : RZ Garden Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. / Nik Mohamed Azim Megat Anuar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : SR Snacks Sdn Bhd / Noor Shuhada Jamaldin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Trili Maju Sdn. Bhd. / Luqman Al Hakim Mohd Azizi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case study : Fresh Hub Trading Sdn. Bhd. / Nor Fazlina Baharim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case study : Padang Stang Maju Enterprise / Farah Amani Mohd Zulkifli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case study : Veloce Food Industry Sdn. Bhd. / Abdul Hafiz Irham Abdul Karim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
5 December 2020
Case Study : Baker Brothers Cafe / Ain Nazira Mohd Tahir.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Eat Me Café / Nur’atiqah Baharudeen.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Perniagaan Naim Gulai Sembilang / Muhammad Amin Hamdan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Rightontrack Sdn Bhd / Muhammad Aiman Ab Manaf.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Sri Kejai Enterprise / Adlina Anati Abdul Aziz.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
6 December 2020
Case Study : Ayam Warisan Venture / Fatin Adilla Che Abdul Rahman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Benteng Jaya Enterprise / Khairunisa Nordin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Cepat Cetak Grafik / Nurliana Nabila Abdul Rahman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : D’Rania Beauty Spa & Saloon / Nur Syamimi Mokhtar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Gabungan Mantap Sdn Bhd / Muhammad Zahirrudin Yunos.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Icely Company / Siti Nur Aishah Shaharuddin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Julya Rahmat Sdn. Bhd / Nur Farhana Syahirah Abdullah Sapian.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Liya Concept Enterprise / Nur Hazirah Azhari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Musa Jaya Enterprise (Kedai Basikal Puncak Alam) / Nur Zulharni Aisha Zulkifli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : SN Kekal Maju Enterprise / Lyana Ibrahim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
7 December 2020
Case Study : In Saff Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. / Meriam Busyra Mohd Rusli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Aida Chocs Enterprise / Noranisya Nasaruddin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Alhumaira Hijab / Nik Nur Fatihah Nik Pa.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Brand Uniqlo / Siti Nur Hasma Hani Izani.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Mayhem Fixed / Ummi 'Aqilah Abu Hassan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Tedboy Bakery / Nur Amirah Makhtar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : AZ Jaya Trading / Fatin Nadia Nursyakirah Mohd Razlan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Beany Cafe / Muhammad Qayyum Mohd Azman …[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Beatrisa Enterprise / Nuur Feqah Mohd Rozee … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Castle Home Deco / Nur Syaza Syuhada Azura @ Izwan … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Delivery Squad / Muhammad Izzuddin Ibrahim … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Puyuh Legacy / Muhammad Khaliq Arrijal Che Kamalruzaman, Muhammad Afiq Ikmal Abdul and Wan Muhamad Syakib Nordin Aziz.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Serunding Kita Enterprise (Serunding Crispy Best in Town) / Amir Heiqal Mohd Rusli … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Squishy Dessert (Fluffy Donuts) / Muhamad Farhan Mohd Razali … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Sunset’s Restaurant (Food and Drink Menu) / Norhasnien Mohd Nor … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan ENT 300 : Lailai Chicken Rice Restaurant / Muhamad Syamir Saifulizan … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Wan Fatimah Binti Yacob / Muhammad Amirul Mamat.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Chan Rak Ter Sdn. Bhd / Muhammad Amirul Saiful Bahry.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : D’era Zone Enterprise / Nazifa Naili Mohd Zaidi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : AZ Puncak Trading / Muhamad Ayreeq Mazlan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Adabi Consumer Sdn Bhd / Nur Arina Baharuddin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Adib Bege / Muhammad Syahril Nizam Rahimi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Adib Tinted & Accessories / Nurul Ain Nabila Mohd Sabri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Aducktive Salted Egg HQ / Wan Saiyidah Nafisah Moidin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Ainaa Beauty / Nur Farah Ain Adam.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Al-Haura Arabic Kopitiam / Amar Iskandar Anuar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Al-Ikhsan Sports / Ahmad Khuzairi Rusydi Ahmad Iskandar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Anas Hq / Nurul Syazwani Anuar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Atahcourt / Tuan Ahmad Haiqal Haqeem Tuan Ahmad Jafri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : AyunnyBakery / Nur Nadirah Hanisah Kamaruddin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Baker’s Cottage / Natasha Ezreen Mohamed Nasir.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Banasfha Cafe / Riffahizzah Roselam.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Bonia Corporation Berhad / Lailatul Aida Nazri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Books Kinokuniya Malaysia / Noor Nabilah Ashikin Ahmad Fahami.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Brother’s Creative Carlife / Muhammad Nashraf Mohd Nasir.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Bubblebee Sdn Bhd / Nur Nadhirah Asyikin Kamarulzaman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Chocolate Chips Cookies / Wan Saiyidah Nafisah Moidin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Cofeeland Sdn. Bhd. / Nur Azmina Husna Noraminasrun.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Dapur Ibu Food Industry / Nurul Syafiqah Shamsudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Demica / Nurin Syamimi Sapawi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Demica Beauty / Nik Nur Hanisya Nik Hasram.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Demica Beauty Sdn Bhd / Raihanah Azman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Dherb’s Holdings (M) Sdn. Bhd. / Hani Arissa Halimi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Di Wannie Sdn. Bhd. / Firzanah Khairunnisa Fadzly.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Dibuk Sdn. Bhd / Maizatul Amirah Azami.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Diney Lover Enterprise / Nor Shuhada Rusli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : D’Rahmat Pizza / Puteri Alya Batrisyia Hamdan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Edlee Food Services / Nur Imanina Nuwairah Kamalula.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Elrah Exclusive / Nur Iffah Malihah Rozi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Empayar Batik Exclusive / Aida Safiyah Sa’idi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Faiza Sdn. Bhd / Afnan Syahmi Mohd Nazri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Farm Fresh / Nurul Izzah Muzammil.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : FashionValet Sdn.Bhd / Fatin Nur Syazwani Zahari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Fashionvalet Sdn.Bhd / Nurfatihah Anis Mat Junoh.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Fixfone Enterprise / Amir Hamzah Abdul Halim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn. Bhd. / Wan Nurul Syafiqah Wan Pauzi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Genius Wisdom / Mohamad Hazwan Haziq Hazmawi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Habib Jewels Sdn. Bhd. / Nurul Aqilah Rosli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Hai-O Enterprise Sdn Bhd / Muhammad Nurhazim Azman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Hajjah Aminah Food Industry Sdn Bhd (HAFI) / Nur Syai’rah Najwa Shamsuri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Halarizq Resources Company / Nur Rasyidah Bilai.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Hasnuri Sdn Bhd / Farahanim Yusnita Razali.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Haznor Resources / Nur Atikah Ayuni Muhamad Hazan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Hidayah Lestari Agro Trading / Mas Alia Izzaty Mohd Salleh.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Husmat Furniture / Faridah Pauzi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Impian Home / Anas Izanil Abdul Wahid.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Julieza Beauty Saloon Sdn. Bhd / Nur Alia Husna Mat Zahid.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Julita Fashion / Anis Madihah Zakiman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Kak Noris Nasi Berlauk / Muhammad Ariff Aqasha Zulkifli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Kamelia Cosmetics / Wan Nur Batrisyia Wan Mohd Radzi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Kancil Raja Patin Temerloh / Muhammad Ammar Raziq Khairi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Kedai Kek dan Roti Hajjah Noriah / Wan Nur Tihani Wan Mohamad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Keropok Lekor Tok Molor / Siti Nurhidayah Awang.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Kopiology Brewed Coffee / ‘Aini Syafiqah Adznan Adzen.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Lemang To'ki / Muhammad Shahril Mohammad Rozlan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Mamasab International Sdn Bhd / Muhammad Amirul Sharif.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Matang Dagang Enterprise / Ahmad Muhaimi Mohd Arrifin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Mayhem Fixed Business / Ummi 'Aqilah Abu Hassan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Mudim / Siti Zahidah Rashidi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Mydin Mohamed Holdings Berhad / Athirah Sohaime.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : NH Prima Sdn.Bhd / Norkhairun Nisa’ Azmi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : NJHH LEGACY / Putri Atiqah Izzati Tuan Hishamuddin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : NSA Beauty / Nik Salsabella Antasha Nik Azhar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : NSA Beauty Company / Nur Awin Muhamad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Naelofar Hijab / Nur Masyitah Syarah Mohd Zamri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Nafissa Exclusive / Nurul Ain Najihah Nordin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Nasken Coffee / Siti A'eshah Hanapi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Nieeq Beauty Mall Company / Mohamad Amir Dzakirin Azeman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Noraini’s Cookies Worldwide Sdn Bhd / Nur Farhana Zakaria.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Nordin Batik & Craft Sdn Bhd / Mimi Nor Shazleen Hanafiah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Noursyaa Fragrance and Cosmetics (LAWAraa Cosmetics) / Anis Azmi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Nurfa Bakery & Cake House / Nur Nadia Azmi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Obsess™ Cosmetics Sdn. Bhd. / Nurul Atikah I Ramle.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Ommason / Nur Syazlin Mohd Shahrullizam.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Orisahanif Enterprice / Muhammad Sadruddin Ismail.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Pak Ali Food Industries Sdn Bhd / Muhammad Syafiq Asyraf Ahmad Fakri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Pak Ali Food Industries Sdn. Bhd / Nur Syazwina Atasha Azman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Papa Backdrop Enterprise / Nur Lyana Zamhana.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Parallax Kamera Kodak / Muhammad Haiqal Hakeem Hanif.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Pizza Liza Restaurant / Nur Atiqah Shahirah Mohd Sakri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Projek Outdoor / Aisyah Harun.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : RD Alumglass / Danish Daniel Budriz Roslan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Radzi & Co / Muhammad Amir Firdaus Zulkifle.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Ramly Food Processing Sdn Bhd / Siti Aishah Khalil.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Ramly Processing Sdn. Bhd. / Nur Shafiqah Hazani.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Ricca Dinamic Ventures / Sofea Qistina Zakaria.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Rojak Khadijah YK / Muhd Daim Bahanudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Roti John Ketagih / Amirul Firdaus Mohd Zulkifli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Rozaimi Optometrist / Nursyafina Mohd Shakeri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : SEAmEQ / Nur Sahla Zahra Mohd Affandi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Sani Express Sdn. Bhd. / Muhammad Fahmi Mohd Rofi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Seri Keropok Lekor / Anis Sukira Mohammad Yusoff.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Sewa Costume Bangi / Aiman Bahari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Shakila Mustafa Colouring / Nur Ainaa Fakhira Rahimi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : SimplySiti / Wan Siti Hasni Wan Min.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Sinar Saujana Hiasan Lampu Enterprise / Muhamad Alif Sukeri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Siti Khadijah Apparel Sdn Bhd / Nursyuhada Bakhari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Smilling Orchid Bakery and Cake / Nur Farah Izzati Nawi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Super Gadget / Muhammad Akmal Iman Ahmad Abdul Mutalib.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Syarikat Faiza Sdn.Bhd / Nur Khairin Irdina Rosmasharuzi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Syarikat M.O Jaya Sdn Bhd / Muhammad Haikal Hirzi Mohd.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Syarikat Muda Osman (SMO) Bookstores Sdn. Bhd / Nor Maisarah Mohd Harun.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Syarikat Muda Osman Sdn. Bhd / Ain Nadia Mazlan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : The Boom Beverage Sdn Bhd / Muhammad Faiz Amin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : The Fresh Calamansi / Ruzafina Alieza Nabila Razali.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : The dUCK Group / Nur Munirah Mustafa.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : TheGanuGanu / Nur Dayana Batrisya Nor Azhar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Three Box Gold Company / Zyed Hamidi Zainal Abidin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Tiey Beauty Rich / Afaf Afiah Ahmad Zulfaqar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Ujies Collection / Puteri Iman Amani Salleh.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Wana Beauty Mall Company / Nurul Dania Antasha Mohd Noor.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Wardrobe Cikgu Zura / Nurul Farzana Zulkeflee.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Wawa Cosmetics / Siti Nur Fatin Atirah Mohamad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Yello Skincare Brand Under Meglinagroup Sdn Bhd / Muhammad Khairuddin Iberahim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Zaine Textile / Ahmad Azri Zakaria.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Zinon Food Industry Sdn Bhd / Nurul Wajihah Hashim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case study Nj Hair & Beauty Salon / Wan Anis Shafiqa Wan Makhtar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
ENT 300: Case Study : Anissa Beauty Hq (Magic I-Lips) / Nor Ayuni Mohd Basri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
ENT 300: Case Study : Mikael Signature @ Restoran Ore Kampung / Nurul Syazwani Hamsani.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Factors influencing procurement fraud among public officials in Kelantan / Mohd Shaharil Mohd Hassan.
Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Glow Glowing Hq / Nur Athira Ludin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Hup Seng Industries Berhad/ Nur Athirah Ruzaidi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Medan Warisan Makanan / Nor Nadia Hassan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
MyBurgerLab (Wee Kiat Teoh) / Nur Syazwanie Mazlan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Nasken Coffee / Muhammad Zulizam Rosli. (2021) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
New Product Development : 2-in-1 Tin Smasher and Plastic Bottle Cutter / Mohamad Asyraf Fahmi Yahya ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Professional Photostat Enterprise Taiping / Nursabrina Zulkefli. (2021) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Puma / Ahmad Idham Hakimi Mohd Zulkifli. (2021) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Syarikat Muda Osman Sdn Bhd / Nik Norhumaira Nek Zuzuki.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Tesla Cars Company / Muhammad Alif Aqasyah Abdullah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Transkrip wawancara bersama Puan Che Nasiah binti Che Omar tokoh usahawan wanita / Muhammad Syahran Rifdi Che Abdul Aziz and Muhammad Basyar Aiman Bahar Nizam.
[Oral History]
Watson Kota Bharu / Muhammad Haikal Mohd Asmawi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Yonex / Wan Muhammad Irfan Wan Nazli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
The effect of auditor’s characteristics, firm financial performance and firm leverage and fraudulent financial reporting (FFR): evidence from Malaysia /
Nurul Ain Samsuddin.
Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
January 2021
Blueprint: Mini Durian Flesh Separator / Ahmad Azammudin Husaini … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Contributing factors of fraud intention behavior: a case of Royal Malaysian Police in Kelantan / NIk Zati Afiqah Sapiaa @ Md Nordin.
Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Factors that influence ethical judgement of Kota Bharu Municipal Council officials / Rabaatul Azira Hassan.
Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Technology blueprint : Sanismart / Adlina Anati Abdul Aziz, Ain Nazira Mohd Tahir and Lyana Ibrahim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
The effect of board attributes on Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) performance / Wan Nadia Syaira Wan Adzli.
Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
The effect of employees behaviour on whistleblowing intention in Ar-Rahnu institutions: an evidence from Ar-Rahn / Wan Azmeer Wan Mahmood.
Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
6 January 2021
New Product Development : Slash Cutter / Amiirrur Rahim Ahmad ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
7 January 2021
New Product Development : Easy-Peasy Box / Farah Hanisah Ibrahim ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
New Product Development : Inflatable Pillow Fan / Hanisah Norazam ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
New Product Development : LA2S Multifunctional
Earphone Pouch / Luqman Al Hakim Mohd Azizi ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
New Product Development : Madu Belacan Enterprise / Hazirah Hakimah Kamaludin ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
New Product Development : PentapeADORA / Nur Syuhada Shobir ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
New Product Development : Portable Sleeping Sauna / Amalin Aisyah Mohd Nawawi ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
8 January 2021
New Product Development : Honey Suction Pump / Fatin Nursuhada Ismail ... [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
18 January 2021
Blueprint: Elastic Sewing Needle / Nur Aqilah Baser … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Blueprint: Kue Lapis Alumware “Layer Baking Tray” / Nurul Salwa Salman …[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Blueprint: Quurv Sdn Bhd “Dent Bottle Puller” / Mohd Faiz Fikri Mohammad Johar … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Blueprint: Rempeyek Flower Ladle / Alisa Azri … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
21 January 2021
Blueprint : Cleanmax Technology (EzVac) / Muhammad Zahirrudin Yunos, Muhammad Amin Hamdan and Muhammad Aiman Ab Manaf.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Blueprint : Magnetic Cable Wrapper / Siti Nur Aishah Shaharuddin … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Blueprint : SaniSmart / Adlina Anati Abdul Aziz, Ain Nazira Mohd Tahir and Lyana Ibrahim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Starmoon Bakery / Nurul Nadiah Mohd Asri … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Super Gadget / Muhammad Akmal Iman Ahmad Abdul Mutalib.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
22 January 2021
Blueprint : Focus Alarm / Meriam Busyra Mohd Rusli, Nur Hazirah Azhari and Khairunisa Nordin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Blueprint : Two-TH (2in1 Electronic Toothbrush) / Nurliana Nabila Abd Rahman, Nur Zulharni Aisha Zukkifli and Nur’atiqah Baharudeen.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
23 January 2021
Business Plan : Azreha Bakery / Nurul Fara Wahida Juhari…[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Bahulu Legend / Nor Atikah Asmaa Aripen…[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Bakers Passion Bakery / Nur Maisarah Zamani…[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : KAFTAA Coconut Milk / Nur Amelia Hayani Muhammad Faiz … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Keluarga Jaya Resources (Kerepek KunyaKunya) / Aisyah Harun…[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Khaafé Sdn Bhd / Wan Ahmad Afiq Wan Ab Aziz …[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Medin Fragrance / Nur Amirah Makhtar … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Teruna Bakery Enterprise / Muhammad Azamuddin Zulkornan … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : The A’s Roll Strawberries Roll / Muhamad Haqimi Awang…[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
ENT 300 Business Plan : Acu Tera Chicken Rice Restaurants / Nur Iman Athirah Mohd Asri … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
6 February 2021
Tengku Anis Library UiTM Machang / Nur Najihah Haris Fadila.
Industrial Training.
Tengku Anis Library Uitm Machang.
12 April 2021
Elmama Enterprise / Noor Izzati Aqilah Azman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
29 April 2021
Case Study : Naelofar Hijab / Nur Fazliana Suhaili Mohamad Rudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
May 2021
Case Study : Cabello Hombre Barbershop / Izharuddin Adnan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Company Mamasab International Sdn Bhd / Nurul Aisya Fatiera Mohd Zaki.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Donut Lambong / Munawwar Zulfaris Razak.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : D’Pandamaran Enterprise / Nurul Ain Izzati Bahari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Gula Cakery / Emira Halisa Munirah Emiruddin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Hajjah Aminah Food Industries Sdn Bhd / Nurul Izzah Muhammad Azhari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Ikonik Eye Specialist Centre Sdn Bhd / Nor Emilia Ahtirah Abdullah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Kemudi Timur Elektronik Sdn Bhd / Suzainiwati Suhaimi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Keropok Warisan Losong / Muhammad Ahnaf Mohd Nor.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Natural Wellness Holdings Sdn Bhd / Nur Rashidah Mustopa Jawari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : PRM Foods & Marketing Sdn Bhd / Nur Syafawani Zaidi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Pak Ali Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. / Nur Ain Izzati Abdul Razak.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Produk Buncit / Nazirul Fikri Rozalan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Purity International Sdn Bhd / Siti Nurfasihah Abdullah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : SR Asia Resources Sdn Bhd / Siti Nurfarhana Ahmad Zaini.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Fashionvalet Sdn.Bhd / Nurin Afifah Shahrudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Hub Warong Rider / Norhasnini Mohamad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
MGV Industries Sdn Bhd / Nurul Shahida Rasmadi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
NEKMATBIZ / Nurin Qistina Mohamad Fozi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Uni Press (M) Sdn Bhd / Nur Afizai Muhammad Zamzuri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Z&Z Niaga Sdn Bhd / Maisarah Mustapai.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
2 May 2021
ENT 300: Case Study : Butik Sarra (Puan Sarra Binti Hamid) / Amirah Zafirah Musa.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Wawa Cosmetics / Ateesya Afeeqa Aqeela Mohd Bukhari. (2021) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
4 May 2021
ENT 300: Case Study : Vida Magnificence / Dzulqarnain Abdul Hakim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
5 May 2021
Case Study : Ayam Bismi Sdn. Bhd. / Nur Atiqah Zainol.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Bestari Sales & Marketing Sdn Bhd / Nur Umirah Abu Kassim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Halagel (M) Sdn Bhd / Nurul Anis Tasnin Mohd Suhaimi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Kamis Batik Kuala Terengganu “Embroidery Batik” / Nur Hidayah Syuhada Mohd Nasir.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Little Caliphs International Sdn Bhd / Nur Fatimah Mohd Yusoff.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : MH Mohd Industries Sdn Bhd / Noor Azlem Che Kamaruzaman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Mudim Zakaria Enterprise / Siti Nurshamimi Mohd Shukri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Muslimah Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. / Siti Aisyah Azmi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Sawit Raya Oil (Kelantan) Sdn.Bhd. / Noor Fatin Ain Ruslan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Wawa Cosmetics / Aidil Aiman Rosli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
NIMS Crispy Choco Tub / Amalin Aliesya Mohd Azmi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
6 May 2021
Ainaa Empire Sdn Bhd / Wan Nurul Ain Wan Ahmad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
ENT 300 Case Study : Rushdi Bin Abdullah (Dunia Herbs Holding Sdn. Bhd) / Muhammad Salman Shukri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
8 May 2021
Bougas Beauty / Nur Nabila Ismail. (2021) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Case study : Mr. DIY / Muhamad Farhan Mohd Razali.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
10 May 2021
Case Study : BiteMe.Co Café / Nurul Izatil Syamimi Yahaya.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ramly – Dato’ Dr. Hj. Ramly Bin Mokni / Nik Anis Syuhada Nik Abdul Aziz. (2021) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
11 May 2021
Case Study : Fashionvalet Sdn.Bhd / Nur Alya Tasneem Baharom.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
ENT 300 : Case Study : Mudim Zakaria Food Industries Sdn. Bhd / Nayli Hafizah Hamuda Azhar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
ENT 300: Case Study : Bubble Bee (Shahmira Bin Muhamad) / Ahmad Hazim Ahmad Sobri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
ENT 300: Case Study : Faiza Bawumi Sayed Hamid (Beras Faiza) / Nor’atira Abdul Muis.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
ENT 300: Case Study : Imperial Donut / Fathin Nur’aishah Rosli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
ENT 300: Case Study : Wawa Cosmetics by Wawa Zainal / Norafatihah Sukri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Horsepower Station / Nur Amani Izzah Buang.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ramly Burger / Amira Soraya Zuha.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Simplysiti Sdn. Bhd. / Syarifah Salsabila Sayed Hassan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
12 May 2021
Al-Ikhsan / Mohamad Azrel Amer Mohd Azman. (2021) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)
Case Study : Julie's Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. (Su Chin Hock) / Muhamad Syamir Saifulizan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
D’herbs Holding / Nur Syamimi Hazuki.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Fashion Valet / Nur Anis Zulaikha Mohd Juhari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Hartalega Holdings Berhad / Nur Rahmani Marzukee.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Roti John Ketagih / Muhamad Anif Ikmal Rusdi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
SimplySiti / Nur Alissa Irwani Norirwan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Sinar Saujana Hiasan Lampu Enterprise / Alif Haiqal Zulfelkeri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
21 May 2021
ENT 300: Case Study : Bougas Empire Sdn. Bhd. / Khairunnasuha Zaidi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
June 2021
Alissa Collection / Nur Alissa Irwani Norirwan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Assistant for my Mom Business / Siti Nur Hasma Hani Izani.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Batik Cake by Zahfea / Nur Izzah Sofea Abdul Rahim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity: Aneka Daging Perap Bar.B.Que / Nursabrina Zulkefli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity: Card Capital / Muhammad Haikal Mohd Asmawi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity: Chocolate Cupcake Beauty Blender / Noranisya Nasaruddin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity: Halwatuna Delight / Siti Nur Izzati Zaidi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity: Meeracle Skincare / Nur Syazwanie Mazlan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity: Mobile Gaming Store / Muhammad Alif Aqasyah Abdullah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business opportunity: Vesko Perfume / Wan Anis Shafiqa Wan Makhtar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
The Caramel Pastry shop / Ahmad Idham Hakimi Mohd Zulkifli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Dodolicious by Adam Food Industry / Muhammad Danial Abd Hamid.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Numi Skincare / Siti Suraya Husna Mamat.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Pak Tongko & Donut / Anis Farhana Sabri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Shaklee Products (MALAYSIA) Sdn. Bhd. / Nor Farazatul Syafiza Mohammad Noor.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Chicken Dinner / Alif Haiqal Zulfelkeri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Fizzy Drink / Nor Nadia Hassan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Gift Box / Nur Syamimie Hazuki.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Mellow Crunch / Wan Nurul Ain W Ahmad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Minaz Cosmetics / Nurul Syazwani Hamsani.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Nurel Beautistic (Chocolate Cupcake) / Noranisya Nasaruddin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
RIZKA / Muhammad Zulizam Rosli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Sambal Daging Jakpa Tonggek / Norhasnien Mohd Nor.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Surprise Gift Box / Nik Nur Fatihah Nik Pa.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
SyanazSport / Muhamad Anif Ikmal Rusdi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Tiramuis Scarf / Nor’Atira Abdul Muis.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Wanys Snacks / Ahmad Hazim Ahmad Sobri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
1 June 2021
Case Study : Afiat Oil Company Sdn Bhd / Aiman Zikri Zahari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : AzKuih / Ainin Sofiya Fadli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Jean Paul Gaultier / Muhammad Ariff Firdaus Zali.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : NH Prima International Sdn Bhd / Nor Ainmurni Hasyikin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Obsess Cosmetics / Nik Nur Hidayah Ma Hassan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Ramly Food Processing Sdn Bhd / Wan Nur Athinia Ines Wan Fouzi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Secret Recipe / Mohamad Naqib Syahrin Nasran.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Syedewa Group Sdn. Bhd. / Siti Nor Hasmida Suhaimi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Yusuf Taiyoob Sdn. Bhd / Siti Ayu Sofia Arudee.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
6 June 2021
Business Opportunity: Agent of NIMS Crispy Choco Tub / Nur Fazliana Suhaili Mohamad Rudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity: DessertbyNad / Nur Aishah Adlin Zulkifli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity: Gift Box and Surprise Milkshake / Noor Izzati Aqilah Azman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity: NIMS Crispy Choco Tub / Amalin Aliesya Mohd Azmi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity: Sahajidah Hai-O Marketing Sdn. Bhd. / Muhamad Syamir Saifulizan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
CakeEat / Nik Anis Syuhada Nik Abdul Aziz.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Chakcebor Enterprise / Wan Muhammad Irfan Wan Nazli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Chococrispy / Nur Nadiah Nadirah Azizan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Chocolate Turbulence / Mohamad Zulhilmi Mohamd Nata.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
CrimeBites HQ / Nur Alya Tasneem Baharom.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Dropship of Sahajidah Hai-O Marketing SDN. BHD. / Nurul Izatil Syamimi Yahaya.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Hai Crunch / Ahmad Fawwaz Mirza Rosli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Izzxworld (Asam) / Nurul Izzatul Suhaimi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
NIMS Crispy Choco Tub / Nur Amani Izzah Buang.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Nutella Pod / Aidil Aiman Rosli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Octopus Plushie / Nur Nabila Ismail.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Online Business (Cornflake Salted Egg) / Nurlily Aryanie Mohd Rosli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
O’Betty Lip Matte / Nur Athira Ludin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Popkon Gila / Dzulqarnain Abdul Hakim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
PraktikalCute Enterprise / Muhammad Qayyum Mohd Azman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Surprise Box / Nor Ayuni Mohd Basri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Surprise.Co-Surprise Box / Ateesya Afeeqa Aqeela Mohd Bukhari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Sweet Bake Brownies / Fathin Nur’aishah Rosli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
7 June 2021
Aducktive Salted Egg Cornflakes / Wan Muhamad Aliff Najmin Wan Suden.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Alissa’s Collection / Nur Aina Shafiqah Kamarudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Demica Beauty / Nur Athirah Ruzaidi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Dropship Sobella / Amira Soraya Zuha.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Eng’s Popcorn / Nur Anis Zulaikha Mohd Juhari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Jute Bags / Faiz Afrina Hazri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Lokal Munchies / Nurul Syazleen Abd Manap.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
NZ Crunchies / Nayli Hafizah Hamuda Azhar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
NZ Crunchies / Nur Rahmani Marzukee.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Nutrition Products and Supplements from Amway (Nutrilite) / Nor Maisarah Mohd Harun.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Obsess Cosmetic / Khairunnasuha Zaidi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Vitamilk Booster / Syarifah Salsabila Sayed Hassan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Xmetic Product / Norafatihah Sukri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
8 June 2021
Zarzou Beauty Skincare / Adam Izzat Azmi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
13 June 2021
Case Study : Fashion Valet Sdn. Bhd. (Datin Vivy Yusof) / Ameera Balqeesh Azlan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Hafiz and family Legacy / Nur Aishah Usaman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Igrow Idea Sdn Bhd / Noor Mardyana Ahmad Tarmizi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Interview sir (MZ Lighting Enterprise) / Nur Liyana Ahmad Zubir.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Jer Groceries Sdn. Bhd. / Mohamad Nur Izuansyah Mat Nasir.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Mohamad Nor Azrul bin Md Junoh (Potential Leader And Aina Beauty Stokist) / Wan Nur Azita Wan Ghani.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Muhammad Akmal Harith Bin Salman (Agent Rielkies) / Aimi Dalila Razani.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Nur Hafifah Binti Hambari (Agent Amiexa Coffee) / Nur Fahimah Abdul Rahman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Pak Tam's Burger / Mohamad Zuhairi Liza.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Shalicious Empire Sdn Bhd / Nur Syazwina Ab Rahim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Suzana’s Roti Canai / Nur Amirah Mohd Nizam.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Suzara Sulaiman Enterprise / Hazibah Mohd Nasir.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Wadie Bakery & Cake / Abdul Azim Mohamed Nawi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
15 June 2021
Case Study : Interview Miss Alieza Dahlia binti Azhari / Nazatul Anis Hasnon.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
16 June 2021
Transkrip Wawancara Bersama Profesor Doktor Zawawi bin Nordin Pakar Perubatan Nefrologi / Aqilfikri Irfan Taqiuddin Tiew dan Nur Athirah Jamal.
[Student Project]
19 June 2021
Transkrip wawancara bersama Encik Ahmad Noordin bin Seman seorang Pandai Besi di negeri Kelantan / Muhammad Zariq Naqiuddin Zaid and Abdul Hadi Abd Rahim.
[Student Project]
29 June 2021
Case Study : Chemilan / Ahmad Azim Ihsan Rusli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Nick Pelukis Iklan Sdn. Bhd. / Mohamad Usamah Thani Che Arif.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Roti Tempayan Belimbing / Nur Hanis Ariena Mohd Syaiful.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Samasa Garment / Irdina Syakirah Suhaimi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
July 2021
Business Plan : World of Banana / Ahmad Hazim Sobri … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan ENT 300 : Tiny Delight Bakery Sdn.Bhd / Muhammad Syahril Nizam Rahimi … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
4 July 2021
Business Plan : Better Taste Company / Nik Nur Fatihah Binti Nik Pa…[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Sequins Boutique Fashion / Wan Nur Adlin Wan Mohd Zawawi … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Plan : Yummy Crepe Enterprise / Wan Muhammad Irfan Wan Nazli … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
ENT 300 Business Plan : Sweet Tooth Froyo /Amira Soraya Zuha … [et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Fabulous Scarves / Sharifah Nur Izzah Ilyana Syed Abdul Halim…[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
6 July 2021
Business Plan : Digitron Sdn Bhd (Versatile Diffuser) / Mohd Zulhilmi Mohd Nata…[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
8 July 2021
Business Plan : SweetLicious Bakery / Adam Izzat Azmi…[et al.].
[Entrepreneurship Project]
10 July 2021
Industrial Training Report : Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Segamat / Karl Zaikrin Karim.
Industrial Training.
Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Segamat.
13 July 2021
Case Study : Kak Nor Grocery Store / Nik Ratna Mastura Nuriman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
10 August 2021
Industrial training report: Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Terengganu (PSUK) / Fatimah Nurain Mohd Khalpiah.
Industrial Training.
Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Terengganu (PSUK).
Koperasi Siswazah Bangi Berhad (KSBB) / Nur Afiqah Uzma Junaidy.
Industrial Training.
13 August 2021
Industrial training report : Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Pahang / Mohd Zakwan Syafiq Abdullah.
Industrial Training.
Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Pahang.
16 August 2021
Industrial Training Report : Bahagian Pembangunan Teknologi Maklumat (Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Terengganu / Nur Syasya Izzati Mohd Nazaruddin.
Industrial Training.
Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Terengganu (PSUK).
17 August 2021
Industrial Training Report : Axicom Sdn. Bhd. / Wardah Athirah Muhd Dimyaty.
Industrial Training.
Axicom Sdn. Bhd..
September 2021
Understanding emoji attributes in instant messaging apps / Azahar Harun, Mohamed Razeef Abd Razak and Mohd Zaki Mohd Fadil. (2021) Journal of Contemporary Social Science Research, 5 (1). pp. 20-29. ISSN 0128-2697
7 September 2021
Case Study : AZ Akif Resources / Nur Atha’illah Husna Mazri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : BeauTyra / Nurul Hazwani Azarudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Cintaku Pastry Company / Wan Asmaa Emylin Wan Razali.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : DNR Lekor Sdn Bhd / Nurul Izzah Aishah Ismail.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Fila Beauty / Abdul Hafiz Abd Latif.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Furqon Natural Therapy and Acupuncture Centre / Muhammad Syazwan Jehan Mohd Rizal.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Go'bang Maju Patin Tempoyak / Aizat Syafiq Asmadi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Hidayah Cookies Sdn. Bhd / Roiisah Aika Mat Daud.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
20 September 2021
Challenges and initiatives in teaching science and mathematics in rural area: a case study / Azwan Ahzran Perman. (2021) Journal of Contemporary Social Science Research (JCSSR), 5 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 0128-2697
NAS and auditor independence: evidence from Malaysian listed construction companies / Wan Zurina Nik Abdul Majid … [et al.]. (2021) Journal of Contemporary Social Science Research (JCSSR), 5 (1). pp. 10-19. ISSN 0128-2697
November 2021
Ainurin Crepe / Nur Fatnin Rawahah Abdullah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Bawal Exclusive Sdn Bhd / Muhammad Syafiq Shaharuddin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
The Cendol Champion / Nur Anis Amani Samsol Bahri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Mosh Azim / Muhammad Afiq Asyraf Jamali.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Zali Enterprise / Muhammad Syafiq Supian.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
2 November 2021
Business Opportunity : Radzi & Co / Muhammad Amir Firdaus Zulkifle.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Aci Jaya Enterprise / Nuraiman Syahira Asraae.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Adib Tinted and Accessories / Nurul Ain Nabila Mohd Sabri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Aim Furniture Enterprise / Siti Nur Hidayah Ahmad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Aiszzy Electronics Enterprise / Nurhazirah Hanani Mohd Khalid.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Azreha Bakery / Nurul Fara Wahida Juhari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Creative Designs Studio / Mohammad Azizul Bakar @ Mohd Noor.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : FNA Rich Trade / Nurfidatul Natasya Mohamad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Golden Network / Nuraida Syamimi Mohd Azuki.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Hello Cafe / Wan Nurain Mashitah Wan Deraman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Ku Anis Cake & Bakery / Nik Nurnina Anis Alya Nik Man.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : K’La Pusat Kecantikan Rambut / Nor Ain Syamira Che Noor Shan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Magic Sleep Mattress / Nor Nadia Ramli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Matang Dagang Enterprise / Ahm Muhaimi Mohd Arrfin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Medin Fragrance / Nur Asmazeera Che Ujang.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : NDZ Teluk Enterprise / Muhammad Hanif Mohd Razalli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Neda Zainal Empire / Nur Syafiqah Che Senu.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Projek Outdoor / Aisyah Harun.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Ruzi’s Food / Syukrina Che Mat.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Smily Orchid Bakery and Cake Company / Nur Farah Izzati Nawi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Super Gadget Enterprise / Muhammad Akmal Iman Ahmad Abdul Mutalib.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Takoyaki Express / Aida Maisarah Zakaria.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business Opportunity : Werra Beauty Trading / Nur Athilah Syahin Muhammad Mizi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Business opportunity: Murni Printing Enterprise / Nik Nurul Aqilah Wan Zain.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Aci Jaya Enterprise / Nuraiman Syahira Asraae.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Aim Furniture Enterprise / Siti Nur Hidayah Ahmad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Aiszzy Electronics Enterprise / Nurhazirah Hanani Mohd Khalid.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Arrifin Matang Enterprise / Afif Haikal Azahan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Azreha Bakery / Nurul Fara Wahida Juhari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Best Cendol Cafe / Nur Farazulaikha Hussin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Creative Design Studio Enterprise / Mohammad Azizul Bakar @ Mohd Noor.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : D&N Energy Enterprise / Nurul Jannatul Naimah Ibrahim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Darul Naim Printing / Halimatul Akmar Safarizuan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Diniey Love Enterprise / Nor Shuhada Rusli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Erat Empayar Sdn Bhd / Nur Amirah Minazi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Fna Rich Trade / Nurfidatul Natasya Mohamad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Golden Network / Nuraida Syamimi Mohd Azuki.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Hello Cafe / Wan Nurain Mashitah Wan Deraman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Keluarga Jaya Resources / Nor Afiqah Sudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Kico Baby Center / Nor Nadia Ramli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Ku Anis Cake & Bakery / Nik Nurnina Anis Alya Nik Man.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : K’La Pusat Kecantikan Rambut / Nor Ain Syamira Che Noor Shan.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Medin Fragrance / Nur Asmazeera Che Ujang.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Micro Tech Solution Enterprise / Hazlifah Hamzah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : MiniBite Delights / Siti Nur Atirah Abdul Rahim.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Murni Printing Enterprise / Nik Nurul Aqilah Wan Zain.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Nami K Food / Nurul Jannah Rusli Zahari.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Ndz Teluk Enterprise / Muhammad Hanif Mohd Razalli.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Neda Zainal Empire / Nur Syafiqah Che Senu.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Nsa Beau Ventures / Nur Ain Nabila Mohd Nazri.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Ruzi’s Food Enterprise / Syukrina Che Mat.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : SS Yamani Enterprise / Nazaratulnisha Puaat.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Shegak / Aliah Wahidah Saharudin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Sweet Garden Bakery / Ammar Zakuan Asbolfadzillah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Syofia Mazalan Resources / Aida Maisarah Zakaria.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Tedboy Bakery / Nur Amirah Makhtar.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Case Study : Werra Trading / Nur Athilah Syahin Muhammd Mizi.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
14 November 2021
CG Clariogen Marketing / Nur Juliyana Muhamad.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
GetPasar Enterprise / Nur Anis Amalin Mohd Hishamuddin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
KB Saudagar Kentang / Muhammad Adib Ilman Ezani.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Ninja Burger / Alia Syafika Mahazer.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Pusat Tuisyen Pintar An Nur (M) Sdn Bhd / Muhammad Afwan Hakim Ismail.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
SexySteps / Alisha Abdullah.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Shalicious Empire Sdn Bhd / Nurdini Amirah Ab Ghani.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
VC Global Resources / Wan Nabihah W Mohd Rasnun.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Varonia Exclusive Sdn. Bhd / Nur Farah Adriana Ahmad Faizal.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Pemprofilan dan peramalan status asnaf untuk pengagihan zakat yang berkesan di Kelantan menggunakan teknik perlombongan data / Prof Madya Dr. Wan Fairos Wan Yaacob ... [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Transkrip wawancara bersama Raja Azmi Binti Raja Sulaiman, Pelakon, Penulis, Pengarah dan Penerbit televisyen dan filem Malaysia
mengenai pengalaman beliau dalam dunia hiburan / Nadiatul Nasriah Zubaidi and Nurul Atikah Abd Rohim.
[Student Project]
6 February 2022
Industrial Training Report: Perpustakaan Tengku Anis (PTA) / Wan Nur Halizan Wan Mohamed.
Industrial Training.
Tengku Anis Library Uitm Machang.
Industrial training at Perpustakaan Tengku Anis (PTA) / Tengku Amiza Tengku Ahammad.
Industrial Training.
Tengku Anis Library Uitm Machang.
10 February 2022
Industrial Training Report: Perpustakaan Tengku Anis UiTM Cawangan Kelantan / Nurul Nur Fatihah Shapie.
Industrial Training.
Tengku Anis Library Uitm Machang.
June 2022
Pendigitalan Bahan di Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak, UiTM. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
July 2022
Transkrip temubual bersama Lucian Francissca Peter mengenai pengalaman beliau sebagai penyanyi dan komposer lagu / Azma Ariana Paizon and Nurizan Yusof.
[Oral History]
2 November 2022
Memorandum of Agreement between Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and Mae Fah Luang University (MFU) on UiTM-MFU international matching grant entitled "Are key audit matters valued by investors? Evidence from Malaysia and Thailand". (2022) UiTM MoU / MoA. (Submitted)
Computer assisted language learning (CALL): its application and relevance in Malaysian public universities / Wan Zumusni Wan Mustapha.
[Research Reports]
Determinant factors of fraud intention behavior of Malaysian police officer / Nur Shazuanis Mahadi.
Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Determinants of online shopping apps that usually use by students: a case study at UiTM, Campus Machang, Kelantan / Fatin Haliyamaisarah Amzah…[et al.].
[Student Project]
Determinants of tax compliance behavior of micro-small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Kelantan / Roslizawati Muhammad Yusof.
Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Factors influencing entrepreneurial intention of Polytechnic Hulu Terengganu's accounting students / Suriami Sulaiman.
Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Factors of fraud intention among public officials in Kelantan / Azelina Ismail @ Hassan.
Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Factors that influence indirect tax collection fraud among Royal Malaysian Customs Department's (RMCD) officers: fraud diamond theory perspective / Raja Nasrul Idzhar Raja Ismail.
Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kelantan.
Tourist's perceptions on Kelantan tourism attributes / Marziana Madah Marzuki … [et al.].
[Research Reports]
Transkrip wawancara bersama Encik Haji Hamzah bin Yusoff pemuzik bebas alat muzik tradisional / Ahmad Fauzi Ahmad Taufek, Muhammad Nor Nabihan Norzeri and Muhammad Muhaimin Nizar Mohamad Sukri.
[Oral History]
18 May 2023
MoU signing ceremony between Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia and Quanzhou Vocational and Technical University, China. (2023) UiTM MoU / MoA. (In Press)