Browse by Types of Document

Number of items: 204.

Alam dan sistem politik Malaysia : Satu pandangan holistik mengenai wibawa media dalam konteks budaya politik Malaysia / Nasrudin Mohammed. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Agenda Melayu dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12: kajian kes di negeri Selangor / Ibrahim Abu Shah, Shireen Haron, Shaharuddin Badaruddin ... [et. al]. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Analisis pilihan raya : Model keperluan gabungan kuasa dan kemenangan majoriti / Saadon Awang. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bahaya fitnah dalam pilihanraya: pendekatan psikologi agama sebagai satu cadangan penyelesaian / Aini Faezah Ramlan, S. Salahudin Suyurno and Nurul Himmah Kassan. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Budaya politik dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12: kajian kes Parlimen Dungun (P39) / Che Hamdan Che Mohd Razali, Ahmad Faiz Yaakob and Wan Rohila Ganti Wan Abd Ghafar. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Blogosphere: Ruang kontra Hegemoni? Analisis terhadap blog politik Malaysia terpilih dalam PRU 2008 / Muhamad Nadzri Mohamed Noor dan Suhaimee Saahar. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Elemen kekerabatan dalam Pilihan raya umum 2008 / Budi Anto Mohd Tamring, Zaini Othman and Sabihah Osman. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kedudukan Barisan Nasional dalam pilihan raya Malaysia: Berakhirnya era hegemoni / Sulastry Yurni Ahmad and Nidzam Sulaiman. (2008) In: Prosiding Seminar Politik Malaysia, 29 Feb - 1 Mac 1992, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,.

Keputusan pilihan raya umum 2008 : Mungkinkah terbentuknya sistem dua parti di Malaysia? / Mohd Noor Yazid. (2008) In: Prosiding Seminar Politik Malaysia, 29 Feb - 1 Mac 1992, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,.

One state, one nation, multiple nations: Kestabilan dan ketidakstabilan politik / Mohd Noor Yazid. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Penterjemahan demokrasi dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12: satu tinjauan ke atas budaya politik masyarakat Melayu Kelantan / Mohd. Mahadee Ismail dan Ab. Bassit Husin. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Political discourse in Malaysian blogs / Zanariah Jano, Siti Rohana Omar dan Norun Najjah Ahmat. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Persoalan dan makna dl sebalik pilihan raya kecil Permatang Pauh / Zulkanain Abdul Rahman, Mohammad Redzuan Othman, Amer Saifude Ghazali Shaharudin Badaruddin dan Md. Rozimi Md Nasir. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Politik etnik dalam pilihan raya parlimen 2008 di Malaysia: Suatu analisis / Amer Saifude Ghazali. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Public finance in Sabah: voting for development? / Wee Chong Hui. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Pengaplikasian konsep gerrymandering dalam penentuan persempadanan pilihan raya: DUN Sabah, PRU 12 / Fadilah Sarbi, Mustapa Abd. Talip dan Zainal Ajamain. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Penggunaan komunikasi lisan dan bukan lisan dalam kempen pilihan raya umum ke-12 : kajian terhadap fungsi dan cabaran / S. Salahudin Suyurno, Aini Faezah Ramlan and Norazlinda Mohammad. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Politik Melayu : Antara muzakarah, mugabalah atau makinparah / Nidzam Sulaiman dan Zaini Othman. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Pilihan raya kecil Permatang Pauh: pertembungan dua strategi yang berbeza / Ibrahim Abu Shah ... [et al.]. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Pilihan raya ke-12 : Satu perubahan di Malaysia / Rusniyati Mahiyaddin. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Pilihan raya umum ke-12 : Kajian kes kerusi Parlimen Labuan / Mohd Azri Ibrahim. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Media elektronik sebagai platform penyebaran maklumat / Mohd Shamsul Daud, Marlia Idrus dan Jasmin llyani Ahmad. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Pilihan raya umum ke-12 di Kuala Berang : Suatu kajian kes politik luar bandar / Wan Rohila Ganti Wan Abdul Ghafar, Che Hamdan Che Mohd Razali dan Ahmad Faiz Yaacob. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Perkembangan UMNO Melaka dalam Pilihan raya umum tahun 1959 hingga 1978 : Satu kajian / Nor Fazilah Abdul Hamid, Nor Azilah Ahmad dan Siti Rohana Omar. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Persepsi umum pengundi masyarakat berkaitan isu-isu kempen dan pemilihan calon Pilihan raya umum ke-12 di Sabah : Penelitian di Kota Belud dan Tuaran / Rizal Zamani Idris , Mohamad Shauki Mohd Radzi, Azizan Morshidi... []. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Peranan wanita dalam politik dan pembangunan di Malaysia : Satu tinjauan / Zaherawati Zakaria. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Roles of money, media and political machinery reconsidered : The Malaysian 12th general election 2008 / Nursuria Mahrif, dan Sharon Pearl Henry Serub. (2008) In: Prosiding Seminar Politik Malaysia, 29 Feb - 1 Mac 1992, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,.

Refleksi wanita dan politik di negeri Sarawak : Satu kajian perbandingan dalam Pilihan raya parlimen dan dewan undangan Negeri Sarawak / Nadrawina Haji Isnin. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Strategi kreatif iklan politik Barisan Nasional Pilihan raya umum ke-12 : Makna dan ideologi / Suhaimee Saahar and Fuziah Kartini Hassan Basri. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Strategi menambat hati pengundi dalam pilihan raya / Mohammad Shatar Sabran. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Senario pilihan raya ke-12 di Sabah: antara calon atau parti / Ansir Salim dan Ajis Lepit. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Suasana politik selepas pilihan raya ke 12 dalam lingkungan 200 hari / Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani Ahmad Sabri. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

The concept of plato's theory of the allegory of the cave and its impact toward Malaysian current political scenario / Norun Najjah Ahmat and Siti Rohana Omar. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

The 2008 Malaysian general elections in Sabah : Looking beyond the "peninsular factor" / Arnold Puyok. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

The enhancement of spaces in between buildings as urban recreation development / Zalina Haji Samadi and Mohd Nasuruddin Hasbullah. (2008) In: ECER Regional Conference, Dec 2008, Renaissance Hotel, Kota Bharu.

Penyebaran maklumat dalam kempen pilihan raya umum ke-12 : Strategi mendekati golongan orang kurang upaya / Haziah Saari dan Mujibu Abd Muis. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Analisis unsur dalam teh herba peramping menggunakan teknik analisis pengaktifan neutron instrumentasi (APNI) / Wan Zuraida Wan Mohd Zain. (2008) In: PROSIDING KOLOKIUM 2007-2008 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA PAHANG.

Measuring students' thinking styles to improve the teaching and learning process / Mahfudzah Othman, Zainab Othman and Nor Zalina Ismail. (2008) In: PROSIDING KOLOKIUM 2007-2008 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA PAHANG.

Cadangan pemantapan proses penilaian pelajar di Kolej- Kolej Bersekutu (KKB) UiTM menggunakan penanda arasan penilaian / Mohd Norafizal Abd Aziz and Hasnizawati Hashim. (2008) In: Prosiding Kolokium 2007-2008 Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang.

The shift culture in engineering education : Are we ready? / Asmidar Alias and Norshariza Mohamad Bhkari. (2008) In: PROSIDING KOLOKIUM 2007-2008 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA PAHANG.

Concept and punishment of Al-Qadzf / Amiruldin Md Sham. (2008) In: PROSIDING KOLOKIUM 2007-2008 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA PAHANG.

Perbandingan antara kaedah penguraian adomian multiperingkat (multistage adomian decomposition method [MADM]) dengan kaedah lelaran bervariasi multiperingkat (multistage variational iteration method [MVIM]) / Mat Salim Selamat. (2008) In: Prosiding Kolokium 2007-2008 Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang.

Numerical simulation of profiled steel sheeting in compression: a case of double-deck paneling / Nurul Huda Suliman. (2008) In: Prosiding Kolokium 2007-2008 Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang.

Permodelan teori kabur dalam pembuatan keputusan multi kriteria: Kajian kes di UiTM Pahang / Nazirah Ramli and Nor Azizah Md Yaacob. (2008) In: PROSIDING KOLOKIUM 2007-2008 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA PAHANG.

Overview of current practices on porous asphalt on highway application / Muhammad Mohktar Samat and Norizah Omar. (2008) In: PROSIDING KOLOKIUM 2007-2008 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA PAHANG.

Amalan dan kefahaman agen terhadap al-wakalah dalam takaful: Kajian kes di Pahang Tengah / Mohd Kamal Azman Jusoh … [et al.]. (2008) In: Prosiding Kolokium 2007-2008 Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, 31 Mei – 1 Jun 2004, Hotel Vistana, Kuantan, Pahang.

Current issues in fair value reporting / Sharifah Norhafiza Syed Ibrahim. (2008) In: PROSIDING KOLOKIUM 2007-2008 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA PAHANG.

Motivasi : Realiti atau fantasi teori / Hasnizawati Hashim, Rozieana A. Halid and Mohd Norajizal Abd. Aziz. (2008) In: Prosiding Kolokium 2007-2008 Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang.

Hakikat ilmu dan tanggungjawab ilmuan terhadap perkembangan ilmu / Zainal Kifli Abdul Razak. (2008) In: PROSIDING KOLOKIUM 2007-2008 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA PAHANG.

Construction waste management: Level of practice of contractors / Wan Zukri Wan Abdullah and Ahmad Ruslan Mohd Ridzuan. (2008) In: PROSIDING KOLOKIUM 2007-2008 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA PAHANG.

Waste to wealth: Incinerated municipal solid waste ash / Salmaliza Salleh. (2008) In: PROSIDING KOLOKIUM 2007-2008 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA PAHANG.

Parut tanah runtuh dan potensinya / Mohd Fairuz Bachok. (2008) In: PROSIDING KOLOKIUM 2007-2008 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA PAHANG.

Kajian model sistem penilaian kepuasan bekerja kakitangan / Khairul Nizam Abd Halim, Noor Suriana Abu Bakar and Siti Nurbaya Ismail. (2008) In: PROSIDING KOLOKIUM 2007-2008 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA PAHANG.

Budaya Ilmu, Budaya Berfikir dan Budaya Berkarya : Memugar Tradisi Kesarjanaan di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi / Rasid Muhamad. (2008) In: Prosiding Kolokium 2004-2006 Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pahang.

Penyelarasan kaedah pemarkahan dan pemeriksaan kursus matematik dan statistik: Suatu saranan / Sa'diah Sahat and Razali Karim. (2008) In: PROSIDING KOLOKIUM 2007-2008 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA PAHANG.

Computer Lab Information System : Team E Wave 2008. (2008) In: Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF) 2008, 11 - 15 December 2008, Seoul, Korea Selatan.

Pencapaian serta cabaran sistem pengurusan kualiti ISO 9001 :2000 di UiTM Pahang berasaskan analisis penemuan audit dalam untuk tempob tiga tahun (2005-2008) / Mohd Norafizal Abd Aziz and Hasnizawati Hashim. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Strategi pencapaian objektif kualiti dalam penulisan dan penerbitan / Kamisah Ariffin. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Melahirkan mahasiswa glokal / Mohd Nasir Ibrahim. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Implementing Software Quality Assurance (SQA) in UiTM Pahang: the preliminary study of formal methods in software development life cycle / Noraini Mohamed, Mahfudzah Othman and Nursyahidah Alias. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Perancangan strategik: suatu keperluan / Zulkifli Ab Ghani Hilmi. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Petunjuk prestasi utama: ke arah pemantapan kualiti di UiTM Pahang / Sa'diah Sahat, Roslina Abdul Aziz dan Mazlina Suhaimi. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Konsep al-Fala:h (Cemerlang) dalam al-Quran sebagai asas transformasi pendidikan tinggi / Asjad Mohamed, Mohd Kamal Azman Jusoh dan Saiful Johari Musahar. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Employing field trip approach to promote active learning / Anis Hasliza Abu Hashim-De Vries and Kamisah Ariffin. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Chemical prospecting of Malaysian dipterocarpaceae from UiTM Pahang Forest Reserve (HSUiTM Pahang) / Wan Zuraida Wan Mohd Zain, Shaari Daud and Jamaludin Kasim. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kepimpinan dalam mengurus perubahan untuk kecemerlangan organisasi perbandingan antara Barat dan Islam / Norhapizah Mohd Burhan and Suhanom Mohd Zaki. (2008) In: Prosiding KONAKA Konferensi Akademik 2008, 30 – 31 Disember 2008, UiTM PAHANG.

Leadership roles in managing change towards academic excellence at the branch campus / Wan Hanisah Wan Ismail. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Outcome-Based Education (OBE): pelan strategik UiTM Pahang/ Asmidar Alias … [et al.]. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

e-Aduan: A solution to improve the quality of services in UiTM Pahang on management perspective / Razulaimi Razali, Khairul Nizam Abd Halim and Mohd Izuan Ibrahim. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kepimpinan pengurusan dan penilaian laporan amali: satu kajian kes Program Diploma Sains - AS 120 / Muzamil Mustaffa … [et al.]. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Aktiviti RMU Pahang ke arah Universiti Penyelidikan / Haslizaidi Zakaria. (2008) In: Prosiding KONAKA Konferensi Akademik 2008, 30 – 31 Disember 2008, UiTM PAHANG.

Enhancing student learning through cooperative learning / Khairunisa Nikman. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Latihan Praktik program Diploma Sains Komputer - penilaian majikan / Mazliana Hasnan and Zainab Othman. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kepimpinan pengurusan prestasi pensyarah: lonjakan pengantarabangsaan melalui e-PPrest / Muzamil Mustaffa and Sarina Hashim. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Management by Wandering Around (MBWA) as a leadership mechanism in UiTM Pahang / Hasnizawati Hashim and Rozieana A. Halid @ Khalid. (2008) In: Prosiding KONAKA Konferensi Akademik 2008, 30 – 31 Disember 2008, UiTM PAHANG.

Penyelidik bernilai - penyelidikan bermakna / Suhaimi Muhammed. (2008) In: Prosiding KONAKA Konferensi Akademik 2008, 30 – 31 Disember 2008, UiTM PAHANG.

Pengaruh gaya kepimpinan di dalam organisasi: hubungkait dengan pencapaian pelajar / Norhapizah Mohd Burhan and Suhanom Mohd Zaki. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Assessing students' academic quality performance / Norlaila Abdullah and Zuhariah Husin. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Business expansion feasibility study for UiTM Kampus Raub / Norlaila Abdullah. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Perancangan strategik UiTM Kampus Kuantan / Jelani Sulaiman. (2008) In: Prosiding KONAKA Konferensi Akademik 2008, 30 – 31 Disember 2008, UiTM PAHANG.

Penyelidikan merentasi bidang di Kampus Khazanah Alam / Hilmi Ab. Rahman. (2008) In: Prosiding KONAKA Konferensi Akademik 2008, 30 – 31 Disember 2008, UiTM PAHANG.

Study on helminths infections on rats at commercial and residential areas in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah / Arney Sapaat and Hairul Hafiz Mahsol. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Optimizing the conditions for devulcanization of rubber waste by thiobacillus ferroxidans / Ainie Asyikin Ahmad …[et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Kinetics of hyaluronic acid production by streptococcus zooepidemicus / Mashitah, M.D and Fazliani, N.S. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Optimization of enzyme pre-treatment variables using response surface methodology for oil palm empty fruit bunches soda-aq pulp yield / Rushdan,I. …[et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Penentuan kehadiran bahan kimia pengganggu endokrin jenis fenol dan ester ftalat di lokasi terpilih Sungai Gombak Selangor / Mohammad Mubin MN, Rebecca Lee and Hashim Ahmad. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Fiber properties of kenaf (hibiscus cannabinus l.) grown between rubber trees / Suhaimi Muhammed …[et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Effect of resin particle size and wax content on the properties of oil palm board / Jamaludin Kasim …[et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Growth optimization of escherichia coli harboring superoxidase dismutase using response surface methodology / Atikah, O. …[et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Antimicrobial resistance of staphylococcus aureus in dairy products from Kedah / S. Sasidharan and B. Prema. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Status beza-upaya (V) buahan tropika terpilih (BPT) di Sukau, Kinabatangan Sabah / Siti Aminah Mohammad … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Application of genetic algorithms to model parameter identification of a recombinant e.coli high-cell density fed-batch fermentation / Kamaruddin Mamat and Farida Zuraina Mohd Yusof. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Dual inoculation of bacterial on nutrients uptake of in vitro banana plantlets / Zuraida, A.R…[et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Free radicals activity of cassia surattensis / Sangetha, S. … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Spatial distributions of thrips on long beans in UiTM Pahang / Mohd. Rasdi, Z. …[et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Potential molecular markers for estuarine crocodiles (crocodylus porosus) from Sarawak / Ruhana Hassan, Koh Hui Eng and Nur Sara Shahirah Abdullah. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Layang-Iayang @ Wan dalam pembudayaan sains fizik / Siti Nurulatina Ibrahim, Khalijah Salleh and Tambi Subhan M. Meerah. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Removal of colour from semi-aerobic landfill leachate by solar photocatalytic / Salwa Mohd Zaini Makhtar …[et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Test houses for roof thermal performance testing / Badrul Hisham Mohd Noor, Azni Zain-Ahmed and Nasharudin Sulaiman. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

A guideline on constructing multivariate control chart using excel spreadsheet / Siti Rahayu Mohd Hashim and Norazah Abu Bakar. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Kinetic and equilibrium studies on the adsorption of reactive lack 5 dye by cross-linked chitosan/oil palm ash compostie beads / Masitah Hasan, Bassim H. Hameed and A. Latif Ahmad. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Effects of calcinations time on Jc of YBa2Cu307-8 HTSC with nano-CaO addition / Mujaini M … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Mechatronics design of an unmanned hovercraft system / Wahyudi Martono and Muneeb Yousuf. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

EDM: surface characterization on machining tungsten carbide without and with vibration / Norliana Mohd Abbas … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Effect of cutting fluid pressure on machining of AISI 304 performances / Zainal Arifin Selamat and Mohd Razali Muhamad. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Effect of retrogression and re-ageing treatment on stressed component of wrought 6061 aluminium alloy / Rasdi Deraman and Sunara Purwadaria. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Studies on potential of sulphonic acid-doped polyaniline as oxygen sensor / Sarifah Fauziah Syed Draman, Rusli Daik and Musa Ahmad. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

High temperature corrosion behaviour of steel with a carbonate deposit at 1123k / Habsah Md Ishak … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008, 3-4 June 2008, M.S. Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang.

Hot corrosion behaviour of austenitic steel-308 in chloride salts / Mohd. Misbahul Amin, Che Mohd. Ruzaidi Ghazali and Neelofar Amin. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Design and development of hybrid electric vehicle rear diffuser / Rosli Abu Bakar …[et al.]. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Strain rate effects of polymeric foam cores under compressive loading / Rejab, M.R.M. …[et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Preliminary study of asymmetric ultrafiltration (UF) membrane: the effect of coagulation bath temperature (CBT) and forced convection resident time (FCRT) on the permeability and morphology of UF polysulfone membrane / Asmadi, A. …[et al.]. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

Sugarcane bagasse as an alternative medium for removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution / I. Naimah …[et al.]. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED.

A study on the effect of mechanical properties and rheologycal behaviour of polyproplene reinforced montmorillonite / Normuhaizah Mohd Zain. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Design and development of an experimental set up to measure buckling and lateral vibration of drillstring in oil drilling operation / Mohd Zul Helmie Abu Kasim. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Evaluation and analysis various types of welding imperfections collected from the steel fabricators / Wan Muhd Adham Wan Ahmad. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Happiness and unemployment: the case of Malaysian graduates / Hock-Eam Lim. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Jalinan keintiman hubungan dalam komunikasi melalui Instant Messaging di kalangan remaja / Zauridah Abdul Hamid, Zuraidah Abu Talib and Syamsul Anuar Ismail. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Let's begin a new life, consumers' response towards healthy lifestyles: do our higher education students care? / Hasnizam Shaari and Suhaila Abdul Hanan. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Pengurusan keselamatan jalan raya: memahami gelagat pemandu kenderaan persendirian (suatu kajian kes di UUM) / Suhaila Abdul Hanan and Hasnizam Shaari. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

R&D dalam IKS makanan halal: analisis status dan masalah / Nor Aini ldris. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Health awareness amongst adults above 40 years of age / Ruhana Zainuddin, Norshaieda Abdullah @ Adnan and Syaidatul Zarina Mat Din. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Involvement in youth program: what are the major determinants / Norudin Mansor … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Cosmetic usage: understanding how major determinants are affecting users / Norudin Mansor, Desnika Efni Mat Ali and Aisya Ibrahim. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

The awareness and interest of UiTM Pahang population towards the virtual tour / Anis Hasliza Abu Hashim, Maslina Abdul Aziz and Mazliana Hasnan. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Perbezaan gaya hidup remaja bersekolah berdasarkan aliran pengajian: kajian di lima sekolah menengah sekitar Bandar Jengka / Mohd Kamal Azman … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Determinants of Malaysia halal brand equity / Ahmad Mazlan Ahmad Shamshudin. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Pelancongan di Malaysia: tinjauan corak motivasi dan ciri-ciri perjalanan pelancong tempatan pada hujung minggu di negeri-negeri terpilih / Mohd Roswodi Mat Zin and Kushairi Rashid. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Sosialisasi agama di kalangan pelajar-pelajar sekolah agama di Selangor / Jaffary Awang … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Stressor' di kalangan pelajar-pelajar Uniten, Kampus Bandar Muadzam Shah, Pahang Darul Makmur / Norzamri Ishak. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Ejen parti politik dalam pilihan raya dewan undangan negeri (Dun) Sarawak 2006: ciri-ciri dan keberkesanannya / Noni Harianti Junaidi, Arenawati Sehat Omar and Junaidi @ Saudi Narani. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Ibn Khaldun dan konsep Asabiyyah : relevansinya terhadap perpaduan etnik di Malaysia / Wan Aminah Hasbullah. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Realiti aplikasi dialog antara agama di Malaysia: kajian terhadap Inter-Faith Spiritual Fellowship (INSaF) dan Pusat Dialog Peradaban (PDP) / Khairulnizam Mat Karim and Suzy Aziziyana Saili. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Tun Mustapha: peranan dan sumbangannya dalam pembangunan Sabah / Mat Zin Mat Kib. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Globalization and the increase of human psychological problems: an effective remedy from religious perspectives / Abdul Latif Abdul Razak. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

A proposal for assessing campus landscape character for quality educational environment: case study of UPM Serdang / Osman Mohd Tahir and Lee Cheng Teik. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Islam Hadhari dalam kalangan warga pendidik terima atau tolak? satu dapatan awal / Ahmad Nawawi Yaakob and Md Saufi Abdul Hamid. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Kualiti dan kuantiti graduan di institusi pengajian tinggi awam: pendekatan nilai ditambah / Amizam Arzemi … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Indicators assessment of social impact study in the quarrying industry: experience at Bukit Lagong, Selangor Darul Ehsan / Sa'diah Sahat … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Minat syarikat-syarikat penilai berdaftar dalam menjalankan amalan pengurusan harta tanah di Malaysia / Mohd Zaki Arif, Rohaya Ghani and Nor'Aini Yusuf. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Industrial application of lean manufacturing / Wan Hasrulnizzam Wan Mahmood and Mohd Razali Muhamad. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Organizational contexts, team designs and process variables: factors contributing to team effectiveness / Kay Dora Abd Ghani, Mohammad Ismail and Mohd Subri Tahir. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

The paradigm nature of today's office approaches for achieving quality outcomes in administrative office management / Kadulliah Ghazali, Noorlaila Yunus and Erne Suzila Kassim. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

The relationship between macroeconomic variables, exchange rate and stock price: Malaysian evidence / Faridah Najuna Misman and Intan Safura Jilani. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Determinants of consumers' supermarket selection: empirical evidence on East Malaysian shoppers' behavior / Oriah Akir, Normah Sidi and Senian Malie. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Topsis multiple attribute decision support analysis for supplier selection problem in a group decision making / Omid Jadidi, Rosnah Mohd Yussuff and Fatemeh Firouzi. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Barriers in the development of the Malaysian brick industry / Wan Mohd Sabki Wan Omar, Che Sobry Abdullah and Umar Kassim. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Kriteria kejayaan projek pembinaan hospital awam di Malaysia - satu kajian empirikal R&B/ Hayroman Ahmad, Abdul Rashid Abdul Aziz and Mastura Jaafar. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Impak ekonomi perbelanjaan pelajar Universiti Teknologi MARA Pulau Pinang di Kawasan Permatang Pauh, Seberang Perai Pulau Pinang / Nur Hayati Abdul Rahman … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Improving productivity and efficiency of assembly line in a Small Medium Industry (SMI) manufacturing company using witness simulation / M.S.M. Sani, M.F.F.A. Rashid and T.N.B.B. Khan. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Ragam pendapatan dan perbelanjaan masyarakat FELDA: kajian di Johor, Pahang dan Negeri Sembilan / Kursimah Harun and Ahmad Nawawi Yaakob. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Sustainable waste management: observing the economic and environmental aspects in solid waste recycling by the poor migrants in Indonesia / Eusoff Yendo Afgani … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Local environmental problems of urban poor areas: a case study / MJB Moral, Ruslan Rainis and Md. Aminul Islam. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Impak pembangunan ke atas Suku Semai di Tanah Tinggi Cameron / Mohamad Sabri Yusoh … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Kajian kelestarian perancangan pembangunan perumahan berbilang tingkat: kajian kes: Taman Setia Jaya Alor Star / Mohamad Sofiyuddin Sanusi and Syazwani Ahmad. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Kecenderungan mahasiswa bumiputera untuk memilih keusahawanan sebagai kerjaya: kajian kes di UiTM Pahang / Rozieana A. Halid@ Khalid … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Information dissemination at banking institutions in Temerloh and Mentakab: a case study / Mas Anom Abdul Rashid … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

The effect of financial deregulation on money demand in Malaysia / Mahyudin Ahmad. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Performance reporting practices of public universities in Malaysia / Saflina Azis and Mustafa Kamal Mat. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Social Sciences, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Optimizing the conditions for devulcanization of rubber waste by Thiobacillus Ferroxidans / Ainie Asyikin Ahmad … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3-4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Kinetics of hyaluronic acid production by streptococcus zooepidemicus / Mashitah, M.D and Fazliani, N.S. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3-4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Optimization of enzyme pre-treatment variables using response surface methodology for oil palm empty fruit bunches soda-AQ pulp yield / Rushdan, I. … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3-4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Penentuan kehadiran bahan kimia penganggu endokrin jenis fenol dan ester ftalat di lokasi terpilih Sungai Gombak Selangor / Mohammad Mubin MN, Rebecca Lee and Hashim Ahmad. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3-4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Profil tumbuhan di dalam hutan UiTM Sabah Kampus Kota Kinabalu / Abdul Manap Mahmud, Ajimi Jawan and Ansir Salim. (2008) In: Proceeding STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, Proceeding of the national seminar on Science, Technology And Social Sciences, 3-4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Fiber properties of kenaf (hibiscus cannabinus l.) grown between rubber trees / Suhaimi Muhammed … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3-4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Effect of resin particle size and wax content on the properties of oil palm board / Jamaludin Kasim … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3-4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Growth optimization of escherichia coli harboring superoxidase dismutase using response surface methodology / Atikah. 0. … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Antifungal studies of acetone crude extract from the tree barks of vatica odorata / Wan Zuraida Wan Mohd Zain, Neni Kartini Che Mohd Ramli and Shaari Daud. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Chemical constituents from garcinia maingayi / lzaddin, S.A., Syuriati, N. and Rafidah, K. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Application of genetic algorithms to model parameter identification of a recombinant e.coli high-cell density fedbatch fermentation / Kamaruddin Mamat and Farida Zuraina Mohd Yusof. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Dual inoculation of bacterial on nutrients uptake of in vitro banana plantlets / Zuraida, A.R … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Spatial distributions of thrips on long beans in UiTM Pahang / Mohd. Rasdi, Z. … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Students' evaluation on lecturers using fuzzy numbers / Nazirah Ramli and Daud Mohamad. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Layang-Iayang @ wau dalam pembudayaan sains fizik / Siti Nurulatina Ibrahim, Khalijah Salleh and Tambi Subhan M. Meerah. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Mechatronics design of an unmanned hovercraft system / Wahyudi and Muneeb Yousuf. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Manufacture of palm oil-based degreaser for metal cleaning / Ahmad Rozaimee Mustaffa, Ku Halim Ku Hamid and Roslina Ramli. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Optimum pH for iron removal in groundwater using powdered activared carbon coagulant / Khairi Khalid, Elias Mohd Den and Mohd Razmi Zainuddin. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Characterization of irradiation-induced crosslink ethylene vinyl acetate/waste tire dust (EVA/WTD) blend / Anis Sakinah Zainal Abidin, Chantara Thevy Ratnam and Luqman Chuah Abdullah. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Hot corrosion behaviour of austenitic steel-308 in chloride salts / Mohd Misbahul Amin, Che Mohd Ruzaidi Ghazali and Neelofar Amin. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Design and development of hybrid electric vehicle rear diffuser / Rosli Abu Bakar … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Crushing behavior of foam filled steel extrusion / Al Emran Ismail. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Preliminary study of asymmetric ultrafiltration (UF) membrane: the effect of coagulation bath temperature (CBT) and forced convection resident time (FCRT) on the permeability and morphology of uf polysulfone membrane / Asmadi, A. … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Sugarcane bagasse as an alternative medium for removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution / I. Naimah … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Robobug: an autonomous mobile robot using microcontroller / Muhammad Suhaimi Sulong … [et al.]. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

The performance of porous asphalt by using modified binder / Muhammad Mohktar Samat, Meor Othman Hamzah and Norizah Omar. (2008) In: Proceedings STSS 2008 Broadening Horizons Through Research Science and Technology, 3 – 4 June 2008, M.S Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang.

Konvensyen KIK: kali ke 13 peringkat UiTM 2008. Menambah kemudahan pinjaman buku layan diri di perpustakaan: Kumpulan e-Wave. (2008) In: Konvensyen Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreatif (KIK) Peringkat UiTM kali ke 13, 14-17 Oktober 2008, Ilham Resort , Port Dickson Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished)

Mempercepatkan penyediaan statistik penggunaan PC di pusat IT. (2008) In: Konvensyen ICC MPC Peringkat Kebangsaan 2008, 19-21 Ogos 2008, Hotel One World Petaling Jaya, Selangor. (Unpublished)

Self Charging Machine in Library : Anugerah Inovasi Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (AIKPT) Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak. (2008) In: Anugerah Inovasi Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (AIKPT). (Unpublished)

Mini Konvensyen KIK: peringkat UiTM Shah Alam tahun 2008. Menambah kemudahan pinjaman buku layan diri di perpustakaan: Kumpulan e-Wave. (2008) In: Mini Konvensyen Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreatif (KIK) Peringkat UiTM Shah Alam Tahun 2008, 4-5 Ogos 2008, Dewan Latihan Al-Ghazali Jabatan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia. (Unpublished)

Buku program konvensyen ICC Wilayah Tengah 2008, One World Hotel, Bandar Utama Petaling Jaya. (2008) In: Buku Program Konvensyen ICC Wilayah Tengah 2008, One World Hotel, Bandar Utama Petaling Jaya, 19 - 21 Ogos 2008, One World Hotel, Bandar Utama. (Unpublished)

Mempercepatkan penyediaan statistik penggunaan PC di pusat IT. (2008) In: Konvensyen ICC Innovative Creative Circle Perpustakaan seMalaysia Peringkat Kebangsaan, 3-4 November 2008, Hilton Kuching. (Unpublished)

Mempercepatkan penyediaan statistik penggunaan PC di pusat IT. (2008) In: Konvensyen ICC Wilayah Selatan 2008, 18 & 19 Jun 2008, Hotel Renaissance, Melaka. (Unpublished)

Kesukaran pelajar mengakses pensyarah dalam proses pembelajaran. (2008) In: Konvensyen KIK Peringkat UiTM. (Unpublished)

Konvensyen ICC Wilayah Selatan: 2008. Memastikan graduan menerima kad jemputan konvokesyen: Kumpulan Pelangi. (2008) In: Konvensyen ICC Wilayah Selatan 2008, 18-19 Jun 2008, Hotel Renaissance, Melaka. (Unpublished)

Memaksimakan ruang penyimpanan beg pelanggan. (2008) In: Mini Konvensyen Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreatif (KIK): peringkat UiTM Shah Alam tahun 2008, 4 dan 5 Ogos 2008, Dewan Latihan Al-Ghazali, Jabatan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia. (Unpublished)

Mempercepatkan pemprosesan buku baru. (2008) In: Mini Konvensyen Kumpulan Inovatif dan Kreatif (KIK): peringkat UiTM Shah Alam tahun 2008, 4 dan 5 Ogos 2008, Dewan Latihan Al-Ghazali, Jabatan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia. (Unpublished)

Konvensyen ICC kebangsaan 2008: buku program. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Directory of research product. (2008) In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Konvensyen KIK Peringkat IPTA Kali ke-5 2008: Kumpulan Pelangi. (2008) In: Konvensyen Kumpulan Inovatif dan Kreatif peringkat IPTA, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. (Submitted)

Mini Konvensyen KIK UiTM Shah Alam: 4-5 Ogos 2005. Memastikan graduan menuntut skrol selepas sidang konvokesyen selesai: Kumpulan Pelangi. (2008) In: Mini Konvensyen Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreatif (KIK) Peringkat UiTM Shah Alam, 4-5 Ogos 2008, Dewan Latihan Al-Ghazali Jabatan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia. (Unpublished)

Konvensyen KIK: peringkat UiTM 2008. Memastikan graduan menuntut skrol selepas sidang konvokesyen selesai: Kumpulan Pelangi. (2008) In: Konvensyen KIK Peringkat UiTM 2008, 14-17 Oktober 2008, Ilham Beach Resort, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished)

Konvensyen Kumpulan Inovatif dan Kreatif Peringkat IPTA kali ke-5 2008: Kumpulan My SMART. (2008) In: Konvensyen Kumpulan Inovatif dan Kreatif Peringkat IPTA kali ke-5 2008, 5-8 Februari, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. (Unpublished)

Konvensyen Kumpulan Inovatif dan Kreatif Peringkat IPTA kali ke-5 2008: Kumpulan eWave. Menambah kemudahan mesin pinjaman buku layan diri di perpustakaan. (2008) In: Konvensyen Kumpulan Inovatif dan Kreatif peringkat IPTA kali ke-5 2008, 6 hingga 8 Februari 2009, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. (Unpublished)

Mini Konvensyen Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreatif (KIK) Peringkat UiTM Shah Alam Tahun 2008: Memudahkan Pencarian Maklumat Jabatan, Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak. (2008) In: Mini Konvensyen Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreatif (KIK) : KIK Prembangunan Inovasi & Produktiviti UiTM, 27 September 2004, Dewan Latihan Al Ghazali JPSM. (Unpublished)

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