Browse by Item with Physical Location
Industrial training job matching web application system / Muhammad Hanif Zurlani.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
Checkpoint localization for hikers using Havaersine Formula / Mohd Haizat Mat Isa.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Exam invigilation scheduling system for UiTM Malacca Jasin Campus / Maizatul Akmam Mustapa.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Herbs identification trough leaves recognition / Hayatun Syamila Sholeh.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Human-Anatomy Augmented Reality Application (HARA) / Hillary Ata Serit.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Implementing Domain Driven Design (DDD) in requirement specification for Maintenance of Vehicle Schedule System (MoVeSS) / Azharul Nasran.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
“Kuliah Agama” notification based on location via mobile application / Mohamad Akmal Shukri Mahmud.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Leave recommender mobile application for supporting staff of UiTM Malacca Campus Jasin / Maizeaitul Nasira Mohamad Haris.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Mall directory mobile application by using Schneiderman’s Eight Golden Rules Design Principle / Muhamad Syafiq Mohd Ramli.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
Mobile balanced and healthy diet on android system / Mohamad Khairul Amir Zaidan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Mobile cookbook application with searching by ingredients / Falihah Mamat @ Mohammad.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Mobile courseware Physics learning (Chapter 4: Electronic) for SPM students using user-centered design / Mohd Efriezal Zainal Abidin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Mobile heart rate monitoring and advising system / Mohd Faizal Kamaruddin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
People Japanese: an interactive multimedia courseware using human-centred design approach / Muhammad Hasif Muhamed Asri.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
Study on tourism development and its impacts towards residents’ quality of life in Pulau Perhentian / Abhar Husaini Abd Hamid, Muhammad Akmal Mohaidin and Mohd Hafizuddin Che Beroni.
[Student Project]
Understanding data loss due to human error using Dooyeweerd's aspect / Maslina Musa.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
The interactive of Pendidikan Islam courseware using ADDIE method / Mohammad Faris Che Ya.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
March 2015
Maju Bersama Sdn Bhd / Shahrim Hajis ... [et al.]. (2015) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
90 Minute Melaka United: mobile application for Melaka United Fans / Mohamad Ameerul Johari.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
Analysis of instructional design model with involvement of instructors for blended learning / Fatin Farzana Azizan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
Applying MVC architecture to the development of Puncak Niaga Equestrian (PNE) management system / Fatin Haziqah Sharifuddin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
Measuring Enterprise Architecture / Siti Fatimah Azzahra Ibrahim.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
Price comparison website using web scraping / Nisa Asila Mohd Noor.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Process aware e-Frozen Accounting Information System / Siti Sufyza Hanny Mohd Sukor.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
Bookstore Inventory Management System (BIMS) for Belweel Berjaya / Ili Natasha Zahari.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
Effective communication model for Software Development Project in Ambersoft / Fatin Noor Amylia Abdul Muluk.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
Mobile application for gas order and delivery system / Muhammad Rashid Sulaiman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Mobile application for tracking flood disaster victim using geofence / Abdul Afiq Hairul Badarul Shah.
[Student Project]
Non-Resident House Rental Management System (NRHRMS) for Unit Pengurusan Kolej & NR UiTM Jasin / Harris Safuan Mohamed.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
The development of house rental mobile application for UiTM Jasin (JHORMAP) / Muhamad Helmi Jamil.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
Aeon Mall Seri Manjung Court Management System / Nur Adlina Mohd Mansor.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
E-Reporting System for Non-Resident Students in UiTM Jasin / Nur Ashikin Azamuddin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
Reminder for social commerce impulsive buying behavior on facebook: a case study among UiTM Jasin’s students / Khairunisa Nur Liyana Yusrie Michael.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
Study on implementation of MSPO among oil palm smallholder / Muhammad Lutfi Mohd Kamal.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
The development of Aliana Kembara Agency Reservation System / Siti Noor’ain Mohammad Zin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
The effect of different plants extracts on Pyricularia oryzae invitro / Muhamad Azim Abdul Aziz.
[Student Project]
Adaptation of sustainable practices among oil palm smallholders / Taufiqurahman Mohd Shaifuddin.
[Student Project]
Adaptive capacity of cocoa smallholders towards Cocoa Pod Borer (CPB) infestation / Nur Amirah Alias.
[Student Project]
Allelopathic effect of Argeratum conyzoides L. extract on the growth of aerobic rice (Oryza sativa) / Nazrin Faeiz Ahmad Fauzi.
[Student Project]
Allelopathic effect of Cyperus iria towards aerobic rice (MRIA 1) / Nur Anis Sabireen Lazim.
[Student Project]
Analysis of sustainable practices among farmers in Batu Pahat, Johor / Mohamad Haikal Shamsulbahrim.
[Student Project]
Analysis on factors that affecting productivity of fresh fruit bunches in oil palm plantation / Mohamad Roslan Ahmad.
[Student Project]
Antioxidant potential of different parts of three pineapple varieties N36, Madu and MD2 / Nur Fatin Nadzirah Zukaimi.
[Student Project]
Awareness, knowledge and practices of plantation worker toward the adoption of environment policies / Mohamad Amirul Shafiq Ramli.
[Student Project]
Comparative study of three rice brands’ quality through measuring broken rice percentage using SORTEX A Colorvision (Buhler) optical sorters machine / Siti Amalina Mohd Sairi.
[Student Project]
Comparison between population density of (Oryctes rhinoceros) in Oil Palm UiTM Jasin and Pembangunan Pertanian Melaka Sdn. Bhd (PPMSB) / Che Nurnajihah Che Soh.
[Student Project]
Current outbreak status of golden apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata at Merlimau, Melaka / Nur Shamilah Che Whayahit.
[Student Project]
Development of maturity model for oil palm upstream supply chain / Mohamad Aidi Azahar A Rashid.
[Student Project]
Digital soil electrical conductivity mapping: a case study at oil palm in UiTM share farm / Eiffa Hazieqah Zulkifli.
[Student Project]
Dynamics of beneficial insects on various alternate hosts in rice farming area at Merlimau, Melaka / Che Nor Fahadaina Che Ismail.
[Student Project]
E-booking equipment system Madetill Event Management Sdn. Bhd / Amir Syafiq Mohd Rizuan.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
Economic analysis on factors affecting oil palm productivity among different categories of smallholders: a case study in FELCRA Berhad Lekir / Muhammad Shafaat Ahmad Nazar.
[Student Project]
Economic analysis on oil palm plantation establishment and its impact towards local community: a case study at Kunak, Sabah / Marwan Taupiang.
[Student Project]
Economical effectiveness on harvesting system influencing the oil extraction rate of palm oil: case study in two oil palm plantation / Muhammad Shahrin Razali.
[Student Project]
Effect of effective microorganism (EM) application at different phenology on aerobic paddy Cv. Mria 1 / Siti Wardatul Laily Che Hamid.
[Student Project]
Effect of foliar application on growth performance of maize (Zea mays L.) / Siti Nur Syazwani Sabri.
[Student Project]
Effect of heat treatment on the germination of seeds and morphology of paddy seedlings / Nurul Fharahaein Mohsin.
[Student Project]
Effect of the storage containers on the viability of paddy seeds MR 297 / Noorshahira Rashif.
[Student Project]
Effectiveness of spices to control rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. in stored rice grains / Muhammad Zainulariffin Ramlee.
[Student Project]
Efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis application for controlling bagworm, Metisa plana at Felda Besout 5, Sungkai, Perak / Mohd Fazrin Kamarudin.
[Student Project]
Efficiency of endophytic fungi isolated from healthy branches for management of vascular streak dieback on cocoa / Norliliyana Zainon.
[Student Project]
Evaluation of pathogenicity of Xanthomnas oryzae pv. Oryzae towards Malaysian rice varieties / Nurizzatie Yunus.
[Student Project]
Evaluation of the pathogenicity of pseudomonas fuscovaginae towards Malaysian rice variety / Nursyaza Liyana Shamsuddin.
[Student Project]
Factor that influence smallholder’s acceptance towards Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in rubber / Mohamad Nabil Md Zohir.
[Student Project]
Factors affecting worker loyalty in oil palm plantation sector / Nur Azwa Shafiqah Abdullah.
[Student Project]
Factors influencing accident among harvesters in oil palm plantation at Felda Tun Ghafar Kemendor Jasin / Mohamad Azim Mohamad Sabri.
[Student Project]
Factors influencing smallholder buying behaviors of fertilizer: a case study at Felda Bukit Waha, Kota Tinggi, Johor / Muhamad Zasahfiq Zainudin.
[Student Project]
Factors influencing the implementation of Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) among organized oil palm smallholders in Malaysia / Abdul Halim A Hamid.
[Student Project]
Factors influencing yield performance in rubber Plantation: case study at KLPK Ladang Bukit Nguan / Amir Asyraf Azizan.
[Student Project]
Factors restricting oil palm settlers towards Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification / Muhammad Rizwan Abdawa.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
Factors restricting paddy farmers to adapt Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) / Nur Amalina Abu Bakar.
[Student Project]
Factors that can minimize the risk of accident in oil palm plantation / Muhamad Afif Abdul Fatah.
[Student Project]
Farmers perception toward the implementation of green marketing in paddy production: case study in KADA / Nur Aeni Ramli.
[Student Project]
Field performances of autopilot and conventional modes in driving a tractor: a preliminary comparatives study on a rough-moderate obstacles terrain environment / Nur Iman Syahirah Sazali.
[Student Project]
Growth of Malayan yellow dwarf coconut seedling on selected type of Malaysian soil / Nurfarizah Afendy.
[Student Project]
Growth performance of oil palm seedling on different age of Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) compost / Aiman Hanafi Mohamad Fauzi.
[Student Project]
Identification and characterization of antagonistic bacteria against bacteria leaf blight caused by Xanthomonas oryzae / Syazwin Nadzir.
[Student Project]
Impact of transformational leadership style towards job satisfaction in Pembangunan Pertanian Melaka Sdn Bhd (PPMSB) / Azyan Mat Jusoh @ Yusoff.
[Student Project]
Impact of worker personality type on job performance / Priscilline Presly.
[Student Project]
Improving selected chemical properties of peat soils using rubberwood bark biochar / Nurfarahana Md Zin.
[Student Project]
Independent oil palm smallholder’s perception towards biofertilizers in Malaysia / Nurul Fatin Ismail.
[Student Project]
Intention of oil palm smallholder to use oil palm residue / Muhammad Farhan Aliff Dol Malek.
[Student Project]
Internet of things (IOT) research and applications in plantation industry in Asia: a systematic literature review / Riyanti Abdul Rahman.
[Student Project]
Investigation of crawler’s efficiency on peatland during raining season in Ladang Delima, Rompin, Pahang, Malaysia / Ahmad Kamsyakh Nawi Musa.
[Student Project]
Investigation on performance and cost of combine harvester: a case study at Kg Piasau paddy field, Kota Belud, Sabah / Juem Panambong.
[Student Project]
Isolation and characterization of bacteria from cocoa (Theobroma cacao) rhizospheric soils for different Plant Growth Promotion (PGP) activities / Aida Khalida Hamdan.
[Student Project]
Isolation and screening of antagonistic bacteria against Xanthomonas oryzae, the causal agent of Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) / Norshakirah Rahiman.
[Student Project]
Job satisfaction of employee in oil palm plantation / Nur Izzat Waqinuddien Roslan.
[Student Project]
Knowledge and acceptance among FFB dealer in purchasing MSPO certified Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) at Kinta District, Perak / Azrul Haikal Puhad.
[Student Project]
Knowledge and acceptance among paddy farmers in adopting Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) in sustainable paddy production: case of KADA Kelantan / Nurul Ain Najwa Rosli.
[Student Project]
Knowledge and motivation toward adoption of agropreneur among Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology (FPA) students in UiTM Jasin / Muhammad Amirullah Shamsui.
[Student Project]
Knowledge and perception among paddy farmers in implementing MyGAP certification at PPK A II Kodiang, Kedah / Hasreena Sarip.
[Student Project]
Knowledge, attitude and practice of workers toward usage of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) / Nur’amirah Mohd Ismail.
[Student Project]
Labour productivity of manuring worker in oil palm plantation: a case study at Hap Seng Plantation company Lahad Datu Sabah / Sazri Paulus.
[Student Project]
Malaysian consumer behaviours towards purchasing organic rice / Muhamad Faizuin Mohamad Rosli.
[Student Project]
Morphological trait and biochemical effect on seed desiccation tolerance / Mohamad Azril Hafis Mohamad Nasir.
[Student Project]
Motivation factors that affect worker’s productivity in Pembangunan Pertanian Melaka (PPMSB) / Nur Shafiqah Aishah Zainuddin.
[Student Project]
Oil palm biomass (empty fruit bunch and oil palm kernel shell) as a sustainable renewable energy: a review / Mohamad Nasrul Hazim Ruslan.
[Student Project]
Potential use of crude aqueous extract of Amaranthus viridis against important fungal pathogens on plantation crops / Nur Hana Fariha Che Zamri.
[Student Project]
Preliminary investigation of the boycott in oil palm / Muhammad Amir Shuhaimi.
[Student Project]
Preliminary study on oil palm weevil (Elaeidobius kamerunicus) pollination activity on oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) in Pembangunan Pertanian Melaka Sdn Bhd (PPMSB), Jasin, Melaka / Muhammad Azri Hariz Muhammad Rizal.
[Student Project]
Preservation of fungal pathogen isolated from major crop in Malaysia using paddy husk and grain millet / Hashimah Ahmad.
[Student Project]
Review on antioxidant activity of phenolic compound in Oryza sativa (paddy) / Mohamad Asraf Mohd Saif.
[Student Project]
Review on the economic impact and market valuation of clonal Ananas comosus VAR. MD2 / Siti Sarah Adnan.
[Student Project]
Screening and isolation of effective microbes for decomposition process among different of organic wastes / Khairol Redzuan Mohamad.
[Student Project]
Screening potential antagonist fungi against black rot disease on pineapple / Fatin Nor Afifah Othman.
[Student Project]
Simulation of financial profitability and sensitivity analysis of oil palm production in Malaysia / Mohd Saiful Ikhwan Halim.
[Student Project]
Skim Pinjaman Buku Teks (SPBT) Management System using SMS notification / Noor Airennatasha Jailani.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Melaka.
Study of growth and yield in different media for chilli / Muhammad Adi Azfar Anwar.
[Student Project]
Technology acceptance among oil palm estate workers by using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) / Norakmal Izzat Azizan.
[Student Project]
Training needs analysis for sustainable practices among FPA students / Muhammad Faez Mohd Rosli.
[Student Project]
Zingibereceae extraction as biological control agent for cocoa pod borer management in cocoa industry / Nurshafiqah Reduan.
[Student Project]
The development of pharmacy inventory management system for Mediwell Farmasi Jasin / Muhammad Izzuddin Mohd Jaleel.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Melaka.
The different of salary payment system on working productivity in oil palm plantation / Muhamad Fakrul Irwan Mohd Nafi.
[Student Project]
An economic analysis on factors affecting oil palm productivity for different oil palm plantation: a case study in Terengganu & Johor / Nurf Asihah Ismail.
[Student Project]
The effect of the incorporation Effective Microorganisms (EM) with EFB compost towards soil nutrients & MR220 growth / Mohammad Safuan Zarul Kamal.
[Student Project]
The effect of various concentration of Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) and Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) on rooting capacity of pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) VAR. MD2: a research / Muhamad Aliff Sadu.
[Student Project]
The effectiveness of additional Effective Microorganism (EM) on growth of aerobic rice cv. MRIA 1 / Haida Idayu Hamidin.
[Student Project]
The effectiveness of effective microorganism on growth performance of paddy / Muhammad Nabil Abd Hamid.
[Student Project]
The effectiveness of flubendiamide application via ground spraying in controlling population of metisa plana in Felda Besout 5, Perak / Ahmad Bazli Ayob.
[Student Project]
The farmers awareness level on important rice husk green marketing perspective / Wan Nur Aina Syahirah Wan Anuar.
[Student Project]
The population of green leafhopper and zigzag leafhopper at paddy cultivation in Merlimau, Melaka / Nurrul Shafika Abu Bakar.
[Student Project]
A review of induced mutagenesis in Theobroma cacao / Siti Nur Aida Nor Mohd Darul.
[Student Project]
A review on agrobacterium-mediated transformation protocols of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) / Afiq Ridzuan Mohamed.
[Student Project]
A review on clonal oil palm: future prospects for palm oil sustainability / Nornajihah Salleh.
[Student Project]
The role of green marketing towards purchase intention of organic products among Malaysian’ consumers / Siti Rawaida Rusli.
[Student Project]
A study of incidence and severity on pineapple mealybug wilt- associated virus at Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia Kawasan Muar Selatan, Johor / Muhammad Ridhwan Suhimai.
[Student Project]
A study of job satisfaction factors towards employee retention in oil palm plantation / Siti Elya Azli.
[Student Project]
A study of repulsion and attraction factors towards youth participation in oil palm plantation / Nurul Yasmin Mohd Aziz.
[Student Project]
A study on effective communication towards employee performance at Ladang Mados Mersing / Nurul Asmira Akwannadin.
[Student Project]
The study on the level of labour shortage and the effects towards oil palm plantation at TDM Plantation Sdn Bhd / Khalis Fikri.
[Student Project]
The usage of mechanization in harvesting oil palm fruit: perspective of smallholders / Muhammad Shahrul Akmal Shafie.
[Student Project]
Centralized Homestay Booking system for Bandar Laguna Merbok / Ahmad Muqri Ahmad Badri.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Melaka.
Communication as a critical success factor to enterprise architecture implementation / Muhammad Syazani Rosian.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
Jas Ads: Advertisements Listings Web / Khairul Naim Anuar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
MOHAJAA Enterprise Design and Printing System / Muhammad Al Azim Mohamad Nizar.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
Restaurant finding mobile application / Muhammad Aidy Hafizee Mohyeden.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
Review on chemical composition of essential oil from piperaceae as bio-pesticide / Nina Asqalani Abdullah.
[Student Project]
Smart Community System for PPKJ Residential with notification (SmartHome) / Muhammad Alif Umar Abdullah.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
A mobile application of Waqf Book with Quick Response (QR) code for UiTM Jasin Library / Nur Ameera Azman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
JustCookies ordering mobile application with notification / Muhammad Danial Mohd Amin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
PPP booking room web application for Unit KO UiTM KJM / Nursalsabila Saruni.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.
Self-report sports injury mobile application with Chatbot / Mohamad Hakimi Mohamad Noor.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka.