Items where Division is "Faculty of Business and Management" and Year is 2007
A study on the customers purchasing behaviour on chocolate / Anna Nointin @ Norsuhana Abdullah.
[Student Project]
The purchasing behavior of students towards comic books / Mohd. Fadzizul Hairie Abu Talib.
[Student Project]
A study on purchasing behaviour of Telekom Malaysia staff at Wawasan Plaza, Kota Kinabalu on perfume / Asnita Adnan.
[Student Project]
Public awareness towards TM's promotion (TM Mobile Homeline) / Aziyanni Adnan.
[Student Project]
A study of the Bank Islam credit card in Kota Kinabalu: concept and practicality / Basuni Ampung.
[Student Project]
A study on the entrepreneurs in West Coast (South) Sabah registered with MATRADE Sabah / Nurashikin Antari.
[Student Project]
A study on the level of customer satisfaction on customer services provided by Tabung Haji Kota Kinabalu, Sabah / Sharifah Rasidah Asmat.
[Student Project]
A study on customers level of awareness towards TM Homeline bundled service in Kota Kinabalu / Reliza Boniface.
[Student Project]
A study on public acceptance of Cocoa based products produced by Malaysia Cocoa Board Sabah in Kota Kinabalu / Hanayati Damir.
[Student Project]
Improvements on the service design of DBKK's parking system / Joshua Thomas Daungkil, Albert Joseph Lintanga and Justin Yonsoding.
Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sabah.
A study on public perception towards distance learning programs in the institutions of higher learning / James Fidelis Donsia.
[Student Project]
The buying behaviour of the Lembaga Industri Getah Sabah's staff on mobile phone / Jenus Clebester Gansau.
[Student Project]
A study on the buying behaviour of mobile phone by the population in the district of Tambunan / Jenus @ Clebester Gansau @ Petrus.
[Student Project]
A study on the promotional strategy of the SOCSO's social security protection scheme in Kota Kinabalu Sabah / Clarice Claire Geoffrey.
[Student Project]
A study on Sabah Credit Corporation (SCC) Marketing of its unsecured revolving executive loan / David George.
[Student Project]
Purchasing Behavior of UiTM Student Sabah Branch on Belt / Haslina Hasan. (2007) [Student Project] (Submitted)
A study on delivery system effiency of Sabah Rubber Industry Board in Tuaran / Dasau Hassan.
[Student Project]
Pawn broking : customers perceptions towards islamic pawn broking offered by Bank Rakyat Keningau branch / Kasida @ Siti Badariah Huda.
[Student Project]
A study on purchasing behavior of UiTM students (male) Sabah branch on men's perfume / Yusrafie Hussein.
[Student Project]
A study on customer level of satisfaction toward counter service at Majlis Daerah Papar / Dg. Salawati Ibrahim.
[Student Project]
A study on the demographic factors that are influencing the demand rate between variable price and fixed price in ASNB Sandakan / Azman Jambo.
[Student Project]
A study on the demographic factors that are influencing the demand rate between variable price and fixed price in ASNB Sandakan.
[Student Project]
Purchasing behavior of UiTM students, Sabah branch on chocolate / Gladys Juita James Noah.
[Student Project]
Research report on purchasing behavior of UiTM Sabah students on sport shoe / Joy Hardey Javil.
[Student Project]
A study on purchasing behavior of UiTM Sabah's female students towards lipstick / Nur' Aini Jenar.
[Student Project]
Effectiveness of Proton Sales promotion: the study in Kota Kinabalu / Irene Jonah @ Jimmy.
[Student Project]
Evaluative study on the effectiveness of promotional tools in Sabah Credit Corporation / Alisiahton Junardi.
[Student Project]
A study on effectiveness of Bumiputera marketing strategy / Azmi Shah Juri.
[Student Project]
Purchasing behavior on necklaces among the UiTM Sabah students / Suharti Kamdi.
[Student Project]
Parents perception towards tuition centres (S.M Stella Maris, Kota Kinabalu) / Kasmir Singh Kunan Singh.
[Student Project]
A study on consumer awareness towards TM Merdeka Millionaire Reward Programme / Litah Kuyun.
[Student Project]
A study on purchasing behavior of UiTM Sabah's students towards mobile phone brands / Julia Lily.
[Student Project]
Purchasing behaviour of UiTM students Sabah branch on high heels / Elvinji J.A. Loijon.
[Student Project]
A study on consumer satisfaction towards livestock product sold in Penampang / Linus Lojinga.
[Student Project]
A study on service quality and customer satisfaction for counter services at Penampang Municipal Council / Nancy D. Lojium.
[Student Project]
A study on the promotion effectiveness of Petronas Kad Mesra / Roslee Lukin.
[Student Project]
A research on purchasing behavior of UiTM Sabah student on magazines / Easter M. Subinon.
[Student Project]
A study on effectiveness of payphone services in Kota Kinabalu city / Rosnah Madji.
[Student Project]
Magazine advertisement : to what extent does it influence purchasing decision in regards to fashion among the career women in Kota Kinabalu / Wahidah Magbool Rehmoon.
[Student Project]
A study of the Non Performance Financing (NPF) accounts under personal financing of Bank Rakyat Labuan / Andi Asmarani Makmur.
UNSPECIFIED thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sabah.
The effectiveness of service quality at Perodua Tawau / Kartini Sitti Asmah Makulan @ Kilau.
[Student Project]
A study on purchasing behavior of UiTM Sabah's female student towards purses / Shelbeth Ann Malison.
[Student Project]
Sabah Urban Development Corporation (SUDC) Sdn Bhd: a study on customer acceptance towards Seri Maya Apartment at Lok Kawi Heights Apartments / Astutie Maniran.
[Student Project]
The farmers or settlers awareness of FELCRA Berhad's services in Kota Kinabalu / Masniah Mapaita.
UNSPECIFIED thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sabah.
A study on employee satisfaction and work environment relationship in Borneo Eco Tours Sdn Bhd / Eaffy Felxna Memin.
[Student Project]
A study on the awareness of Sabah Credit Corporation's customers on Islamic financing / Loretta Michael Kubot.
UNSPECIFIED thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sabah.
A study on the visitor's perception towards the Lok Kawi wildlife park / Romualdus Rainer Mijin.
[Student Project]
A study on market penetration strategies of iTalk product by Telekom Malaysia / Melva Elsa Mike Ikol.
[Student Project]
A study on the contributors awareness towards the benefit under Employment Injury Insurance Scheme provided by SOCSO / Darwinah Mohamad.
[Student Project]
Purchasing behavior UiTM students (Sabah branch) on shampoo / Dg Zuraidyah Mohd Yunus.
[Student Project]
A study on Indocafe market profile in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah / Abdul Aziz Shah Mohd. Sewan.
[Student Project]
A study on the purchasing behaviour of the staff of ministry of local government and housing on hand phones / Jostivita Mosipil @ Mary Jeaniffer.
[Student Project]
A study on TM Streamyx: level of customer satisfaction in Inanam Exchange / Mohd Salleh Mussawari.
[Student Project]
Purchasing behavior of UiTM student ( Sabah branch ) on bun / Ronahlizah Mutang.
[Student Project]
A study on purchasing behavior among UiTM Sabah students (Full Time) towards laptop / Nas Norniza Nasbah.
[Student Project]
Customers satisfaction toward SESB prepaid meter system / Vivian Nazarius.
[Student Project]
Evaluation of satisfaction level of tourists in Maliau Basin conservation area / Albinus Ongkudon. (2007) [Student Project] (Unpublished)
A study on the effectiveness of Malaysia's tourism promotion activities / Hafizah Patong.
[Student Project]
A study on customer perception : Mesra convenience store / Rita Paul.
[Student Project]
A study on the level of awareness among the public towards the Lok Kawi wildlife park's promotional activities / Ivan Pius.
[Student Project]
A study on the quality of Proton's delivery service towards customer in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah / Umar Rahim.
[Student Project]
A study on purchasing behavior of male students of UiTM Sabah on haircuts or hairstyle / Christopher Davy Reduan Syah.
[Student Project]
Purchasing behavior of UiTM students Sabah branch on high heels / Noor Hanis Rodin.
[Student Project]
A study on the awareness of higher learning Institutions students towards TM I-Talk services / Rohayyu Rokijan.
[Student Project]
Level of consumer satisfaction towards services / facilities provided by Royal Malaysian Customs ( the case of customs port Kota Kinabalu ) / Nurul Ain Rushdi.
[Student Project]
The purchasing behavior of UiTM students on hair gel / Mohd Nizam S. Ashraff.
[Student Project]
The effectiveness of market penetration strategy adopted by Borneo Natural Products Sdn. Bhd. / Fairuznisah Salim.
[Student Project]
The effectiveness of pasar tani's role in agriculture marketing in Sabah / Mabpong @ Raki Sanai.
[Student Project]
A study on the effectiveness of 'TM Italk with mobile' promotion campaign in Kota Kinabalu / Ledyawati Segan.
[Student Project]
A study on customer perception towards Sabah Credit Corporation corporate image in Penampang, Sabah / Rayner T. Sinor.
[Student Project]
Purchasing behaviour of UiTM Sabah student on toothpaste / Walter Augustine Soludin.
[Student Project]
A study on customer perception during pre market testing of the effective microorganism (EM) product / Effandey Suahnih.
[Student Project]
A study on the market potential of Petronas NGV in Sabah / Roziah Suhailen.
[Student Project]
The effectiveness of Malaysia International Shipping Corporation (MISC) Kota Kinabalu services quality / Asmilah Suhaili.
[Student Project]
A study on how to improve the sales of Sabah Forest Industries Sdn. Bhd paper / Tinggih Sulog.
[Student Project]
A study on purchasing behaviour of Maybank Berhad's employees on chocolate / Easter @ Esther Olivitt Tamin.
[Student Project]
A study on consumer perception and attitude towards insurance and/or takaful scheme / Noorlydiawati Tassim.
[Student Project]
A study on the level of customer satisfaction of current tenants toward services provided at Wisma Muis, Sembulan, Kota Kinabalu / Wilfred J. Thaddeus.
[Student Project]
A study on contributor's perception of SOCSO service quality / Noraini Thani.
[Student Project]
A study on the involvement of FELCRA Berhad in Beaufort District: the impact on the standard of living and satisfaction level of participants / Ermah Yahya.
UNSPECIFIED thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sabah.
A study on the level of effectiveness of Program Usahawan Muda (PUM) in enhancing the entrepreneurial skills among secondary school students in the West Coast district / Rozyan Zain Abidin.
UNSPECIFIED thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sabah.