Purchase of halal food through online applications: a case study among UiTM Dungun students / Nur Najwa Faryhah Mohd Suhaimi

Mohd Suhaimi, Nur Najwa Faryhah (2022) Purchase of halal food through online applications: a case study among UiTM Dungun students / Nur Najwa Faryhah Mohd Suhaimi. [Student Project] (Submitted)


The concept of halal food should be give an attention because of its recognition as an alternative to ensure the hygiene and safety of consumers to the quality of the food. Halal food is food that has been processed according to the criteria taught by Islam, for example a perfect method of slaughter, not mixed with haram food and prepared by Muslims. Furthermore, religious knowledge has a positive importance as it encourages Muslim consumers to make judgments before buying online. The objective of this study was to examine the determining factors that influence the intention to buy online of students at UiTM Dungun through online applications and their awareness of the status of halal food sold online. Methodologically, this study uses a quantitative approach through a survey questionnaire using the Google Form platform to collect data from respondents. Data were collected from 160 respondents from UiTM Dungun, Terengganu students. The results from the data analysis show that the level of awareness of the respondents is at a high and satisfactory level. Several suggestions are also included at the end of this study to ensure that Muslim consumers are more concerned about halal -related issues today. This aims to further increase the level of public awareness on the importance of the status of halal food purchased through online applications.


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