Farmers nowadays currently face difficulty in plucking their fruit and vegetables in their farms. This project aims to ease the farmer workload in their farms. Specifically, it investigates whether our invention that we named it as TuaiVest could help farmers in the farm without use their force to pluck the fruit and vegetables in higher tree. To test the hypothesis of TuaiVest, brainstorming for idea are carried out among the team members to bring the idea together on how to solve the farmer problems. Sketch and 3D designing with simulation must be carried out to find out whether the TuaiVest machine really suitable for the job. The results from the sketch and 3D modelling will be used to design the product in real condition. These results suggest that this product should be able to pluck the fruit in the higher tree. On this basis, the concept and development of this product should be expand for future ease hence could be sell into market and generate money for business.
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