Effects of word-of-mouth communication on purchasing decisions in restaurants : a path analytical study / Nur Fadilla Halim

Halim, Nur Fadilla (2014) Effects of word-of-mouth communication on purchasing decisions in restaurants : a path analytical study / Nur Fadilla Halim. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


This study examined a word-of-mouth communication structure in the restaurant where main variables of the word-of-mouth process on purchasing decisions were recognized and their connections were investigated in a restaurant setting. Therefore, a restaurant word-of-mouth model was suggested. Objectives of this study was firstly to identify the main factors of restaurant word-of-mouth communication, secondly to discover which word-of-mouth factors directly affect the consumer's restaurant product/service purchase decision and lastly to find out the degree to which word-of-mouth factors determine the consumer's word-of-mouth search efforts for a restaurant. Referring to extensive literature review, eight restaurant word-of-mouth variables and thirteen hypotheses were formulated. They were based on the theoretical background of communication models, Dongsuk Jang (2007) word-of-mouth model. The findings of this study suggest that factors of word-of-mouth receiver and sender's perceived expertise, tie strength, self image, reference group, and word-of-mouth search effort influence the consumer's restaurant service/product purchase decision. It was fascinating that most of the respondents' responses were positive word-of-mouth. It shows that positive word-of-mouth has a bigger impact on a restaurant consumer's word-of-mouth experience. It is also worth mentioning that the word-of-mouth channel most respondents used was face-to-face.


Item Type: Student Project
Email / ID Num.
Halim, Nur Fadilla
Email / ID Num.
Stephen, Jacqueline Koh Siew Len
Sukardi, Rosdiana
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > Success in business. Performance
H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > Branding (Marketing)
H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > Marketing > Marketing research. Marketing research companies. Sales forecasting
T Technology > TX Home economics > Hospitality industry. Hotels, clubs, restaurants, etc. Food service
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sabah > Kota Kinabalu Campus > Faculty of Business and Management
Programme: Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) Marketing
Keywords: Effects; Word-of-mouth; Communication; Purchasing decisions
Date: 2014
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/71969
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