On behalf of the Selera Malaysia Enterprise management, I am pleased to present our business report of this company recorded tremendous growth. These have given us a chance to compete in the business.
However , due to the regional currency crisis in year 1998 Malaysia began to experience a slow down economic growth and thus weakening the domestic and regional financial markets. With the positive economic growth and low inflation rate , Selera Malaysia Enterprise obtained the opportunity to record a phenomenal profit surpassing the target figure in just few years time. This make it a profitable in industry. The decision to set up this company is because of the prospect it have and bright future with just making creative drawing, illusion or work on a piece of plain glass.
Selera Malaysia Enterprise is aiming to monopolize all the market in Kota Bahru since there is lack competitors who doing this kind of business. With an improved financial performance will achieve the various aligned to face the challenges in the new millennium.
Selera Malaysia Enterprise is confident to continue achieving excellent result for the year 2002 and beyond . I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the board of directors , management team and staff of Selera Malaysia Enterprise on their dedication and continuous commitment.
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