Why local people prefer to buy imported shoes rather than local shoes / Norazwafira Mat Nor and Noorshida Kamarullbahrin

Mat Nor, Norazwafira and Kamarullbahrin, Noorshida (2001) Why local people prefer to buy imported shoes rather than local shoes / Norazwafira Mat Nor and Noorshida Kamarullbahrin. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


This proposal is to indicate whether most local people choose to buy imported shoes than local shoes. Our purpose of this proposal is to know why local people prefer to buy imported shoes. Besides, we want to know what are the factors that influence local people to buy imported shoes. We also want to know what are the problems that might be faced when most local people use imported shoes.

A survey of our research will be taken around 50 people who are selected randomly around in Malacca City. There will be two members fully involved in this research.
From our survey that we had done to our respondent, we found that more people prefer to buy imported shoes rather than local shoes. They prefer to buy imported shoes because imported shoes are more quality, comfortable, give satisfaction to them and so on. Our respondent also refused to buy local shoes because local shoes have a low promotion. Normally, imported shoes have more promotion compared to local shoes. Imported shoes have always advertised their shoes in television, radio, magazine and others. Many people are not sure and do not know about the
'pig skin lining' issue.


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