Items where Subject is "Design"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1)
- T Technology (2)
- TS Manufactures (2)
- Packaging (2)
- Design (19)
- Packaging (2)
- TS Manufactures (2)
- T Technology (2)
Kempen budi bahasa melalui senireka bentuk pembungkusan produk SME / Farhanah Abu Sujak...[]. (2016) In: Empowering Local Mind In Art Design & Cultural Herritage 3rd ISME International Colloquium 2016, 27 & 28 December 2016, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
The ‘Me-Too’ phenomenon in packaging design: a case study of Malaysian retail products / Anith Liyana Amin Nudin...[]. (2016) In: Empowering Local Mind In Art Design & Cultural Herritage 3rd ISME International Colloquium 2016, 27 & 28 December 2016, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
Innovation of Riffaa D’hati concealer using the implementation of augmented reality technology and QR code / NurFatin Nabila Che Mad Fauzi ... [et al.]. (2023) In: International Teaching Aid Competition 2023. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, pp. 314-320. ISBN 2016354641
Beyond COVID19: a creative approach and the used of visual communication design on Amoris hand wash labeling / Nurdarwisyah Balqis Dzuladin.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Melaka.
An interactive packaging with augmented reality technology to boost promotion case study: Lc Merchandising Sdn Bhd (Upin Ipin Store) / Nur Hanis Ezan. (2020) In: The 9th International Innovation, Invention & Design Competition, 17 May - 10 Oct 2020, Perak, Malaysia.
Satu kajian tentang pembungkusan tempe serta penerimaanya di kalangan penduduk Daerah Muar Johor / Muhamad Farhad Hadithon.
[Student Project]
Emotional design for children's food packaging / Wang Haiying and Muhamad Abdul Aziz Ab. Gani. (2022) Idealogy Journal, 7 (2): 2. pp. 8-24. ISSN 2550-214X
A study of product packaging in consumer purchasing decisions / Rozani Ibrahim.
[Student Project]
A research on packaging on product: Candlenuts by Nadia / Nur Syahira Idris.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Melaka.
Fun packaging : an assessment on children`s food packaging and its relation to healthy eating habit / Arzeanti Jafar.
[Student Project]
An innovation of LH Bites Cookies holder of augmented reality technology and QR code / Syafiqah Jasni ... [et al.]. (2023) In: International Teaching Aid Competition 2023. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, pp. 301-306. ISBN 9789672948513
The effect of ice cream packaging design on consumer buying behavior / Nur Farahtul Akmar Mohamed Tharik.
[Student Project]
The impact of 3R’s element creation on ecological form of ecodesign in Malaysia / Mohd Hasni Chumiran.
Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).
Mr.Y Design / Muhammad Yamin Abd Rahman.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
An illustration approach characteristic of Malaysian culture through food packaging case study: Uncang Tea / Siti Sarah Amanina Rosli.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
The visual analysis on ‘Budu’ labelling and packaging design: the case study of 'Budu' product in Kelantan / Ahmad Adib Sa’aidi.
[Student Project]
The design issue of local SME food and beverage product labelling and packaging: designers versus audience perspectives / Wan Alia Najiha Wan Mahmud.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
A study on visual communication kinder soaps packaging design / Wan Nurfathirah Haini Wan Noraziman.
Degree thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Melaka.
Examining packaging factors as an aesthetic towards consumer purchase decision : a study towards 1Malaysia products Kota Kinabalu area / Shalynna Yurika Yulius.
[Student Project]