Items where Publication is "e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU)" and Year is 2022

Number of items: 15.

Aplikasi Maqasid Shariah dalam pengiklanan amal / Anis Husna Abdul Halim, Mohd Faiz Mohamed Yusof dan Zahrah Fatimah Ariff Irshad. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 2. pp. 1-15. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

Interaksi masyarakat majmuk di Malaysia menurut perspektif Al-Quran / Mohd Zahimie Mohd Dzahid … [et al.]. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 1. pp. 16-28. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

Islamic-Pawnbroking: a concept and perception study in Kuala Muda / Nor Adila Mohd Noor … [et al.]. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 1. pp. 94-100. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

Keberkesanan pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang mengintegrasikan Pengajaran Abad ke 21 (PAK21) di dalam mata pelajaran pendidikan Islam sekolah rendah Negeri Sabah / Mohd Syaubari Othman … [et al.]. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 2. pp. 16-30. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

Kelestarian pendidikan anak kurang upaya: pandangan daripada perspektif Maqasid Syariah memelihara akal dan intelektual (Hifz Aqli) / Khairul Effendi Hashim, Nasharuddin Mohammad and Norakyairee Mohd Raus. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 2. pp. 31-41. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

Kepentingan siasah syar’iyyah untuk membentuk dasar kesejahteraan keluarga dalam negara bermasyarakat majmuk / Awang Nib Zuhairi Awang Ahmad, Hadenan Towpek and Abdul Razak Abdul Kadir. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 1. pp. 44-63. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

Kepentingan teori kitaran Malek Bennabi kepada tamadun hari ini / Abdul Qayuum Abdul Razak … [et al.]. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 2. pp. 90-100. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

Kritikan terhadap Garis Panduan Tadbir Urus Syariah (GP28) dalam koperasi di Malaysia / Mohamad Fadhilah Al Hakkam Othman, Mat Noor Mat Zin and Nurul Ilyana Muhd Adnan. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 1. pp. 1-15. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

Pandangan mahasiswa terhadap kesaksamaan gender di kawasan awam: kajian mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung / Abdul Wasik, Norhana Ahad and Nurlina. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 2. pp. 42-53. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

Penggunaan Quizizz dalam pembelajaran mata pelajaran Agama (CTU) di UiTM sewaktu Pandemik COVID-19 / Md Azzaat Ahsanie Lokman … [et al.]. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 1. pp. 82-93. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

Penggunaan modul psikospiritual terhadap kesejahteraan spiritual remaja delinkuen: satu kajian eksperimental / Hamizah Muhammad … [et al.]. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 1. pp. 29-37. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

Qard Al-Hasan: the concept of helping in Al-Rahnu financing and its practice in MAIDAM / Salimah Yahaya … [et al.]. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 1. pp. 38-43. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

Teori tadbir urus wakaf pendidikan di universiti awam berteraskan Maqasid Al Syariah / Che Zuina Ismail … [et al.]. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 1. pp. 64-73. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

Variasi minat pelajar terhadap mata pelajaran pendidikan Islam kontemporari / Amirul Ridzuan Mohd Shafie and Muhammad Zulazizi Mohd Nawi. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 2. pp. 54-89. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

The effectiveness of zakat assistance towards straightening religiosity of Muslim converts (Muallaf) / Mohammad Syukri Jalil … [et al.]. (2022) e-Journal of Islamic Thought and Understanding (e-JITU), 1. pp. 74-81. ISSN 2006-9617 (Submitted)

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