Unveiling the golden angle by sketching car’s side view using playground AI / Rafizah Kechil and Wan Anisha Wan Mohammad

Kechil, Rafizah and Wan Mohammad, Wan Anisha (2024) Unveiling the golden angle by sketching car’s side view using playground AI / Rafizah Kechil and Wan Anisha Wan Mohammad. Bulletin. Unit Penerbitan Dan Publisiti JSKM.


The golden angle is a special angle that is related to the golden ratio, a mathematical constant that is approximately equal to 1.618. The golden angle is about 137.5 degrees, and it has some interesting properties that make it useful for generating artistic images. One of the properties of the golden angle is that it can divide a circle into two parts, such that the ratio of the larger part to the smaller part is equal to the ratio of the whole circle to the larger part. This ratio is the same as the golden ratio, and it creates a harmonious and balanced proportion. This proportion can be found in many natural phenomena, such as the arrangement of petals, leaves, seeds and shells. Some artists and designers have used this proportion to create aesthetically pleasing compositions, such as paintings, sculptures, logos and photographs. In this context, we intend to share our experience with the process of generating a side view of a car using Playground AI. Our approach involved integrating the principles of the golden angle into our instructions to produce an artistic representation of the car's side view.


Item Type: Monograph (Bulletin)
Email / ID Num.
Kechil, Rafizah
Wan Mohammad, Wan Anisha
Email / ID Num.
Kadar, Rozita
Chief Editor
Abu Mansor, Siti Nurleena
Subjects: L Education > LG Individual institutions > Asia > Malaysia > Universiti Teknologi MARA > Pulau Pinang
L Education > LG Individual institutions > Asia > Malaysia > Universiti Teknologi MARA
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pulau Pinang > Permatang Pauh Campus
Journal or Publication Title: e-Buletin JSKM
ISSN: 2637-0077
Keywords: e-Buletin JSKM, Jabatan Sains Komputer dan Matematik, UiTM Pulau Pinang
Date: 2024
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/95308
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