Print Expert Sdn Bhd / Muhamad Nazif Ahmad Nasharuddin

Ahmad Nasharuddin, Muhamad Nazif (2023) Print Expert Sdn Bhd / Muhamad Nazif Ahmad Nasharuddin. Industrial Training. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis. (Submitted)


This industrial training report is based on my excellent 6 months of industrial training at Print Expert Sdn. Bhd. Headquarters (Print Expert HQ). I have been assigned under the Administration and Human Resources Department, supervised by Mr. Muhammad Morsyid bin Samsul Zalni as an Executive of Administration at Print Expert Sdn. Bhd.
The duration of my Industrial Training at Print Expert Sdn. Bhd. is 24 weeks, starting from 6th March 2023 until 20th August 2023. The 24 weeks experience of in Industrial Training taught me many things. Being assigned under Mr. Morsyid and the other HR executives gave me wonderful memories and unique experiences during my Industrial Training there.
As an Industrial Training Student or Print Expert Trainee, it was a new experience but not an early exposure for me because I have worked before. With a little previous experience from my part-time job before, I used it in the new environment of work which is work in the office of one of the biggest companies in the printing service business, Print Expert.
As a Human Resources student, I want to learn more about being a good HR and being liked by the workers. This is because what I heard from being an HR is most HR are often disliked by employees due to the strictness of an HR person to follow the rules and laws of the company. At Print Expert, I try to learn and gain a lot of knowledge about being a good HR that can take care of employees’ welfare.
I stated my resume in this Industrial Training Report which is all about my personal information. Secondly, I have included my internship company profile which consists of Print Expert’s name, location, background, vision and mission and Print Expert shared value. I also included the training reflection which consists of the duration of Industrial Training, roles and responsibilities, intrinsic and extrinsic benefits. Next, I also explain about S.W.O.T analysis which is Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and then I build the SWOT matrix strategies using SWOT analysis. Lastly, I make a recommendation and conclusion that can help improve Print Expert.


Item Type: Monograph (Industrial Training)
Email / ID Num.
Ahmad Nasharuddin, Muhamad Nazif
Email / ID Num.
Khalid, Shaiful Annuar, Dr.
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > Management. Industrial Management > Organization
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis > Arau Campus > Faculty of Business and Management
Keywords: industrial training, Print Expert Sdn. Bhd, SWOT analysis
Date: 2023
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