Understanding determinants of use behavior of e-payment: an analysis of the success of the system during a pandemic / Muhammad Noor Ardiansah, Nabilla Nur Azmi and Indah Anisykulillah

Ardiansah, Muhammad Noor and Azmi, Nabilla Nur and Anisykulillah, Indah (2024) Understanding determinants of use behavior of e-payment: an analysis of the success of the system during a pandemic / Muhammad Noor Ardiansah, Nabilla Nur Azmi and Indah Anisykulillah. Management & Accounting Review (MAR), 23 (1): 14. pp. 413-436. ISSN 2550-1895


This study examined the determinants of e-payment usage behaviour using the UTAUT model influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This study focussed on e-payment applications used by Generation Z, the most significant portion of Indonesia’s population in the last five years. The SEM method was used to analyze the UTAUT framework as a system success model. The findings demonstrated that user behavior was strongly influenced by intention to use, determined by experience, voluntariness of use, and moderate experience in facilitating conditions, including other factors. The results also described how Generation Z had characteristics that valued enchanting experiences and their intention to utilise e-payments conveniently. The research findings also showed the pandemic behaviour of Generation Z, which tended to be adaptive and flexible in using e-payments. Therefore, companies that use e-payments and need to prioritise this without overlooking privacy and security. It can be an exciting focus for further research. This research focuses on the factors determining Generation Z’s use of e-payments and the efficient and effective practical characteristics inherent in post-pandemic behaviour.


Item Type: Article
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Ardiansah, Muhammad Noor
Azmi, Nabilla Nur
Anisykulillah, Indah
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > Consumer behavior. Consumers' preferences. Consumer research. Including consumer profiling
H Social Sciences > HG Finance > Banking > Electronic funds transfers
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > Accounting Research Institute (ARI)
Journal or Publication Title: Management & Accounting Review (MAR)
UiTM Journal Collections: Listed > Management & Accounting Review (MAR)
ISSN: 2550-1895
Volume: 23
Number: 1
Page Range: pp. 413-436
Keywords: Electronic Payment, UTAUT Model, System Success, Z Generation
Date: April 2024
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/93608
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