Kepimpinan orang bukan Islam dalam kerajaan Islam menurut perspektif Fiqh / Mohd. Hapiz Mahaiyadin and Roshaimizam Suhaimi

Mahaiyadin, Mohd. Hapiz and Suhaimi, Roshaimizam (2011) Kepimpinan orang bukan Islam dalam kerajaan Islam menurut perspektif Fiqh / Mohd. Hapiz Mahaiyadin and Roshaimizam Suhaimi. Esteem Academic Journal, 7 (2). pp. 53-79. ISSN 1675-7939


Kertas kerja ini menghuraikan tentang peranan rakyat bukan Islam dalam pentadbiran kerajaan. Mereka dianggap sebahagian daripada rakyat Negara Islam yang menikmati hak dan keistimewaan di samping memikul tanggungjawab sama seperti orang Islam. Sebagai rakyat, mereka memperolehi pelbagai hak rakyat negara Islam termasuk hak berpolitik kerana mereka adalah rakan pembangunan negara dan tamadun Islam. Tamadun Islam mencatatkan berlakunya partisipasi rakyat bukan Islam dalam pentadbiran kerajaan sama ada sebagai pemimpin, pembantu atau guna tenaga pakar selain dalam bidang ekonomi, pendidikan, sosial, dan kesihatan. Keadaan ini banyak terjadi pada zaman kerajaan Islam Umayyah, Abbasiyyah danjuga Uthmaniyyah. Namun penglibatan mereka mendapat perhatian parafuqaha 'yang disorot daripada
perspektif Fiqh. Penglibatan politik bukan Islam dibenarkan tetapi tertakluk kepada beberapa syarat dan peraturan tertentu. Asas utama yang ditekankan ialah sejauh mana tercapainya faktor 'maslahah' umat Islam di sebalik
penglibatan mereka dalam pentadbiran hal ehwal kenegaraan.
This paper will discuss on participation of non-Muslim citizen in state administrative. Becoming a part of Islamic State citizenship, they have the same rights and responsibilities that were given to Muslims. Hereby, they will have a political right to contribute for the state development as well as for Islamic civilization. In the previous Islamic Civilization world, the existence of non Muslims have contributed in the state administration as a leader, assistant and used their expertise in the development of education, health and economical status. These were observed during the era of Umayyah, Abbasiyyah dan Uthmaniyyah. Surprisingly, their participation attracted many Islamic jurists to express their opinions from fiqh perspective. Their political participation is encouraged, in accordance with the terms and regulations. In
that case, the most important thing to be emphasized is to protect the maslahah of Muslims citizen.


Item Type: Article
Email / ID Num.
Mahaiyadin, Mohd. Hapiz
Suhaimi, Roshaimizam
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc > Islam
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > Management. Industrial Management > Leadership. Transformational leadership
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pulau Pinang
Journal or Publication Title: Esteem Academic Journal
UiTM Journal Collections: Listed > ESTEEM Academic Journal (EAJ)
ISSN: 1675-7939
Volume: 7
Number: 2
Page Range: pp. 53-79
Keywords: khilafah, wilayah
Date: 2011
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