The employee perception towards manager characteristics at PPSC Kuantan Pahang / Hariana Othman and Noor Risah Sahruddin

Othman, Hariana and Sahruddin, Noor Risah (2010) The employee perception towards manager characteristics at PPSC Kuantan Pahang / Hariana Othman and Noor Risah Sahruddin. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


What makes an effective manager? Unfortunately, there is no one definitive answer to the question. The answer seems to be evolving throughout history, and varies according to organizational context, level of manager, and management theory in use. The objectives of this study were to identify the manager's characteristics that are preferable by employees and to examine whether the manager's characteristics can influence employee's productivity or not. The characteristics are public relation, communication, teamwork, leadership and accountability. This study was conducted at PPSC (petro Pipe Socothem Coating), Kuantan Pahang. The population of the study including all staff in several departments of PPSC and involving staff from different departments and comprises of different races is Malays, Chinese, Indian and others. The independent variables for this research are the manager's characteristics while dependent variables are employee's job performance. We used stratified random sampling technique and systematic sampling. General information of sample group of respondents can be concluded that male is 45.0% and female is 55.0% and most are the age groups of 26-35 years (45.0%). Most of the employees were from clerical which is 32.5% and majority of them are Malays. Majority is Diploma holder (37.5%) and most of them here been working for this company for more than 2 years (32.5%). In this organization, 77.5% are permanent employees and the rest are contract employees. From the findings, we can conclude that employee's of Petro Pipe Socothem Coating (PPSC) Kuantan was preferred public relation, communication, teamwork, leadership and accountability characteristics. For the future research, we suggest that study should be doing in different approaches perhaps by looking at a different characteristic or should be done in a much bigger perspective. Overall the mean score for all the five characteristics reached 4.00 and above indicating a strong agreement in the statement question in the questionnaire.


Item Type: Student Project
Email / ID Num.
Othman, Hariana
Sahruddin, Noor Risah
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > Management. Industrial Management > Organization
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > Management. Industrial Management > Leadership. Transformational leadership
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang > Jengka Campus > Faculty of Business and Management
Programme: Bachelor in Office System Management (HONS.)
Keywords: Manager, job performance, organization
Date: 2010
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