Animania Stickers / Shahmi Hambali Shahrulnizam and Muhammad Nabil Kamaruddin

Shahrulnizam, Shahmi Hambali and Kamaruddin, Muhammad Nabil (2023) Animania Stickers / Shahmi Hambali Shahrulnizam and Muhammad Nabil Kamaruddin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)


Social media is an internet communication tool enabling real-time customer interaction and information sharing. It can be used to sell and market our goods and services, build online networks, and improve customer engagement. We can interact with our customers on social media and learn what people say about our business. Besides that, a social media portfolio allows us to understand how the business operates on social media and its financial outcomes. The business can adapt and make use of various posts based on the social media planning that has been prepared.
However, Animania’s Stickers mission is to provide absolute quality stickers that can be pasted on any surface. This small, home-based business is located in Puncak Alam, Selangor, and was established a few months ago in 2023. In addition, the social media portfolio includes hard sales and soft sales that can provide insights about the target customers through Facebook. A specific Facebook URL makes it easier for customers or the target market to find Animania’s Stickers online and browse our information.
Creating a Facebook page for our business is a great way to interact with current and new clients. It allows us to target specific consumers and market to them effectively. Our page can even help cultivate brand recognition among Facebook users when done correctly. With over a billion users on Facebook, it is important to connect with individuals who share our interests. We can select specific audiences to reach with our promoted posts on Facebook for Business based on their geographic location, age, interests, and more. Therefore, using this platform to advertise and sell our popcorn products is the best decision for this assignment.


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Email / ID Num.
Shahrulnizam, Shahmi Hambali
Kamaruddin, Muhammad Nabil
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory. Demography > Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty
N Fine Arts > N Visual arts (General) > Art as a profession. Artists
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > College of Creative Arts
Keywords: Animania Stickers, Entrepreneur, Facebook
Date: 2023
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