Integration of Bow-Tie Analysis and ALOHA software for risk and consequences analysis evaluation for heat exchanger during chemical process development and design / Ahmad Affan Haziq Ahmad Haswadi

Ahmad Haswadi, Ahmad Affan Haziq (2023) Integration of Bow-Tie Analysis and ALOHA software for risk and consequences analysis evaluation for heat exchanger during chemical process development and design / Ahmad Affan Haziq Ahmad Haswadi. [Student Project] (Submitted)


Providing a safe and healthy working conditions in the chemical processing industry is a crucial aspect for an employer to prioritise. However, several accidents have been recorded due to heat exchangers in the chemical processing sector over the past few decades, one of which was caused by a lack of containment and mostly ended in fire and explosion. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the risk and hazards present in a heat exchanger in the production of methanol route 2 in the preliminary stage and to propose a suitable mitigation measure for the identified hazard and measured risk by using Basic Over Web Tactical Imagery (Bow-Tie) Analysis and Areal Location of Hazardous Atmospheres (ALOHA). Bow-Tie Analysis only provides the analysis of risk. Meanwhile, ALOHA Software only provides a visual representation of the consequences. As a result, these two existing methods are then implemented at the same time in the process of safety analysis to develop an integrated process safety analysis that covers the evaluation of hazards and risks precisely. From the threat zone generated by ALOHA software, Carbon Monoxide has the largest area (red zone) of a high level of hazard ranging around 190 meters that are caused by the direct source. The scenario for the generated threat zone is the toxic area of the vapour cloud. To conclude, this study enhances and combines Bow-Tie analysis and ALOHA software to develop a more comprehensive risk and consequences analysis evaluation


Item Type: Student Project
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Ahmad Haswadi, Ahmad Affan Haziq
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Thesis advisor
Husin, Muhammad Firdaus
Subjects: Q Science > QC Physics > Heat > Transmission. Heat transfer
Q Science > QC Physics > Heat > Thermal conductivity
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Terengganu > Dungun Campus > Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Programme: Diploma in Chemical Engineering
Keywords: Chemical Processing Industry ; Basic Over Web Tactical Imagery (Bow-Tie) ; Areal Location of Hazardous Atmospheres (ALOHA)
Date: 2023
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