IOT based system for fertilization application / Nur Syahirah Rosli

Rosli, Nur Syahirah (2023) IOT based system for fertilization application / Nur Syahirah Rosli. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


IoT Based System for Fertilization Application is a new system that combines several technologies from various fields. The aim of this project is to deploy and develop good agriculture and fertilizer modernization system to the farmers. Despite the views and experience that farmer had regarding traditional agricultural and fertilizing process, fanners may be thinking that is the best process for their plants. However, the reality is that today's fertilization industry is more precise, faster and smarter than the traditional fertilization. The rapid increases of Internet of Things (IoT) based technologies through the economy have redesigned almost all industry including agriculture industry. It moves the industry to the more effective approaches. Within this, it has changed a lot towards agriculture industry and many farmers are taking their opportunity to creating a good quality plant. loT is a promising technology which provides efficient way of solving the agriculture and fertilizing problems. It can also automatically maintain the quality of process and monitor the process within minimal human involvement. This project will show the potential of variety of sensors and IoT in fertilization along with the challenges that will farmer faced when apply this technology with the traditional fertilization. IoT devices and communication techniques with the sensors that encountered in fertilizing applications are analysed in detail. All of the sensors that available for specific fertilizing application such as soil condition. It presents many aspects of technologies involved in the field of loT in agriculture and fertilization. Other than that, the connection of IoT based fertilization systems with relevant technologies has been presented. Review by the farmers through some project IoT based system in fertilizing application has also been presented. Lastly, with this review, the current and future process of IoT in fertilization along with the potential research challenges has been analysed.


Item Type: Student Project
Email / ID Num.
Rosli, Nur Syahirah
Email / ID Num.
Thesis advisor
Mohammad, Nurul Nadia
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General) > Fertilizers and improvement of the soil > Farm machinery and farm engineering
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > Mechanical devices and figures. Automata. Ingenious mechanisms.Robots (General)
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Johor > Pasir Gudang Campus > Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Programme: Diploma In Electrical Engineering
Keywords: Agriculture industry, Fertilizer system, IOT
Date: 2023
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