Takaful comes from the Arabic word kafala which means mutual guarantee. The concept of Takaful aims to encourage mutual aid and unity among the participants in line with the concept of ta’awun. In Islam, helping or providing assistance is highly encouraged. In this study, the researcher wants to do a study on the factors of increasing Takaful purchases during the Covid-19 epidemic hit Malaysia. The main question of this study is related to how the Takaful industry can increase sales revenue during the Covid-19 epidemic. Based on previous studies, there are still less researchers who study the development of the Takaful industry during Malaysia's Covid-19 epidemic. Most previous studies have only examined the ethics of Takaful agents, the principles of Takaful and the performance of Takaful. This study is very important because it will explain how the Takaful industry uses the opportunities wisely. In addition, this study will also give a positive impact to the reader because the reader can know how to overcome the problems faced. The researcher used a qualitative method by interviewing several respondents from Takaful agents in Malaysia. The purpose of the interview session was to find out how the Takaful agent got customers during the Covid-19 season. The researcher hopes that this study can provide useful information and can increase the reader's knowledge about Takaful.
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