Sanitizer glove / Nurfaizah Mohd Radzi

Mohd Radzi, Nurfaizah (2022) Sanitizer glove / Nurfaizah Mohd Radzi. In: MINDAREKA HYBRID 2022: Programme Book. College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah Branch, p. 213. ISBN 978-967-2948-25-4 (Submitted)


After the first covid-19 pandemic, normal activities become limited and need to comply with Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). One of the activities is the use of ATM machines in banks. Spacing needs to be taken care of and always wear sanitizer regularly before and after using the ATM machine as well as when holding the bank door. Sanitizer Gloves is a glove that can reduce contact between surfaces that are likely to be infected with viruses. These gloves are created to cover frequently used parts such as fingers and palms. The main function of this product is to protect the palms and index fingers that are frequently used when using ATM machines. An additional function is a spray of hand sanitizer that can be refilled and included with its easy and quick application using velcro tape on the wrist. This product does not use heavy materials, only uses a light fabric and soft silicone. Has a variety of colors inspired by the color of the rainbow that can attract customers. The objective of the Sanitizer Glove is (1) to protect the palm of the hand from touching the bank door handle and the index finger from touching the screen or even the number keyboard found in the ATM machine, (2) to reduce viral infection through contact and (3) has a refillable sanitizer container. An online survey was used to collect relevant information from respondents about procedure while being in an ATM machine and contact during and after using an ATM machine as well as their opinions on the use of gloves and sanitizer. It found that, most respondents prefer to use liquid sanitizer compared to wearing full gloves that take time to wear. The advantage of using this product in addition to its function is good ventilation and user -friendly space. Sanitizer gloves may not be 100% disinfectant, but they can help reduce inter -contact infections.


Item Type: Book Section
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Mohd Radzi, Nurfaizah
Email / ID Num.
Mohd Amin, Mohd Hamidi Adha
Subjects: T Technology > TS Manufactures
T Technology > TS Manufactures > Production management. Operations management > Product engineering > Product design. Industrial design
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah > Sg Petani Campus > Faculty of Art and Design
Event Title: MINDAREKA HYBRID 2022
Page Range: p. 213
Keywords: COVID-19, ATM machines, gloves
Date: 2022
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