When the Prime Minister of Malaysia announced the implementation of the Movement Control Order, the general public could not leave their homes without any good reason. This method is intended to break the COVID-19 diffusion chain. Most students who are stranded on campus often do online shopping activities because they are not allowed to leave their campus area at will. Online buying and selling activities are well received during the Movement Control Order because this is the only way that students can use to buy the goods they want. As a result of this increased activity, researchers have come up with ideas to study students' knowledge of khiyar in online purchases. The objective of this study is to identify the level of trust of UiTM Tapah students towards online purchases, to identify the effectiveness of khiyar implementation for online purchases, whether it can help students from fraud and to analyse how students deal with the problem of buying goods online fake. The population of this study is among students aged 18-23 years because the focus of this study is as many as 100 people UiTM Tapah students and this study is using quantitative methods to obtain results in this study. This study is based on data obtained from the distribution of questionnaires and uses statistical descriptive analysis methods to obtain mean values and standard deviations. The data obtained will be analysed to obtain the objectives, questions and issues of the study. The results of the study show that the knowledge of khiyar still needs to be improved among students so that they are smart in doing online shopping activities without being easily deceived. The reason that needs to be improved is because the results of the study show that the level of knowledge of UiTM tapah students is at a low level. The most important findings are the majority of students have the knowledge to avoid fraud in online purchases based on the high mean value for most items. However, their knowledge of khiyar in Islam is still low based on low mean value. Students' knowledge of the importance of khiyar in protecting traders and customers is still low among students even though they are Muslims. Therefore, exposure to khiyar in Islam needs to be increased by all parties. It is hoped that this study can help teachers and students to know more about khiyar in more depth.
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