Automatic flour sifter / Alya Husna Mohd Shukry

Mohd Shukry, Alya Husna (2022) Automatic flour sifter / Alya Husna Mohd Shukry. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


A sifter is a device for the flour to prevent the production of lumpy flour, typically using a woven screen such as a mesh or net. A lot of the sift product that is on the market is not suitable for the bakers out there that wanted to produce a larger amount of flour. Higher maintenance for the product is also one of the problems that a lot of the user face. The aim of this study is to design a product that can sift the flour automatically with the price of the product also must be affordable especially for small businesses. Finally, a low maintenance can equal with less money consumption. The first part for the methodology of research is to compare all the products that are in the market. Second, create a design that satisfy the objective. After finalizing the design, search material that are suitable for the spec of the product. The finding that can be gain after the finalized design for the flour sifting machine is suitable for small businesses to use because it satisfies their requirements without exceeding the need.


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