This project presented the application of ultrasonic in repelling the mice away. This Garden Guardian system is to drive the rats away from our area. The mice should be eliminate because the non-hygienic of the mice can affect human’s health. This project is using the transmission mode which is designed in a non-invasive method where this technique will not harm the mice or the human being. However these frequencies do not affect the hearing ability of man. An Astable Multi-vibrator (AMV), timer NE555 was used to generate the required ultrasonic frequency and automatically varied in five steps by a pulse generating IC (CA32400) and a counter (4017). A D-type flip-flop IC (4013) was used to obtain a symmetrical output signal which was amplified in push-pull mode by 2-NPN Transistors (BD-139) and 2-PNP transistors (BD140). Five variable resistors (each 100KQ) were used to control the different frequencies selection. Two transducers (tweeters) were employed to produce an efficient sound generated. The unit will be tested with three groups of white foot mice (Peromyscus leucopus) and a female house mouse Mus musculus which all the respond will be recorded from a distance of up to fifteen (15) meters from the source. The device can be utilized by both small and large scale farmers for the purpose of repelling pests. The performance of the device could be greatly improved with little modifications, for instance, using microcontrollers and ultrasonic sensors to transmit the ultrasonic sound in a special band of frequency.
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