Bakery Bae / Madiana Norhadi ... [et al.]

Norhadi, Madiana and Noor Azmi, Farah Wahida and Kamaruzaman, Nuraida Syafina and Ashari, Mohamad Asyreeq and Romayli, Mohammad Haziq (2021) Bakery Bae / Madiana Norhadi ... [et al.]. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


This report is about the creation of a business model canvas for a simulated business as part of the Principles of Entrepreneurship course, which has the course number ENT530. ENT530 is a course offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Management.
ENT530 is a subject that teaches the principles of entrepreneurship. It includes topics such as the entrepreneurial mindset and decision process that an individual will encounter while pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities, starting new ventures, and dealing with business management issues. ENT530 is a course that teaches the principles of entrepreneurship.
As a result, students are expected to do research and examine topics on entrepreneurship for this course. As part of the Business Model Canvas project, students are also required to exhibit leadership and communication abilities by developing a business plan. Additionally, students are required to exhibit entrepreneurial abilities by starting a business on social media.
The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a strategic tool for establishing new business models, as well as documenting and refining current ones, and it is available for free download. BMC assists a firm in aligning its operations by identifying possible trade-offs and identifying and analyzing its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, among other things. BMC is a fantastic tool since it provides focus, flexibility, and transparency, in addition to being simple to adjust, clear, and cohesive. It summarizes the most important parts of a company's operations on a single page, excluding all other unnecessary items.
For this study, a business named Bakery Bae is simulated to fulfill the objective of building a business model canvas. It is a business that sells pastries through conventional, physical methods and begins to understand the trend of internet sales by establishing an online presence through social media channels.
This approach is helped by a business model canvas that displays various factors such as key partners, key activities, key features, value proposition, customer relationship, channel, customer segmentation, cost structure, and revenue streams. Hence, relevant examples will be added to show further the practice of the business model canvas. In which it gives knowledge on how it shapes the business.


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Email / ID Num.
Norhadi, Madiana
Noor Azmi, Farah Wahida
Kamaruzaman, Nuraida Syafina
Ashari, Mohamad Asyreeq
Romayli, Mohammad Haziq
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory. Demography > Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty
H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > Business
T Technology > TX Home economics > Cooking > Baking. Confectionery > Desserts, pies, and puddings. Pastry
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor > Puncak Alam Campus > Faculty of Business and Management
Keywords: Bakery Bae, company, business, baking, pastry
Date: 2021
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