Pitaya Bowls / Liyana Batrisyia Mohd Nazmi

Mohd Nazmi, Liyana Batrisyia (2021) Pitaya Bowls / Liyana Batrisyia Mohd Nazmi. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


This Facebook page was created on 23rd April 2021. The total of likes are 139 likes, and 142 people follow this Facebook page. The product promoted on this Facebook page is Pitaya Bowls. Pitaya Bowls is a healthy food that consists of many fruits, and the main base for the Pitaya Bowls itself is dragon fruit. Moreover, this product is also topped with granola and other fruits such as banana, kiwi, strawberry etc. This product is also suitable for all people, especially for people who are currently on a diet. The main objective of selling this product is to make sure people known that this type of healthy food does exist in Malaysia. Other than that, this product is only prevalent in the United States or the United Kingdom. Therefore, selling this product can make the customer more known about this product. The price of this product, called Pitaya Bowls, is affordable as one bowl of this product contains many fresh fruits. Also, using the Facebook page to market our product is good because we can promote it online. In addition, using the Facebook page is helpful as it attracts more people to know our product since many people like to purchase their items online, and Facebook is one of the platforms. This kind of promotion strategy can generate more of our income. By using this platform, we can learn new skills and knowledge on making a profit for our business.


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Email / ID Num.
Mohd Nazmi, Liyana Batrisyia
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory. Demography > Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty
H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > Marketing > Social aspects. Social marketing
T Technology > TX Home economics > Nutrition. Foods and food supply
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor > Puncak Alam Campus > Faculty of Business and Management
Keywords: Pitaya Bowls, facebook, sales, fresh fruits, healthy food
Date: 2021
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/61832
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