Dinomonster By Yuni / Nur Ayuni Kartini Zulkarnain

Zulkarnain, Nur Ayuni Kartini (2021) Dinomonster By Yuni / Nur Ayuni Kartini Zulkarnain. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


This business is based on sole proprietorship where it only consists of one member which hold important position in the company which is General Manager. Dinomonster by yuni is a brand name and a trade name of our store which our main product is cookies. consumer. Dinomonster By Yuni comes with tagline ‘Love at first bite’ because we wanted to give the first impression to our customers that our products are not just hand-made cookies, but our products can give the sweet taste that customer will remember and buy it from our store.
Our target markets are customers identifying as middle and low class who want to consume products with affordable and reasonable price. As our store provides products which are most of the other store also having the same product, we decided to make a little change to make it different. We are not just offering hand-made cookies, but we offer healthy cookies for the customer which give nutrition for health, low sugar, low calories. Besides, our store also comes with halal certificates so that Muslim customer will not be doubtful to buy our products.
We expect that our business will become more developed soon because with the innovation in our products that make it healthier and suits to all our customers, the demand will increase not only as a gift to someone special, but it might be new daily snack. This will give myself more advantages for to make product more profitable and stable in the long run.
Dinomonster By Yuni is expected to commence in 2023 and our vision is to make our store a well-known, established and satisfied by our customer. This will be realized by full cooperation and efforts among the staffs and workers to promote our store.


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