Arang Batu Restaurant Reservation System is a prototype of a table reservation system where the customer of Arang Batu Restaurant can make a reservation for a table via an online platform. This system proposed as an alternative solution to the customer to make a table reservation. This system was developed based on the user and system requirement and applied the Ten Usability Heuristics by Jakob Nielsen as guidelines to build a relevant and standard system. The development of this system is based on the case study and problem statement of the current paper-based system for the reservation process, hi facing the expansion plan, the restaurant faced challenges to manage the reservation process. The management needs a computerized system to store the reservation details in a database as well as the online platform to reach a wider customer base. To control all the processes involved, the adapted waterfall model has been used as the development model during the development of the system. The model comprises of six sequential steps, which are planning, analysis, design, development, testing and evaluation, also documenting. To code the program and store the database, the software that has been used is PHPMyAdmin and Notepad++ while Xampp used to connect MySQL. A functionality testing using test case was conducted to vahdate the requirement of the system. Other than that, the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire has been used to measure the usability perception in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction. The feedback and recommendation from anyone that involves in this system development were taken into consideration for future enhancement and improvement.
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