Layout design for mechanical workshop in the new campus / Aryanty Jaafar and Dayang Esmayati Abu Seman

Jaafar, Aryanty and Abu Seman, Dayang Esmayati (2003) Layout design for mechanical workshop in the new campus / Aryanty Jaafar and Dayang Esmayati Abu Seman. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


A good layout is considered on two main points such as element and principle. Element such as texture, size line, shape, space, value and color are very important while principle is concerned more on the balance, rhythm, emphasis and unity of the layout. Thus, a good layout must also consider on the safety aspect, to ensure the place (design/layout on that building) is safe. In making a layout, the analysis of design should include other factors such as convenience, ergonomics, safety and minimizing bottleneck


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