ENT 530 Social Media Portfolio: GUZEL.KLXEMIRULAFIQ / Emirul Afiq Eddy Akmar

Eddy Akmar, Emirul Afiq (2021) ENT 530 Social Media Portfolio: GUZEL.KLXEMIRULAFIQ / Emirul Afiq Eddy Akmar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Most of the people think that doing business does not need any formal report for proposal or a proper document related to their business. In addition, most people do not care about the marketing of their business and they think without a proper marketing for example a poster, a picture related to the product, they can still succeed in doing the business. Therefore, the purpose of this assignment is to enhance my skill towards on how to expand business with a proper platform and marketing tools.
The social media portfolio is practically show us how to develop a strong marketing concept regarding to our product for the business. moreover, the content of the social media portfolio is basically covered all parts related on how to promote our product, how to attract customers to buy our product, by using a proper marketing concept.
The content such as teaser, soft sells and hard sells is to guide us how to make sure that we can attract out customer to buy our product. By having this three-kind of marketing tools, it will ensure that our customers will always aware the existence of our product and the most important thing is to make sure that they buy our product.


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