Items where Publication is "Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR)" and Year is 2019

Number of items: 29.

A 3rd order narrowband bandpass filter based on shorted coupled-lines resonator / Mohd Nasiruddin Hushim …[et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 14. pp. 83-88. ISSN 1985-5389

Analysis of optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR) interferometer for passive optical network (PON) monitoring / Faris Aiman Asha’ari, Nani Fadzlina Naim, and A. Ashrif A. Bakar. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 1-6. ISSN 1985-5389

Automated recognition of asphalt pavement crack using deep convolution neural network / Nor Aizam Muhamed Yusof …[et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 7-15. ISSN 1985-5389

Binary frequency-shift keying (BFSK) transceiver design for galvanic intra-body communications / I.W. Ibrahim … [et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 16-22. ISSN 1985-5389

Breakdown voltage and resistivity of MO and RBDPO mixture as potential liquid insulation at ambient temperature of transformers / Yusnida Mohd Yusof, Ahmad Farid Abidin and Mohd Abdul Talib Mat Yusoh. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 14. pp. 1-4. ISSN 1985-5389

Characteristics of water pH value based on effect of acid and alkaline solution for hydroponic cultivation technique / M.F. Saaid, Ahmad Ihsan Mohd Yassin and Nooritawati Md Tahir. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 23-27. ISSN 1985-5389

Classification of walking gait features using markerless-based approach in ASD children / Nur Khalidah Zakaria, Nooritawati Md Tahir and R. Jailani. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 28-34. ISSN 1985-5389

Design and development of UAV precision localization measurement technique for low altitude paddy field monitoring application / Azhar Jaffar …[et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 14. pp. 95-104. ISSN 1985-5389

Design of PIFA MIMO antenna with parasitic effect for future 5G wireless applications / Bazilah Baharom ... [e al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 14. pp. 5-10. ISSN 1985-5389

Development and performance analysis of electro textile antenna by using copper-covered yarn for GPS application / M.S.Amin Nordin … [et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 14. pp. 11-18. ISSN 1985-5389

Development of near real-time monitoring and data archival of UiTM-SID system / N.A. Zakaria …[et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 14. pp. 19-23. ISSN 1985-5389

Dual-path multilayer substrate integrated waveguide circular cavity filter / Siti Aminah Nordin … [et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 35-40. ISSN 1985-5389

Effect of band gap on TiO₂ thin film with different layer using dip coating technique / S.F.A Samat, M.S.P Sarah and M.F.M Idros. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 14. pp. 89-94. ISSN 1985-5389

Effective electricity cost management in a manufacturing operation by using optimal ETOU tariff formulation / M. F. Sulaima, N. Y. Dahlan and Z. M. Yasin. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 82-93. ISSN 1985-5389

Fabricated AZO on dual-stacked patch transparent antenna / Robiatun A. Awang … [et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 41-45. ISSN 1985-5389

Hybrid fuzzy PID controller design for ball and beam system / Nur Sakinah Abdul Aziz … [et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 47-51. ISSN 1985-5389

Improving the performance of applicators for use in hyperthermia cancer treatment procedure by the introduction of LHM lens / Nabilah Abdul Jaffar …[et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 14. pp. 24-29. ISSN 1985-5389

Maritime radar: a review on techniques for small vessels detection / Suraya Zainuddin … [et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 14. pp. 30-45. ISSN 1985-5389

Mechanism of nanotubular Ta₂O₅ via anodization in NH₄F/H₂SO₄/H₂O solution / Mahzaton Aqma Abu Talip … [et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 14. pp. 46-53. ISSN 1985-5389

Optimal capacitor placement and sizing using stochastic optimization for energy efficiency of a building / Amirul Asyraf Mohd Kamaruzaman …[et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 94-102. ISSN 1985-5389

Performance analysis of packet scheduling algorithm for femtocell-macrocell scenario in LTE network / Muhammad Naqiuddin Sahrani, Darmawaty Mohd Ali and Azlina Idris. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 14. pp. 53-60. ISSN 1985-5389

Performance evaluation of PAPR in OFDM system using median codeword shift and hybrid median codeword shift method / Mohd Danial Rozaini …[et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 14. pp. 61-67. ISSN 1985-5389

Simple chemical bath deposited zinc oxide nanoflowers and their applications for extended-gate FET pH sensor / A. B. Rosli …[et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 14. pp. 68-75. ISSN 1985-5389

Structural and Ph sensing properties of spin coated Tio₂ thin films with varied sol-gel concentration and with different composite bilayer configuration / Rohanieza Abdul Rahman …[et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 52-59. ISSN 1985-5389

Surface morphological, topological and crystallinity characteristics of sputtered barium strontium titanate thin films on sapphire substrates / F.W. Jamaluddin … [et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 60-65. ISSN 1985-5389 (Unpublished)

UiTM amateur satellite ground station: installation and performance / S. N. Mohamad Rahim … [et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 66-74. ISSN 1985-5389

Wideband microstrip antenna integrated with optimized buffer layer parameters for underwater wireless communication / Hanisah Mohd Zali … [et al.]. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 75-81. ISSN 1985-5389

Wireless sensor network deployment performance based on FOA, PSO and TPSMA / Nurhidayah Kamal Akbar, Husna Zainol Abidin, and Ahmad Ihsan Mohd Yassin. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 14. pp. 76-82. ISSN 1985-5389

An investigation of liquid cooled air blower performance for laptop cooling system / Nicholas Pinenn and Jamilah Karim. (2019) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 15. pp. 103-109. ISSN 1985-5389

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