Items where Publication is "Insight Journal (IJ)" and Year is 2023

Number of items: 31.

Appraising legal measures against bid rigging in Malaysia / Mohd Safri Mohammed Na’aim, Anida Mahmood, Jusniza Abd Jamal, Cartaz Ummu Syawaeda Jaiman and Nurulhasni Shaari @ Mat Saman. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 325-333. ISSN 2600-8564

Challenges on accounting practices and capital funding among micro business in Malaysia: a descriptive analysis / Zuraina Sal Salbila Mohamed, Hanisah Jaapar, Siti Zarifah Amir and Nur Baiti Shafee. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 186-192. ISSN 2600-8564

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure and corporate reputation of Malaysian Bank: adapting the Bursa Malaysia’s framework / Nurul Hidayana Mohd Noor, Talya Mohd Fazillah and Noorabiatul Auji Jamaludin. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 298-311. ISSN 2600-8564

Discipline, motivation, and OB satisfaction on employee performance at PT XX / Novita Setyawati, Dewisriwoelandari Giningroem and Heni rohaeni. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 59-73. ISSN 2600-8564

Effect of audit firm status, audit complexity, family ownership, and loss of audit report lag with industrial specialization as moderated variables / Gilbert Rely. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 102-121. ISSN 2600-8564

Effect of compensation, working condition and burnout on turnover intention: palm oil plantation in east Kalimantan Indonesia case/ Jimmy S. Hadi and Ahmad Adriansyah. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 193-200. ISSN 2600-8564

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure and firms financial indicators: analysis of semiconductor industry / Raja Adzrin Raja Ahmad, Thilagavathy Palaniappan and Nurul Azlin Azmi. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 221-241. ISSN 2600-8564

Factors influencing millennials’ intention to accept e-wallet in Klang Valley, Malaysia / Muhammad Syafiq, Normaziah Che Musa, Chuah Yeong Shen, Hii Saan Chieng, Lee Hui Yun, Norliyana Ab. Ghani and Nurul Syakirah Zokri. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 262-267. ISSN 2600-8564

Financial distress determinant analysis of SMES on the Indonesia stock exchange / Ossi Ferli, Muhammad Zaki Alfarrel, Annisa Nabila Yasmin and Nadiya. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 159-168. ISSN 2600-8564

Functionally public accountability, management control systems and organizational culture to increase organizational performances / David Pangaribuan Bhayangkara. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 40-58. ISSN 2600-8564

How does digitizing the tax system increase taxpayer compliance? / Tutty Nuryati, Uswatun Khasanah and Andika Dwi Hertanto. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 82-96. ISSN 2600-8564

Impact of corporate governance on financial performance among government - link companies in Malaysia and Singapore / Shubatra Shanmugaretnam, David Ng Ching Yat, Yen Wen Chang and Low Suet Cheng. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 25-31. ISSN 2600-8564

Impact of management information system quality and strategic risk management on performance management mediated by good corporate governance at chief of village / Dian-Sudiantini. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 15-24. ISSN 2600-8564

Internal control on budget realisation reports in the food and drug control agency / Tifa Noer Amelia and Lintang Arival Bahalma. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 130-134. ISSN 2600-8564

Malaysian women’s intention to purchase green cosmetic products/ Normaziah Che Musa, Muhammad Syafiq Mohd Salleh, Khaw Thean Boon, Azri Ab Aziz, Christyne Tyller, Tan Chun Liang and Wong Wan Jee. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 257-261. ISSN 2600-8564

Modelling trust in customer and supplier interaction: a simulation of dynamic performances / Gan Chun Chet. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 287-297. ISSN 2600-8564

Research on Malaysia's science and technology innovation policy: R&D and investment in the manufacturing sector / Hui-Nee Au-Yong, Vikneswari Vija Kumaran and Thavamalar Ganapathy. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 97-101. ISSN 2600-8564

Users’ motivation to continue the use of short video applications as a source of health information / Jaslin Md Dahlan and Mohamad Amin Muqtadir Mohamad Rosli. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 223-228. ISSN 2600-8564

What a waste: a conceptual framework to examine local residents’ acceptance towards the sitting of waste incinerator / Han Man, Lau, Hon-Choong, Chin and Aye Aye Khin. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 201-206. ISSN 2600-8564

The commercial advertising frequency on television and the role of food vlogger (You Tuber) towards economic improvement during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia / Andrian and Pratiwi Nila Sari. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 59-72. ISSN 2600-8564

The effects of Islamic marketing mix on millennial generation's intentions in using Islamic financial technology / Ria Apriliana and Alvien Nur Amalia. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 242-256. ISSN 2600-8564

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on online learning: the role of conceptual motivation models and the urgency on students sustainable wellbeing (case study on higher education students in DKI Jakarta) / Rifqi Alif Nugraha and Paulina. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 183-199. ISSN 2600-8564

The importance of the procurement phase in supply chain management for resources (5M) purchase; case study of engineering procurement construction (EPC) project / Farrah Rina Mohd Roshdi, Kharizam Ismail, Norsuzila Lop and Lilawati Ab Wahab. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 312-323. ISSN 2600-8564

The influence of halal awareness, religiosity, price, and halal channels on the decision to purchase halal products in e-commerce / Ahmad-Widyarma, Muhammad-Iqbal and Prameswara Samofa-Nadya. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 155-158. ISSN 2600-8564

The influence of leadership style, training and development through employee engagement on senior manager productivity: a case study at Bank Lampung / Mira Rozanna and Ahmad Adriansyah. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 207-214. ISSN 2600-8564

A power distance in regulating halal food industry? / Sabarina Mohammed Shah and Nor Hafizah Haji Haron. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 149-154. ISSN 2600-8564

A preliminary dyadic study on work-life balance, problematic internet use and procrastination / Anis Aniza Awi, Puteri Fadzline Muhamad Tamyez, Nurhaizan Mohd Zainudin and Siti Aisyah Panatik. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2600-8564

The role of digital transformation in facing the banking competition at BTN Bank Harapan Indah Bekasi branch/ Bintang Narpati, Dian Sudiantini, Kardinah Indrianna Meutia and Diana Noviyanti. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 74-81. ISSN 2600-8564

A signal of fundamental factors on stock price in Malaysia: an empirical study in food and beverage industry / Wong Vui Ken and Saizal Pinjaman. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 143-148. ISSN 2600-8564

The strategic partner roles through employee relations and communication to improve performance in the perspective of Malaysian SMES / Ivana Chandra Voo, Janice Ong May Li, Pang Yeng Yuan and Sharon@Rebecca Tan. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 122-129. ISSN 2600-8564

The sustaining of Sarawak cultural fashion among the youths of Sarawak / Dayana Amalina Mohamad Zen and Muhammad Fauzan Abu Bakar. (2023) Insight Journal (IJ), 10. pp. 32-39. ISSN 2600-8564

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