Browse by Journal in UiTM
Applications of complex wavelets to locate source of transient in power system / Noralizah Hamzah and Azah Mohamed. (2009) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 2: 2. ISSN 1985-5389
Brain machine interfaces: recognition of mental tasks using neural networks and PSO learning algorithms / Hema C.R. ...[et al.]. (2009) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 2: 5. ISSN 1985-5389
Design simulation and finite element analysis of piezoresistive microcantilever for human stress measurement / Nina Korlina Madzhi ...[et al.]. (2009) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 2: 4. ISSN 1985-5389
Human shape recognition using Fourier descriptor / Nooritawati Md Tahir ...[et al.]. (2009) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 2: 3. ISSN 1985-5389
Modeling of “strain technology” on 140nm CMOS devices / Ahmad Sabirin Zoolfakar, Noor Irmahani Mohmad Tahiruddin and Lyly Nyl Ismail. (2009) Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research (JEESR), 2: 1. pp. 1-6. ISSN 1985-5389