Evaluation of biometric parameters, corneal health and binocular vision status after using menicon z-night orthokeratology (OK) lenses among young Malay adults / Aisyah Mat Yacob

Mat Yacob, Aisyah (2019) Evaluation of biometric parameters, corneal health and binocular vision status after using menicon z-night orthokeratology (OK) lenses among young Malay adults / Aisyah Mat Yacob. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).


Myopic power can be reduced using Menicon Z-Night orthokeratology (OK) lens. No study has reported on the success of this lens among Malays. The aim of this study was to determine changes inbiometric parameters, corneal health and binocular vision status in young Malay adults after wearing this OK lens for six months. Purposive sampling was used in this Quasi experimental longitudinal study and participants were recruited through advertisements placed around campus and by personal invitation. Visual acuity (VA) was recorded using a Snellen chart and later converted to logarithm of the Minimum Angle of Resolution (logMAR) unit, refractive power was measured subjectively, and steep and flat central corneal curvature (Ks and Kf) was measured using corneal topographer. Anterior segment length was measured using a A-Scan ultrasonography. Corneal thickness was measured using pachymeter. Endothelial cornea health was assessed using specular microscopy. Phoria was measured using Howell card at distance and near. The amplitude of accommodation (AA) and near point of convergence (NPC) were measured using Royal Air Force (RAF) ruler, accommodative response (AR) was measured using monocular estimated method (MEM) retinoscopy, the fusional reserve was measured using a rotating prism and accommodative facility (AF) was measured using a lens flipper.


Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Email / ID Num.
Mat Yacob, Aisyah
Email / ID Num.
Thesis advisor
Mohidin, Norhani
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > Faculty of Health Sciences
Programme: Master of Health Science
Keywords: Orthokeratology, inbiometric parameters
Date: 2019
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/99307
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