Development of web based tutorial system using fuzzy expert / Suzierawati Said

Said, Suzierawati (2006) Development of web based tutorial system using fuzzy expert / Suzierawati Said. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.


Nowadays, education is the most important for everyone because it is the
essential for economic growth and happiness live. Web based tutorial system is one of
the environment that create from the WWW, and it has been forming one of the fastest
growing area in education technologies. Beside that web based tutorial system is
expected to be used by very different group and level of users with minimal assistance
from human teachers. The objective of this project are to develop the intelligent tutorial
system that can used to classify the range of student performance, then provide them a
set of quizzes base on their performance in the last quizzes. However, comparing to the
real live classroom, web based tutorial system provide an alternative to private tutoring
at anytime and anywhere where internet is provided, but it still have shortcoming such as
lack of presentation and feedback. Therefore web based tutorial system with using fuzzy
expert had been introduce to solve this problem. Fuzzy expert is the combination of
fuzzy logic and expert system. When the expert system is used in the web based tutorial
system because had more beneficial such as allows user to ask questions on how, why
and what and also was able to give reasons toward the given answers. This fuzzy logic
element has been employed in this web based tutorial system which able to define
student achievement is according to student's quizzes performance. Therefore, by using
this fuzzy expert in this web based tutorial system it will become more useful and
flexible in defining appropriate question for student base to their performance.

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