Candle electrical power generator system (CEPSIS) / Umi Kalthom

Kalthom, Umi (2019) Candle electrical power generator system (CEPSIS) / Umi Kalthom. In: Academic Intellectual International Invention, Innovation & Design Book. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 124. ISBN 9789670314716


The goal of this project was to design and construct an electrical power source using waste heat energy from candle. Normally when blackout occurs, candle is often used to light up an area. All knows that candle when light up, produces light energy and heat energy. Only the light energy is normally used. Therefore the heat energy is considered a waste. The heat that is generated from the candle can be processed and designed to output small amount of electrical power. It was designed to be an open-ended and to be applicable to power almost all small electrical system. The main source of this process is the waste heat energy is used to process electrical charge when there is unwanted heat. This project is proven that heat energy from candle can actually generate enough voltage to power small fan. It can be also designed to able to charge mobile phones and lights up LED lamp. The main aim of this project is to design and construct a power electrical source to be used for powering small electrical appliances and to light up an area with fire and heat. To ensure the light up area is brighten, we upgraded the lighting system using magnifying glass. This will enlarge the area as well as give a cooling area when blackout occurs. This project is good to be used when there is a blackout or to be used in remote areas where there is no electricity or irregular and insufficient electricity.


Item Type: Book Section
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Kalthom, Umi
Subjects: T Technology > TS Manufactures > Production management. Operations management
T Technology > TS Manufactures > Production management. Operations management > Product engineering
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah > Sg Petani Campus
Page Range: p. 124
Keywords: Electrical power source, heat energy, candles, light energy
Date: 2019
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