Understanding and overcoming math anxiety: strategies for academic success / Nurul Aityqah Yaacob and Farizuwana Akma Zulkifle

Yaacob, Nurul Aityqah and Zulkifle, Farizuwana Akma (2024) Understanding and overcoming math anxiety: strategies for academic success / Nurul Aityqah Yaacob and Farizuwana Akma Zulkifle. Bulletin. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan.


Mathematics is widely recognized for its rigorous and challenging nature. Mathematical problem-solving can be particularly daunting for some individuals, often due to a phenomenon known as math anxiety. Math anxiety is a state of unease and concern that hampers one's ability to excel in mathematics, manipulate numbers, and solve mathematical problems in everyday and academic contexts [1]. It is a prevalent experience, causing individuals to feel worried or panicked when confronted with math problems, ultimately hindering their cognitive processes. This heightened emotional response creates a cycle of low confidence and anxiety, forming a barrier that adversely affects school or work performance. Exploring the enigmatic domain of math anxiety uncovers a range of symptoms similar to those observed in different forms of anxiety. Imagine a scenario in which people who struggle with math anxiety experience a range of emotions, including stiff muscles, an elevated heart rate, sweaty palms, and even dizziness. Anxiety extends beyond the physical realm, entering cognitive processes and adding complexity to basic tasks, such as calculating an equation.


Item Type: Monograph (Bulletin)
Email / ID Num.
Yaacob, Nurul Aityqah
Zulkifle, Farizuwana Akma
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PN Literature (General) > Collections of general literature
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan > Kuala Pilah Campus
Journal or Publication Title: What’s What PSPM
ISSN: 2756-7729
Keywords: Math anxiety, academic, success, school, work
Date: March 2024
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/94689
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