Smile: innovative facial mist / Amzamir Noor Kamarul Bahrin ... [et al.]

Kamarul Bahrin, Amzamir Noor and Kamaludin, Kamal Fiqre and Razman Shah, Nur Batrisyia and Wahi, Nurul Fathiah and Osman, Mohamed Syazwan (2019) Smile: innovative facial mist / Amzamir Noor Kamarul Bahrin ... [et al.]. In: Academic Intellectual International Invention, Innovation & Design Book. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, p. 35. ISBN 9789670314716


Nowadays, stress has notoriously become norm among people especially working class community and even students. As a result, more people have to deal with psycho-social issues such as anxiety, depression and others to name a few. Medically, stress has major impact on the mental wellness and worse still could impact physical wellness such as skin. Skin is a major organ in human body and also the first defence our body from contamination. With the introduction of various psychological and chemical treatment, a lot of effort has been tried to combat this issue. The readily available treatments are susceptible a treatment with psychological doctor that prescribed counselling and medicine to handle stress. The first step to handle this problem is to avoid any stressing work and environment that can give stress to human body. Herein, we propose an innovation called SMILE (Stimulating Mood & Illuminating Longevity Enchantment): INNOVATIVE FACIAL MIST that derived from a novel and innovative formulation from essential oils that help to uplift the mood. Considering the high cost of health-care bills and the side effects of conventional medications, adding essential oils to your personal medicine shelf can make a world of difference. From the studies and researches, essential oil as the main ingredient in the mist acts as an antidepressant, stimulating, detoxifying, antibacterial, antiviral and calming properties. Studies also prove that essential oil is safe and cost-effective therapy for several health concerns. Thereupon, with novel formulation, SMILE: INNOVATIVE FACIAL MIST could serve dual-effects which are calming effect that enable stress reducing and more importantly positive health benefits where could promote healthier skin to consumers.


Item Type: Book Section
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Kamarul Bahrin, Amzamir Noor
Kamaludin, Kamal Fiqre
Razman Shah, Nur Batrisyia
Wahi, Nurul Fathiah
Osman, Mohamed Syazwan
Subjects: T Technology > TP Chemical technology
T Technology > TP Chemical technology > Miscellaneous organic chemical industries
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah > Sg Petani Campus
Page Range: p. 35
Keywords: Stress, psycho-social issues, anxiety, community, students
Date: 2019
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