Wan Animation, an animation studio founded in 2016 by Muhammad Ridzuan Bin Ahmad, is the focus of this project as it undergoes a transformation. Known for its YouTube animations on local and daily life, the studio, situated at 140B Jalan Masjid Raja, Chendering, Terengganu, Malaysia, lacks textual content and a distinct logo, relying solely on characters. To enhance its appeal, Wan Animation seeks to create a new logo for a fresh narrative. Recognizing the current monotony and the absence of animated films in its portfolio, the proposal advocates for the introduction of a new adventure genre.This entails the creation of a novel animated film named "Bujang Escape," recounting the adventure in Lembah Bujang, Kedah, Malaysia. The logo design for Bujang Escape integrates elements like a compass, leaves, an adventurer's hat, and cracks in the word "Bujang," aligning with the adventurous theme. The slogan, "The Untold Story of Lembah Bujang," accentuates the undisclosed narratives in Lembah Bujang. Encompassing three locations within Lembah Bujang—temples, the ancient kingdom of Kedah, and the waterfall wall—the animation unfolds three distinct stories, introducing characters Andy, Yazmin, and Oyen, along with the antagonist Egos. Targeting a diverse audience of teenagers, adults, males, and females, Bujang Escape focuses on creating engaging animations and logos. Embracing a natural design concept popular on Pinterest, the rebrand positions Bujang Escape as a formidable player in the animation market. In summary, the abstract narrative of Bujang Escape aims to share the untold stories and history of Lembah Bujang, captivating the interest of the community, particularly the youth, through diverse mediums such as advertisements, TV ads, applications, and websites.
Item Type: | Book Section |
Creators: | Creators Email / ID Num. Mat Saad, Manarina 2021896276@student.uitm.edu.my |
Contributors: | Contribution Name Email / ID Num. Advisor Subri, Shafilla shafilla@uitm.edu.my Advisor Mohd Khalis, Faryna faryna@uitm.edu.my Advisor Suroya, Suhaiza Hanim suhaiza733@uitm.edu.my |
Subjects: | N Fine Arts > NC Drawing. Design. IIlustration N Fine Arts > NC Drawing. Design. IIlustration > Graphic art materials |
Divisions: | Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah > Sg Petani Campus > Faculty of Art and Design |
Page Range: | p. 107 |
Keywords: | Graphic, digital media, animation studio |
Date: | 2024 |
URI: | https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/92915 |