Mass communication induction day! / Tajul Hafiz Tajul Mazlan

Tajul Mazlan, Tajul Hafiz (2023) Mass communication induction day! / Tajul Hafiz Tajul Mazlan. Bulletin. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan.


A fresh semester with brand-new mass communication students will bring back the mass communication induction day, commonly known as Hello Masscommers! on May 20, 2023. The mass communication and media faculty's DK200DK200 was the location for the event. Thanks to the Media and Communication Student Club (MCSC), which assisted in organising the event, it was a wonderful success. To introduce first-year students to their mass communication and media education, Hello Masscommers has become a tradition. Additionally, it aims to forge new connections amongst fresh "masscommers." The occasion was jam-packed with enjoyable activities to let the students and other club members get to know one another. The preparation for the entire event, which included things like organising the food order, the equipment for the activities, reserving the space, and other things, took close to two weeks. The club members were upset when just a few people turned there because they had anticipated a full house. The project manager's fast thinking talents prevented this problem. To make the celebration more exciting, he advised the club members to bring their friends. Luckily, the rapid thinking prevented a disastrous outcome, The tournament then began with a round of "senamrobik" to get everyone warmed up. Then, more activities like "coffee or tea?" and "water pong" were added to the schedule.


Item Type: Monograph (Bulletin)
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Tajul Mazlan, Tajul Hafiz
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PN Literature (General) > Collections of general literature
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan > Rembau Campus
Journal or Publication Title: MC The Newsletter of Masscomm 2023
ISSN: 3009-1497
Keywords: Mass communication, Media and Communication Student Club, MCSC, students
Date: 2023
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