Tech-trekking with geocaching: unveiling the intersection of smartphone dependency and healthy wellbeing / Mohd Asmadzy Ahmad Basra

Ahmad Basra, Mohd Asmadzy (2024) Tech-trekking with geocaching: unveiling the intersection of smartphone dependency and healthy wellbeing / Mohd Asmadzy Ahmad Basra. Epitome of Nature (EON). ISSN 2773-5869


Adventurers have been drawn to the realm of geocaching, a real-life treasure hunt that combines outdoor exploration and the thrill of discovery, for decades because of the thrill of the quest. However, this age-old activity has transformed digitally in today's tech-dominated world, with smartphones becoming an integral part of the hunt (Xu et al., 2017). The outcome? A spirited discussion about how to maintain our wellbeing while finding a balance between screen time and outdoor activities. Accepting the Electronic Treasure Map Imagine this: you can now locate hidden caches by using your reliable smartphone instead of just your map and compass. You only need a few taps to join a community of likeminded treasure hunters that can help you locate the elusive prize by providing you with interactive maps and exact coordinates. With this tech-savvy twist, geocaching is now more accessible and appealing than ever, attracting a new generation of modern adventurers eager to find hidden treasures in their backyard (Boys et al., 2017).


Item Type: Article
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Ahmad Basra, Mohd Asmadzy
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PN Literature (General) > Collections of general literature
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan > Kuala Pilah Campus
Journal or Publication Title: Epitome of Nature (EON)
ISSN: 2773-5869
Keywords: Adventurers, treasure hunt, Electronic Treasure Map, smartphones
Date: January 2024
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