Jabatan Penyiaran Negeri Sembilan / Nur Hazwany Johan

Johan, Nur Hazwany (2023) Jabatan Penyiaran Negeri Sembilan / Nur Hazwany Johan. Industrial Training. Faculty of Business and Management. (Submitted)


At Jabatan Penyiaran Negeri Sembilan (RTMNS), my unforgettable and fascinating six-months industrial training programme began. The internship report is entitled “Internship Report at Jabatan Penyiaran Negeri Sembilan" and is intended to summarize the whole journey of 6 months being a practical student at the organization, which allows room of improvement in terms of communications internally and know how to manage administrative tasks efficiently which has a bit relation to human resource. Although the job scope and duty are mainly for the administrative and financial part which is under the Management Services Department, I am in a serendipitous situation where I am also actively participating in organizing and handling events. First and foremost, I shared insightful information regarding the organization’s history and background. Next, I reflected on my journey in the part of training reflection. Moving on to the major essential part of this report, I observed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of RTMNS. The strengths that I have successfully discovered are a strong established brand name and reputation, employees with diverse experience and enthusiastic job performers and flexible working arrangements. Besides, I have observed the weaknesses that certainly can be refined and enhanced in the future ahead which are understaffed and lack of technological advancement. While focusing on the internal factors, there are golden opportunities out there that should be grasped such as intensifying the marketing campaign and strengthening the Corporate Social Responsibility program. Furthermore, there are also external factors that are a threat which comes from outside of the organization which could heavily impact the organization directly or indirectly. The threats recognized are high competition and the change of Government policy and procedures. As I am discovering the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis of RTMNS, I also indulge further into the discussion of each point that has been figured out and presented, and later elaborate more on the suggestions that can be applied to RTMNS so that the company can boost to greater heights. Several suggestions are such as providing extrinsic rewards and maintaining flextime. To be on par with other digital and communication platforms, RTMNS needs to create more interesting content and discover digitalization.


Item Type: Monograph (Industrial Training)
Email / ID Num.
Johan, Nur Hazwany
Email / ID Num.
Harun, Nurul Aida
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > Communication of technical information
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka > Bandaraya Melaka Campus > Faculty of Business and Management
Keywords: Industrial training; Internship; Jabatan Penyiaran Negeri Sembilan
Date: 2023
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/90045
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