APB Rembau e-Bulletin, Issue 6 / Nadiah Yahyauddin

Yahyauddin, Nadiah (2021) APB Rembau e-Bulletin, Issue 6 / Nadiah Yahyauddin. Bulletin. Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA Negeri Sembilan Branch, Rembau Campus.


Assalamua'laikum & salam UiTM. It is another semester for online learning. Students cannot return to the campus since more states had a steady increase in the number of infectees resulting in the semester being held fully online. This had not stopped APB lecturers from striving through the semester with teaching and learning workshops, reviewing books, collaborating with an international institution and improving themselves with IT related skills. As all were wondering whether the pandemic would stop in October, CMCO had to be executed from November until February. Yet, we continued to thrive. This is another record of APB's thriving matter. May this edition show you the never-ending hard work of APB lecturers. Happy reading.


Item Type: Monograph (Bulletin)
Email / ID Num.
Yahyauddin, Nadiah
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PN Literature (General) > Collections of general literature
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan > Rembau Campus
Journal or Publication Title: APB Rembau e-Bulletin
ISSN: 2682-776X
Keywords: APB Rembau e-Bulletin, Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Negeri Sembilan
Date: 2021
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/85765
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