Wakaka Food And Beverage / Muhammad Ashraff Mohd Rashidi … [et al.]

Mohd Rashidi, Muhammad Ashraff and Kamrul Izam, Muhammad Khusyairi and Arzimi, Muhammad Azlie and Muhammad Nadzri, Muhammad Imran Fiqri and Muhammad Suhaz, Muhammad Syahmi (2023) Wakaka Food And Beverage / Muhammad Ashraff Mohd Rashidi … [et al.]. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)


This case study was carried out in order to complete the assessment of the Entrepreneurship Principles (ENT530). After having some discussion with our group members, we decided to choose Obsess Cosmetics for this case study assignment. Additionally, as we are ordered to choose a small business company in any field, Wakaka is the greatest choice as the company for this case study. For Wakaka, we did a background of the study here students are requested to do research with any corporation or business in order to identify two or more challenges that the company or organization is facing. The purpose of the study is to educate students with an understanding of how the manufacturing sector works. After we completed the SWOT Analysis, we were able to identify and point out some of Wakaka’s issues. Most of the waffle products are similar to other waffle company products, limited variety of waffle flavor, lack of Nutritional Value and comparative options. Additionally, we have provided some solutions for the issues that arise from this study that this company can use to improve their company products. First, the company needs to change the formula contained in the product, maximize the social media usage for product marketing, implement other marketing techniques and align a time frame for specific tasks and work.
From this case study, there are some recommendations that we could give towards the
Wakaka founder, we present an original Wafflewich concept based on the idea that a simple
capital addition can result in increased revenue. We were able to create a well-balanced and
delicious meal option by combining traditional sandwich ingredients such as chicken breast, egg,
lettuce, and onion with the novel addition of waffles.


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Email / ID Num.
Mohd Rashidi, Muhammad Ashraff
Kamrul Izam, Muhammad Khusyairi
Arzimi, Muhammad Azlie
Muhammad Nadzri, Muhammad Imran Fiqri
Muhammad Suhaz, Muhammad Syahmi
Email / ID Num.
Shahruddin, Shafiq, Dr.
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory. Demography > Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis > Arau Campus > Faculty of Business and Management
Date: 18 June 2023
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/84768
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