DNA extraction from Hopea odorata and Gynura procumbens / Anis Sofea Kamarudin

Kamarudin, Anis Sofea (2016) DNA extraction from Hopea odorata and Gynura procumbens / Anis Sofea Kamarudin. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


In this study was focusing on Hopea odorata from the Dipterocarpaceae family and this study also will cover about the genetic study of H. odorata or known as "Merawan Siput Jantan" at locality. G. procumbens is one of the important medicinal plants in Malaysia, Korea, Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines. It is also known as "Sambung Nyawa" in Malay. DNA extraction is the technique that used to separate DNA in biological sample study. The aims of this study were to extract DNA, to compare the base pair size and determine whether there are SleE01 in H. odorata and G.procumbens. The DNA extraction was been done by using Invisorb® Spin Plant Mini Kit procedure. The procedure involved in this study was used 60mg of sample leaves have been grind under liquid nitrogen state, gene amplification by using Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), gel electrophoresis and visualized of PCR product under UV light. The result show that before amplified in PCR the DNA molecule were at above and both have similar base pair because the DNA does not have specific site to bind and they coagulate with each other that make large DNA size. In contrast, after amplified in PCR by using SleE01 primer reverse and forward the DNA fragment move along site with the 100 base pair ladder. These shows the DNA have the specific site to bind and because of this reason the DNA migrate to the bottom of gel. In conclusion, the extractions from the H. odorata and G. procumbens leaves to get the genomic DNA were successfully extracted. This study showed that H. odorata and G. procumbens genes or specifically the SleE01 gene can be successfully amplified in H. odorata and G. procumbens by using the SleE01 primers. By using SleE01 primers have successfully isolated DNA from the H. odorata and G. procumbens leaves.


Item Type: Student Project
Email / ID Num.
Kamarudin, Anis Sofea
Subjects: Q Science > QD Chemistry > Extraction (Chemistry)
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang > Jengka Campus > Faculty of Applied Sciences
Programme: Bachelor of Science (HONS.) Biology
Keywords: Hopea odorata, dipterocarpaceae, g. procumbens
Date: 2016
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/83727
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