Simulation and optimization of silicon solar cell using MgF₂/SiO₂ double-Layer Anti–Reflective Coating (ARC) / Nur Fatin Najwa Razali

Razali, Nur Fatin Najwa (2022) Simulation and optimization of silicon solar cell using MgF₂/SiO₂ double-Layer Anti–Reflective Coating (ARC) / Nur Fatin Najwa Razali. [Student Project] (Submitted)


Silicon is harmless and abundant in the earth's crust, moreover silicon photovoltaic modules have demonstrated long-term stability in practice over decades. Conducted power supply of electricity based on one of the most common methods of harnessing solar energy is photovoltaic. With the revolution of new energy innovation explosive growth in recent years, generated electricity technology varies based on photovoltaic has possessed great progress but at a considerable expensed was one of the primary issues of this field. As a result, in order to drive into a better manufacturing technology, the effectiveness of the cells and modules is the primary lever actually for further cost reduction. The purpose of this research is to study about the parameter on crystalline silicon solar cell with double layer of MgF₂/SiO₂ as its anti-reflective coating (ARC) which is the thickness. An antireflection coating mostly introduced in solar cell in order to reduce the reflection of light from the front surface of the cell. The research in this work concentrated on using simulation Wafer Ray Tracer of PV Lighthouse in order to measure the parameter for ARC. For type of the ARC, more focused on planar surface with constant thickness on the bottom layer (MgF₂) which is 50 nm meanwhile for the top layer (SiO₂) changed with its refractive index. From MgF₂/SiO₂ adjusted thickness, gave Jmax for each four schemes until they reach their maximum. At the end of this study, the Jmax enhancement percentage measured should be increased from time to time alongside with the Jmax. From the observation, the final result that had been obtained is absorption of light surpass great curves during MgF₂ = 50 nm, SiO₂ = 50 nm. The highest value of Jmax and its enhancement gained are 32.13 and 28.89%, respectively. Therefore, it is important to achieve optimum value in absorption hence literally shown the MgF₂/SiO₂ bilayer coatings can give excellent optical property.


Item Type: Student Project
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Razali, Nur Fatin Najwa
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Mohmad Salleh, Siti Hajar
Subjects: Q Science > QD Chemistry > Physical and theoretical chemistry
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis > Arau Campus > Faculty of Applied Sciences
Programme: Bachelor of Sciences (Hons.) Physic
Keywords: silicon solar cell, MgF₂/SiO₂, anti-reflective coating (ARC)
Date: 2022
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