Creo shoes / Fatimatul Anisa Omar ... [et al.]

Omar, Fatimatul Anisa and Wahab, Aqilah Aishah and Abdul Razak, Saidatul Najihah and Jaludin, Nabilah and Mohd Jani, Nur Haziqah (2023) Creo shoes / Fatimatul Anisa Omar ... [et al.]. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Shana Enterprise is a company that focuses on producing footwear that provides customers with the most multifunctional product yet still provides comfortability. This company tries their best to fulfill customers' needs by making sure they enjoy wearing their footwear while doing their daily activities. So, this team chose Creo Shoes as their product innovation that they want to commercialise on the market. This product is a multifunction shoe that can help users track their health by having a GPS Running Tracker and Step Counter. It also has a dual-fit adjuster to provide the most precise and comfortable fit according to the user's foot. Last but not least, it has an alarm that can help users track their shoes if they misplace them. We decided to conduct a survey in order to develop a better product for our target customers. So, our team made a Google Form to study customers' preferences. Then, this concept testing showed positive feedback for these innovative shoes. Based on the result, most of the respondents were willing to spend their money on owning these innovative shoes since they were multifunctional and came with a wireless charger and warranty. So, our target market for this product is young adults and teenagers, specifically athletes.


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Email / ID Num.
Omar, Fatimatul Anisa
Wahab, Aqilah Aishah
Abdul Razak, Saidatul Najihah
Jaludin, Nabilah
Mohd Jani, Nur Haziqah
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory. Demography > Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan > Kuala Pilah Campus > Faculty of Applied Sciences
Keywords: GPS Running Tracker, Step Counter, ENT600
Date: 2023
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