KANDLELIT / Aqilah Hanani Musa ... [et al.]

Musa, Aqilah Hanani and Lut, Lutfiah Hazwani and Mustaza, Syaza Adriana and Mohamad, Nur Nadhirah Damia (2023) KANDLELIT / Aqilah Hanani Musa ... [et al.]. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


KANDLELIT is a local company with a main focus on producing and selling scented candles. This company was invented to fill a need in the local candle market and introduce the newly-founded scented body lotion candle. KANDLELIT’s mission is to produce unique candles that are not only for aesthetic purposes but also benefit users by preventing microorganism infections while acting as a body lotion. KANDLELIT has a vision to be recognized as one of the leading companies in the candle-making business in Malaysia and the world. Besides, KANDELIT is built on a partnership of 4 executive members who occupy major positions in the organization. All these partners were given positions that are suitable to each and their own expertise and skills. By having these professional partners, KANDLELIT can ensure that all missions and visions can be met, and that the business can run successfully. KANDLELIT is located in one of the buildings at Plaza Wangsa Maju as it is an ideal location for starting this business. This is because the location is already a well-known place for businesses, hence it is easier to attract customers. Furthermore, KANDLELIT provides a variety of scents of candles for customers to choose from. Customers have the option whether to buy a regular scented candle or a scented body lotion candle. KANDLELIT’s target market is people that are interested in decorating houses or rooms because all of KANDLELIT’s products can be used as decorations and centerpieces in a room. These candles could also be an amazing choice of gifts for special occasions such as Christmas, birthday or wedding celebrations. Since the product and service were delivered at affordable prices, the company continues to receive high demand. Due to that, the company can keep on expanding, although it has been operating for almost one year and a half.


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Email / ID Num.
Musa, Aqilah Hanani
Lut, Lutfiah Hazwani
Mustaza, Syaza Adriana
Mohamad, Nur Nadhirah Damia
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory. Demography > Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan > Kuala Pilah Campus > Faculty of Applied Sciences
Keywords: KANDLELIT, ENT300, Christmas, body lotion
Date: 2023
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/79054
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