Abdul Rahman, Mohd Syafiq and Azudin, Ahmad Rashidi
Excel in calculus using calculator / Mohd Syafiq Abdul Rahman and Ahmad Rashidi Azudin.
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (TLHE), 1.
pp. 52-58.
ISSN 978-967-0841-86-1
Official URL: https://appspenang.uitm.edu.my/sigcs/
Calculus is one of the branches of mathematics that all engineering students at UiTM should take in their Diploma level. In UiTM, the code for the course of Calculus I is MAT183. Calculus I is very important as this subject prepares them basic skills to study further calculus in a higher level. For MAT183, there are 5 chapters in the syllabus. The chapters covered are Limits, Differentiations, Application of Differentiations, Integration and Applications of Integrations.