The heaven bakery / Aishatur Ridha Mohd Asari, Anita Aman Abdulllah & Anis Najwa Mohd Azhar

Mohd Asari, Aishatur Ridha and Abdulllah, Anita Aman and Mohd Azhar, Anis Najwa (2023) The heaven bakery / Aishatur Ridha Mohd Asari, Anita Aman Abdulllah & Anis Najwa Mohd Azhar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The Heaven Bakery will be a small entrepreneurial bakery located in Kuala Lumpur. Buns and bento cakes are the main products of Heaven Bakery. Good quality, recipe, and aroma will be the main keys to customer presence. So, in order to make Heaven Bakery a store with exceptional products, we will ensure that our recipes are distinct from those found in other stores. In addition, every product used has ingredients that have a high-quality aroma. For example, for additional flavours such as vanilla and others, we will make sure that the ingredients we buy are ingredients that are really extracted from natural plants and not just a drop of ester that has been modified by humans. Similarly, for buns, we will use butter that has a delicious recipe and is aromatic. Using aromatic butter will also have an impact after the bread is taken out of the oven, which will cause the bread to smell so good and taste amazing. So instead of that, it will make our product have such a good aroma and be able to attract a large number of customers because, with a smell so pungent that even the front door of the bakery will make it a temptation for customers to enter our store, In addition, we also offer a variety of flavours of bento cake, such as vanilla, red velvet, chocolate, and coffee. The four cake flavours have a soft and moist texture and a variety of interesting flavours. We will make certain that the texture of our bun is soft on the inside and that the texture of the topping is slightly crunchy and creamy. As a result, every bite the customer takes can leave them amazed and addicted. Therefore, the extraordinary taste will make the cake and bun have their own taste, which will cause them to choose various flavours with a large quantity in one purchase


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Email / ID Num.
Mohd Asari, Aishatur Ridha
Abdulllah, Anita Aman
Mohd Azhar, Anis Najwa
Email / ID Num.
Ismail, Muhammad Imran
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > Management. Industrial Management > Planning. Business planning. Strategic planning
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > Agricultural industries > Bakeries. Baked products
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Johor > Pasir Gudang Campus > Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Keywords: Business plan, Entrepreneurship, Bakery
Date: 2023
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